Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 210 Thank you, you’re welcome

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Stardust, as broken as snowflakes, suspended in the night sky in front of the Tomb of Heavenly Books.

Xunmei and history looked at each other quietly.

A piece of snowflake fell from the eaves of the pavilion, fell on the armor of history, quickly melted into water, and then evaporated into steam.

Time starts running again.

Gou Hanshi's expression changed slightly, he did not hesitate to let go of Chen Changsheng's hand, grasped the hilt of the Iron Ruler Sword at Qijian's waist, and drew out the sword like lightning.

Chen Changsheng also reacted extremely quickly. With a cry, he pulled out the Wenshui Sword from Tang Sanliu's waist.

The two swords pierced the light snow floating in front of the young men and blocked them in front.

A loud bang sounded in front of the Shinto!

This was followed by countless shattering sounds, countless ice cubes cracking, and then the sound of howling wind and snow.

I don’t know how long it took before the venue became quiet again.

The stardust is not real snow, and there is naturally no snow on the Shinto in front of the pavilion.

Xunmei left dozens of footprints on the Shinto, but the one at the front was covered with snow.

The footprints were originally wet, carrying clear water from the shallow ditch, but now they were frozen into snow flakes.

Those footprints, starting from the front, gradually turn into the color of snow.

Every step turns into snow, and the footprints become blurry.

It was as if the man who had been walking on the Shinto path began to retreat.

Those footprints kept turning into snow, kept disappearing, kept retreating, until they retreated to that line.

Xun Mei's will retreated and returned to his body.

His body, which was leaning forward, straightened as if hit hard.

boom! Xunmei left the ground and swept towards the back of the night sky. Her black hair was fluttering, and a few hidden white hairs were still eye-catching under the starlight.

But what was more vivid was the stream of blood spurting from his mouth.

With a bang, he fell heavily onto the twisted channels, causing a large splash of water.

Seeing this scene, Chen Changsheng ran towards that side regardless of the still dangerous aura. For some reason, he just felt that Xun Mei was very close to her.

The night sky on the stone flat was the same as the ground. It was full of cracks. It was very scary. Just a few dozen feet away, Chen Changsheng's clothes were cut with countless extremely fine cuts. At the same time, many white marks appeared on his skin. , if the marrow was not washed perfectly, it would definitely be dripping with blood, and it might not even be possible to run in front of Xun Mei.

The night wind gradually calmed down, all the snowflakes turned into starlight, and the Tianshu Mausoleum returned to peace. Only then did Gou Hanshi put down the Iron Ruler Sword in his hand.

At the last moment, countless crackling sounds were heard in the field, which was the sound of sharp air currents generated by the collision of the two strong men's breaths, sweeping across the four directions. If Gou Hanshi and Chen Changsheng hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and fought with their swords, the boys would have definitely been injured. Fortunately, although this battle was terrifying, the auras that hit them left only some aftermath. The Iron Ruler Sword is the magic sword of the Lishan Sword Sect's Discipline Hall. It has a place on the Hundred Weapons List, and does not There were no injuries, but there were many fine wounds on the back of Gou Hanshi's hand, and blood was leaking out.

He handed the Iron Ruler Sword to Qijian and ran towards Qijian.

Chen Changsheng had already taken Xunmei out of the ditch and was taking his pulse.

Xunmei was lying on the ground, the blood sprayed on her clothes was washed away by the canal water, and no wounds could be seen.

Gou Hanshi, like Chen Changsheng, felt that Xun Mei was very close to him for some reason. When Xun Mei broke into the Shinto, he had silently cheered for Xun Mei. Naturally, he didn't want anything to happen to him and asked, How is it?

Chen Changsheng withdrew his fingers from Xun Mei's veins. After a moment of silence, he shook his head.

The battle between two strong men who were in the upper realm of gathering stars, or even close to the holy realm, was more terrifying than the previous visions in front of the Shinto. There were no wounds on the surface of Xunmei's body, but in fact, her body was The meridians in the body have been completely broken, and the Youfu has been destroyed. Although the sea of ​​consciousness is intact, there is no possibility of survival.

This is completely different from Chen Changsheng's own physical condition.

Gou Hanshi was speechless.

Tang Thirty-Six and others also rushed over at this time.

In the pavilion, the God of History bowed his head. His old face was once again covered by armor, and it was dark. Except for the dust that was still flying, it seemed that he had not moved at all.

No one noticed that there was a faint sigh.

Please send me out of the tomb.

Xun Mei looked at the teenagers and said weakly: I have been here for thirty-seven years, and I am really tired of it. I don't want to die here in the end.

Although he was weak, his expression was very calm. For a Taoist, there would be no unwillingness to seek the Tao and obtain it.

Gou Hanshi thought for a while and asked, Do you... have anything you want to explain?

I still have the strength to say my last words, so I'm not in a hurry right now.

Xunmei smiled with difficulty, then looked at them and said seriously: Thank you children.

This is already the second time he has solemnly thanked me.

Zhexiu said expressionlessly: We didn't do anything.

Xun Mei looked at him and said, I finally know why I died, all because of your words about dying sober. How can I not thank you?

Chen Changsheng looked at him and hesitated to speak.

Xun Mei smiled and said, Do you want to talk about staying overnight?

Chen Changsheng thought that you were going to die, why would I ask this?

