Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 238 Successor

The Pope is a saint.

As long as he says a word, tens of millions of followers of the state religion will die for it.

Chen Changsheng didn't know what the first words the Pope said to him.

He was a little nervous.

Then he heard three words.


The Pope called his hand and motioned for him to come into the temple.

It's like a farmer calling his chicks, or a grandfather teasing his young grandson.

Chen Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then walked into the palace along the stone steps and stood beside the Pope.

The fact that the Pope was right in front of him made him extremely nervous.

Although he has met many big names since arriving in Kyoto, some of whom are even legends, he still has difficulty controlling his emotions.

After all, the tall, lanky old man was the pope.

While watering the green leaf potted plant, His Holiness pointed to a chair and said, Sit down.

His voice was gentle and his expression was casual.

Chen Changsheng sat on the chair, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles. He felt uncomfortable all over, but he didn't dare to move.

Be casual. The Pope looked at his appearance, smiled, and said, I know you have many questions in your mind. In order to save some time, let me tell you first. If there is anything you still don't understand or want to ask, You can ask me directly and I will answer you if it is convenient for you.

After saying this, he left the wooden ladle with his hand and said with a smile: I will tell you first and then answer. It will take about two hundred breaths. I think you can still bear it.

Chen Changsheng knew that the Pope was talking about how hard it was for him to sit at this time, so he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed and nodded respectfully.

Without any prelude or any foreshadowing, the Pope began his own narration.

Your teacher's name is Taoist Ji. He also has an identity. He is the former dean of the Chinese Academy of Education, which is also my senior brother. No need to look at me like this, I am very sure that he only has these two identities, because most likely The third identity has been eliminated by my wife and I some time ago.

In other words, you are my nephew. There has always been a saying outside the palace that Tian Haiya'er is my successor. This is not true. I have no real successor. So in other words, you are our sect. The only successor, of course I have to look after you.

I have a grudge against your master, a big grudge. I killed him once, but I didn't expect him to survive. I'm so old now that I'm too lazy to kill him again. Besides, he made a mistake. It doesn't mean that he survived. You are also at fault, and you should not be held responsible.

He agreed to your going to Beijing to break off the engagement, and he didn't deliberately hide the name Taoist Ji, that is, he didn't think about hiding it from us. I even think he just wanted me to take care of you. But it was really just a coincidence that you entered the National Education Academy. The palace is where I asked Mo Yu to take you.

Why can I use her? Because I am the Pope.

Staying in Tong Palace for one night can avoid the wind and rain at the Ivy Banquet. With the ecclesiastical office watching, it is not too difficult to enter the top three in the imperial examination. But I did not expect that you would get to know His Highness Luoluo. What's more, Becoming her teacher, I never thought that you would make such a big fuss in the stagnant National Education Academy. I never thought that you would be able to leave Tong Palace and face the wind and rain of the Lishan Sword Sect at the Ivy Banquet. In the imperial examination, I was able to break through the realm and really get the first place in the imperial examination.

Having said this, the Pope paused for a moment, looked at him lovingly and said: What I least expected and what I should have thought of most is that since you are the only descendant of our sect, how do you need my care and help? Arrangement? Yes, your kid is really good.

There was silence in the palace.

From the first sentence the Pope spoke, Chen Changsheng's mouth opened out of shock and never closed again.

The National Church Academy has always been well cared for by the Cardinal. At first, many people, including him, thought this was a silent protest by the old faction of the National Church against the Pope and the Holy Queen, and some kind of symbolic meaning. It was not until the great imperial examination battle, when several autumn rains fell on the Xichen Tower, and the Pope personally put the laurel crown on him, that people knew that this was not an internal matter of the state religion, but the state religion's tribute to the Holy Empress. And an announcement made by the Zhou court.

From that time on, Chen Changsheng had many speculations as to why the Pope valued him so highly. He was very sure that this kind of valuing must have something to do with his master, but no matter how he thought about it, he could never imagine that the extremely inconspicuous middle-aged Taoist priest in the old temple in Xining Town would actually be the Pope's senior brother, the one who had been there for more than ten years. The last dean of the former Anglican College that was turned into ruins!

If you have anything to ask, just start asking.

The Pope picked up a handkerchief from the table, wiped his hands, and said casually.

Before this conversation began, according to Chen Changsheng's imagination, a big man like the Pope must speak in a cloudy and mysterious manner, with words that are obscure and profound. There are countless hidden meanings that need to be carefully considered in order to understand the truth. Who would have thought that the Pope would explain everything so simply and neatly? Ming Yue Qingfeng felt so happy that all the questions he had been thinking about in Shinto had been answered.

He didn't know what else to ask, until he remembered a few details of the Pope's words, and said seriously: You said that my master made a mistake, what mistake?

The Pope said: Back then, he violated the decision of the Great Illuminati of the State Religion and supported the Chen family to fight against the Holy Queen. He brought the entire State Religion Academy and even more people into that abyss.

The people of the Great Zhou Dynasty support the Chen royal family. This is a matter of course. What's wrong with that? Chen Changsheng said without hesitation: This is not a mistake.

