Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 231 Seeing the truth for the first time

Seventeen monuments, thousands of lines, countless dots, without any pattern. They look like ink falling on white paper, a pattern that no one has ever seen. So why does it look familiar? Chen Changsheng thought silently. He always felt that this picture gave him the feeling that he had seen it often but had never really looked at it carefully. What is it?

The inscription has been simplified into countless dots. The invisible piece of paper in the sea of ​​consciousness only has countless dots. No matter how you look at it, there are only dots.

Dot, dot, dot... stars?

Even though he was still looking at himself, he seemed to notice that his lips were becoming a little dry.

Because of nervousness.

The picture composed of the Qianling Tianshu stele...could it be a starry sky?

The next moment, he felt strong unconfidence and doubt about his speculation. Because there were too many dots in front of him at this time, even more than the number of stars in the night sky. If there is indeed some connection between the Tianshu Tomb in the front mausoleum and the starry sky, then the starry sky is more monotonous than the patterns on the stele.

According to the simplest logic, there is no reason to use a more complex pattern to describe simpler things. The more important reason is that if the Qianling Tianshu Stele is really describing the starry sky, there is no way to simplify it. Unless, these heavenly book tablets depict many starry skies.

However, there is only one starry sky in the world.

Chen Changsheng was silent for a long time, then pushed his thoughts forward and backward for a moment, and some lines slowly reappeared between those points. If those lines are used to describe the trajectory of points, and the seemingly countless points on the pattern are actually the positions of some points at different times, then everything can be easily solved.

Yes, that's how it should be.

But now he faced another problem, which was so difficult to solve that it even made the situation more dangerous.

Because the stars don't move!

The brightness of a star may change slightly, but its position in the night sky remains unchanged. This is a fact that has been proven for countless years. There is basically no difference in the star maps drawn by countless observatories in the mainland. Observation The focus is also entirely on light and dark.

No one has ever dared to question this view, because this is the reality that countless people have seen with their own eyes for countless years. Just like the sun will always set from the west, just like the moon will always be in a very far place, and can only be seen by the devil, just like the water will always set. It flows downwards. This is the truth and can never be overturned.

When he saw Wang Zhice's notes in Lingyan Pavilion, Chen Changsheng had great incomprehension and doubt about changing the position of the stars and thus changing his fate against the will of heaven. This was the source of this. Even in the subsequent illusion, he personally saw He still didn't believe it when he saw the Ziwei Emperor Star causing the surrounding stars to move slightly, because it was an illusion, not reality seen with his own eyes.

It's just that... Xun Mei mentioned it several times in his notes that the truth can be seen by observing the monument, but he has never seen it after decades of observing the monument in the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books. In the end, he even paid the price of his life in order to reach the top of the mausoleum to see the truth. So what reality did he want to see? What is real? Is what you see with your own eyes the truth?

Chen Changsheng no longer thinks about himself.

He opened his eyes and looked at the real stone monument.

It was late at night, and there were still many people in Beilu. Contrary to what Chen Changsheng had previously thought, Tang Sanliu, Zhexiu, Gou Hanshi and others had never left. They have been watching the process of Chen Changsheng untiing the stele here, from early morning to dusk, until the stars appeared in the middle of the night.

At dusk, they saw Chen Changsheng spurting a mouthful of blood and were very worried.

Then, they saw Chen Changsheng clenching his fists and raising his brows, as if he had discovered something and seemed a little excited.

Now, they finally saw Chen Changsheng open his eyes and wake up.

Tang Sanliu breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to step forward, but stopped the next moment.

Because he discovered that Chen Changsheng did not see him.

Chen Changsheng was still looking at the monument and unraveling it, with a heart-stopping concentration that made people unbearable to disturb him.

Chen Changsheng has been looking at this monument for more than twenty days.

Morning light and sunset, light rain and clear sky, in different environments, the changes in the inscription of this monument were all in his heart.

He had also seen this monument under the starlight and found nothing unusual.

The stars are still shining tonight, seemingly no different from the previous days.

However, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The bright light came from a very thin and unobtrusive line in the lower left corner of the stele.

There was nothing special about this line, but the position and angle were just right, reflecting the starlight falling in the night sky into his eyes.

So his eyes lit up.

More than twenty days of focused observation and thinking have brought him close to the truth. This bright light tonight finally made him understand everything.

If the lines on the stone tablet appear or disappear with the natural light, they can become countless words or pictures. So where do the changes in light and dark of stars come from? That's because the stars are moving. However, if the position of stars can move, why has no one ever observed it?

The seventeen Heavenly Book Steles appeared in his eyes again.

Those inscriptions are superimposed together, and the lines on the last stele and the lines on the first stele are connected together in many places.

At least in his eyes.

But in fact, there is still a long distance between those lines.

The reason why what he saw was different was because his line of sight was perpendicular to the monument.

The monument is facing the starry sky.

People stand on the ground and look up at the stars. Because the relative distance between the stars and the ground is too far, it can be considered that the line of sight when observing the stars is always perpendicular to the plane where the stars are located. So when the stars move forward or backward, people standing on the ground will naturally not be able to observe them, but they can sometimes observe them getting darker or brighter.

Yes, that's it.

Chen Changsheng withdrew his gaze from the stone monument, and then realized that there were many people around the monument.

Tang Sanshiliu looked at him, a little worried and said, Are you okay?

Chen Changsheng looked at him and said, Position is relative.

This was the first sentence he saw when he opened Wang Zhice's notes in Lingyan Pavilion. It was only then that he understood what it meant.

Tang Sanshiliu didn't understand why he said such a sentence out of nowhere, and subconsciously responded: Then?

Chen Changsheng thought for a while, pointed to the stars in the sky above the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books, and said, Did you make it? The stars can move.

There was silence and silence all around Beilu. Everyone thought that Chen Changsheng had been looking at the monument for too long and was mentally exhausted, and now he was a little confused. But I don't know why, looking at his serious expression when he spoke, people felt vaguely uneasy, always feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

Ji Jin yelled at him: What crazy talk are you talking about!

But they are really moving.

Chen Changsheng said calmly, his tone and expression extremely sure.

Because this is reality.

This is reality.

(I took a look at the homepage before the update. Zetianji is always recommended first. Thank you sincerely. Please continue to support me loyally. Monthly recommendation tickets. You can get whatever you want. Thank you.)

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