Xun Mei said: It's just a broken house. You can live in it if you want. I have stayed here for thirty-seven years. Every year after the imperial examination, I always see some children sleeping in the open for several days before they wake up. I'm looking for a place to live everywhere...but I like peace and quiet, so you can live there, but others don't.

This sentence had some other meaning, but Chen Changsheng and the others would not notice it at this time.

Gou Hanshi picked up Xun Mei and put it on Guan Feibai's back. The young men took Xun Mei away to the outside of Tianshu Mausoleum.

For some unknown reason, the tablet attendants never showed up.

Arriving at the main gate of Tianshu Mausoleum, the stone gate slowly opened on its own without waiting for Tang Sanliu to call someone.

The ground trembled slightly, and the lights outside the mausoleum became a little shaken. The sergeant guarding the mausoleum was already waiting outside.

Xunmei signaled Guan Feibai to put her down and walked outside the Tianshu Mausoleum.

Chen Changsheng and others looked at his back with extremely complicated emotions.

This former pride of Tiandaoyuan has been reading monuments in the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books for thirty-seven years, and he can finally go out tonight.

But, probably only tonight.

Xun Mei herself seemed to have no emotion and walked out casually.

Entering the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books and leaving the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books, thirty-seven years is just a time between the stone gate closing and closing, and life and death are just a time between closing and closing.

Outside Tianshu Mausoleum, two people have been waiting for Xunmei.

Chen Changsheng and others recognized Mao Qiuyu, the dean of Tiandao Academy, and stood inside the door and saluted each other. They were also a little curious, who was that other person?

If it were normal times, Mao Qiuyu would definitely give a few words of advice when he saw young people like Chen Changsheng and Gou Hanshi, but at this time, besides Xun Mei, there was no one else in his eyes. He took two hurried steps and stepped forward to support Xun Mei. His lips trembled slightly and he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Xun Mei forcibly took two steps back, saluted, and then said in a slightly trembling voice: Brother, I have let you down.

Mao Qiuyu burst into tears when he heard this, Senior Brother, and said, What's the point of this, what's the point of this!

Seeing her senior brother crying, Xunmei could no longer hold back, her eyes were slightly wet and she said, I finally woke up, I'm lucky.

Then he looked at the other person and said, I never thought you would be waiting for me outside the mausoleum.

The man's emotions were very complicated and he said: I always thought you would leave the tomb today, but I didn't expect you would leave the tomb like this.

Xun Mei felt a little ashamed and said, I have let you down over the years.

The man's expression suddenly became serious, and he said with great disapproval: Why are you disappointed? In tonight's battle, you turned stars into snow, and you have glimpsed the sacred road. If the historical god general is not the guardian of the tomb, and is not wearing that armor, he may not be able to Better than you, in terms of realm and cultivation, you have already surpassed me.

Xun Mei was slightly startled when she heard this, and said a little unconfidently: You mean, I have surpassed you?

The man said, You know I never tell lies, even now.

Xun Mei was stunned for a moment and said: Since I was twelve years old, I have fought you one hundred and twenty-seven times, and I have never won. Unexpectedly, I won one in the end.

After saying this, he laughed happily, as happy as an innocent child, and the chill between his eyebrows disappeared.

After hearing this, Chen Changsheng and others knew who that person was and couldn't help being surprised.

I saw that the man's clothes were washed very clean, but the distance between his eyebrows and eyes was a bit close, so he looked very sad. Could he be that man?

Yes, this man who clearly owns half of Huaiyuan's wealth, but still makes people feel extremely poor, is one of the most famous powerful men in the world today, Tianliang King Po.

Wang Po looked at Xun Mei and said seriously: In the future, I will practice to become a saint and climb to the top of the mausoleum for you to take a look.

Xun Mei smiled and said: That's you, not me. In the end, are you still angry with me?

Wang Po said: Then what should I say at the end?

Xun Mei was obviously very interested in this question and asked curiously: What do you want to say to me most?

Wang Po thought about it seriously and then said, Thank you.

When he said thank you, his expression was very sincere, without any pretense or comfort.

Yes, without the amazingly talented Tianliang Wang Po, Xun Mei would have been trapped in Tianshu Mausoleum for thirty-seven years.

Without the determined Taxue Xunmei who refused to admit defeat and kept chasing, how could he be the current Tianliang King Po?

Xun Mei looked at him quietly and said, You're welcome.

The stone door slowly closed.

The last scene that Chen Changsheng and others saw was Xunmei closing her eyes in Mao Qiuyu's arms.

Back in the thatched cottage, the young people sat on the threshold, stepped on the fence, or looked at the Tomb of Heavenly Books, all silent.

Gou Hanshi is the oldest and has the highest level. Logically speaking, he should say something at this time, but he didn't.

For young people, winning the imperial examination and entering the Tomb of Heavenly Books is the time when they should be in high spirits. Who would have thought that they would see such a thing on the first night.

In the future, among them, who will say thank you to whom, and who will say you are welcome to whom?

(The estimate is indeed not very accurate. Yesterday I said I needed 8,000 words to finish this episode, which I like very much. I worked hard to write it today and found that I had written 9,500 words, but the effect was achieved. I am very satisfied with this chapter in the end. Status It’s getting better and better, I hope it lasts longer.)

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