At that time, only the Holy Queen ascending to the throne could stabilize the government. Otherwise, the Great Zhou Dynasty would be divided, war would continue, and the demons would take advantage of the situation to invade south. No matter whether the starting point and purpose of a choice are correct or not, in the eyes of us old people, as long as it affects human beings It would be wrong to fight against the overall situation of the demons.

The Pope looked at him calmly and said without question: Hundreds of years have passed since the war. Very few children like you have seen the demons with your own eyes, and they can't even imagine the tragic scenes on the mainland back then. , if you knew, then you would think our decision was the right one.”

Chen Changsheng was young, but he was never one to be easily persuaded. He asked directly: What about now? You and the Holy Queen are drifting apart. Aren't you afraid that it will affect the overall situation of fighting against the demons?

I have known the Holy Queen for hundreds of years, and I know what kind of person she is, so I have no objection to her ruling the Zhou Dynasty. The problem is that no one can live forever, and the entire continent must consider her future. How can the human world be at peace with itself?

The Pope didn't know what he thought of, and his expression became a little emotional, and he said slowly: If the Tianhai family gives birth to a second holy queen, why not replace the Chen family? The problem is that it is impossible for the Tianhai family to give birth to a second holy queen. As a Holy Queen, the Chen royal family must always return to their throne.

Chen Changsheng listened to this and was silent for a long time, then asked: Even so, I still don't understand why Master can guess that you will change your mind.

Your master agreed that you come to Kyoto to break off the engagement, just to tell me through your presence that he is still alive, and to remind me that you are the only successor of our sect.

The Pope repeated what he had said before and said: No matter whether I change my mind or not, I must take care of you, otherwise wouldn't it mean that the inheritance will be cut off? Your master is the person who knows me best in the world, so regarding this point , your master thinks better than anyone else.

Chen Changsheng's expression was a little confused. Until now, he still couldn't connect the middle-aged Taoist priest in the old temple in Xining Town with the famous dean of the Traditional Chinese Academy of Education. Then he thought of something. The Pope said that he was taking care of him because he wanted to continue the inheritance of their sect, but he was from the Tiandao Academy and his master was from the National Education Academy. How could they become the same sect? Which sect is this?

He addressed the issue.

Tiandao Temple, Zongshi Temple, Institute of National Education, Thirteen Divisions of Qingdou, Rikyu Affiliated School... In addition to picking up the stars, the Sixth Institute of Qingdou in Kyoto is the place where the national religion trains the next generation. At that time, the only people who practiced the orthodoxy of the national religion were you and me. Master, the so-called inheritance naturally refers to the inheritance of the state religion.

The Pope looked at him and said calmly: Back then, your master almost broke off the inheritance of the state religion. Now you have the responsibility to resume this inheritance.

Hearing these words, Chen Changsheng's face instantly turned pale and he was speechless for a long time.

This does not mean that his psychological quality is too poor, the main reason is that the news is too shocking.

The only successor to the state religion?

No matter who it is, they will be shocked beyond words when they suddenly know that they may become the next generation of Pope. Even the craziest Huajia Xiao Zhang is no exception.

Not to mention that Chen Changsheng is only a fifteen-year-old boy.

There was silence in the hall. The wooden ladle was suspended in the air, tilted slightly, and poured water into the basin. The water line was like silver, and the green leaves in the basin trembled slightly, with a few crystal water drops on them.

I don't know how long it took, but he woke up from the shock, looked at the Pope, and asked: Isn't this something that I need to consider recently?

His voice was dry and hoarse, a bit unpleasant, obviously caused by nervousness.

Melisa and I used to worry that the pressure on you would be too much and that you might collapse before you mature, but now it seems that we were overly worried.

The Pope looked at him quietly, his eyes were peaceful and deep, as if he could see through everything. Chen Changsheng felt that all the secrets in his body and soul were invisible. This feeling made him very uncomfortable. Fortunately, the next moment, the Pope looked away and reached into the air to hold the water ladle.

The time for two hundred breaths is up, the water in the ladle is gone, and the question and answer session is over.

It was time for Chen Changsheng to leave, but he didn't want to leave. Previously, he found that he had no questions to ask, but now he remembered that there were many things he wanted to know.

Such as the Mausoleum of Heaven's Book, such as Zhou Garden, such as the stars.

For example... state religion.

Today is Chen Changsheng’s birthday, but he’s in a bad mood and is an eyesore to everyone, so I’m going to chat here. I want a monthly pass this month just because I want to play. There is no special reason or purpose. Xue Zaihuo called me and asked me happily if I wanted to do something. I said I wanted to do it myself, but I didn’t want everyone to worry too much about it. I just wrote it slowly and took it easy. I didn’t mention anything else. This is what I mean. I hope everyone can read the book easily. But the administrator thought that since Zetianji requires monthly votes this month, of course he would help me start canvassing for votes. During this process, some misunderstandings may have occurred, causing the secondary version to be misunderstood, resulting in some conflicts. Here, I would like to sincerely apologize to my classmates. Everyone has been working hard and sometimes got hurt for one reason or another. Well, I actually didn’t understand why I wanted to apologize, but I really don’t know what to do other than apologizing, because this is really not good. Thank you all again, and I hope everyone can live happily and live their own lives.

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