Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 255: Doctors from Two Places (Part 2)

The sun fell on the girl's face, and her delicate but not beautiful face suddenly became brighter.

She quietly looked at the sun in the distance, thinking about the things she encountered after entering the garden today, and she probably had a score in her mind.

At this moment, a girl in white from the Qingshi Thirteenth Division hurriedly came over, came behind her, and whispered: That man was injured too seriously, senior sister...

The girl nodded and motioned for her to go first, and she would come later.

The young girl from the Thirteenth Division walked back into the house and drove everyone out despite the objections of the injured fellow student.

At this time, the girl walked into the house. Two young girls from the Thirteenth Division were treating the injured man, but the man's injuries were too serious. Common treatment methods in the palace were difficult to work. No matter how hard they tried, they still could not stop the man's belly. The wound continued to bleed.

Seeing her arrival, the women of the Qingji Thirteenth Division immediately breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got out of the way.

The girl walked up to the injured person, took a look, raised her right hand and placed it in the air above the injured person's abdomen.

I saw a faint green light falling from her palm, like running water, but gentler than running water, and kept falling on the injured person's body.

The blood that was constantly flowing out of the wounded man's wound suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the light beam falling from the girl's palm changed color, from cyan, which made people feel happy and fresh, to a holy and solemn milky white.

The white light shone on the injured person's abdomen, and the terrifying wound gradually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

There is something wrong with Zhou Garden. I suspect that the garden gate has been closed. Later, you can ask the practitioners to choose the fastest one to go to the garden gate to have a look.

The girl stood up and said to the girls: After I leave, you light two fireworks. I believe people in the mountains and rivers should be able to see them.

Whether it is the Saintess' Peak or the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen, fireworks have always been used as messages on the battlefield. For practitioners and human armies, these two fireworks are hope. Although we are in the Zhou Garden at this time, I believe that those practitioners who were injured in the battle but cannot lead out of the garden through the gray line will find a way to come to Panshanlinyu after seeing these two fireworks.

An older woman from the Qingji Thirteen Division looked at her worriedly and said, Senior sister, what are you going to do?

I'm going to do something. The girl said calmly, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of the girl who disappeared into the depths of the garden, several women from the Qingji Thirteenth Division were speechless.

After a while, someone remembered the magical scene they had seen before.

A young girl said with admiration: That's the Holy Light Technique, right? I didn't expect that my senior sister, at such a young age, could actually practice the Holy Light Technique to such a level. I think even the teacher might not be able to do it.

The Holy Light Technique comes later. The first step should be the natural light from Saintess Peak.

The slightly older woman smiled and said: Senior sister, she first studied in our college, and then went to practice at Saintess Peak. She has the strengths of both the north and the south, so she is naturally extraordinary.

As night gradually falls, Zhou Garden becomes slightly cooler, especially in the foothills, it is even more chilly.

The white sacrificial robes of the Qingzhen Thirteenth Division were a bit thick and could keep out the wind and cold. The girl was not worried about this. She seemed to be walking casually in the mountains and fields, but in fact she was looking for the practitioners who had entered the garden before.

She shares the same view as Chen Changsheng and Qi Jian. No matter how powerful the power is, it is impossible to really change the rules of the small world of Zhou Garden. The closure of the garden gate should only be a temporary matter. The problem is that if Zhou Garden is suddenly closed, it will affect the data inside. Hundreds of practitioners bring many dangers, and those dangers come from within the human practitioners themselves and from other places.

In front of the cliff in front of her, she met a student from the Star Reaching Academy. The student was not injured in a fight, but there was a problem with the movement of his true energy when he was using his body skills. He fell from the cliff. After washing his marrow, he His body was unable to withstand the impact of that height and suffered many fractures. If he hadn't met her, he might have had to wait to die.

The night is getting deeper, and the forest has become a little eerie. You can vaguely see the light from the campfire in the distance. It seems that many practitioners have discovered something strange. They don't care what competitors they will attract, they just want to find it as much as possible. Companions, anyone in Zhou Garden can become their companions at this time.

The girl walked towards the nearest bonfire, her white sacrificial clothes fluttering slightly in the night.

In Zhou Garden at night, the most eye-catching sights are the bonfires, but some bonfires are difficult to see because they are too far away.

Chen Changsheng and Zhe Xiu walked out of the forest. He looked at the bonfire on a hill not far away and said: Start from the near side first, don't be anxious.

Zhexiu said nothing. As a descendant of the wolf clan, the last thing he lacked was patience.

Chen Changsheng quickly thought of this, felt a little embarrassed, and thought of another thing, and asked: There should be many magic weapons left in Zhou Garden. Don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage if you follow me like this?

Zhexiu said, What about you? Don't you care about suffering a loss?

Chen Changsheng said: When I think that the Lishan Sword Sect may have the exact location of the sword pool, Liang Xiaoxiao and Qijian are heading there at this time, and even Zhuang Changyu may find it. Of course... I will still be a little concerned, but tonight I will definitely Many people will be injured or even die, and I can’t just leave it alone.”

Zhexiu looked into his eyes and asked seriously: Why can't you just leave it alone?

For a wolf boy who grew up in a cruel snowfield, any kindness is a fatal weakness. He really doesn't understand why humans and some monsters...can't just leave them alone.

Some women's kindness?

Chen Changsheng thought for a while and said, I just can't bear it.

Zhe Xiu was silent for a while and said: The responsibility of the strong is to make themselves stronger, so that they can protect more weak people.

Chen Changsheng said honestly: ...Maybe I don't have the consciousness of being a strong person? Besides, since Li Gong asked me to lead these people, I have to take some responsibilities, and it seems that I am the only one who can cure diseases.

Zhe Xiu said nothing more.

Chen Changsheng asked: You haven't answered my original question yet.

Zhe Xiu said: Tang Tang has paid for it, so I will be your bodyguard.

Chen Changsheng thought about his friend who was still in the Tomb of Heavenly Books and the yellow paper umbrella, and said with emotion: It's great to have money.

Zhexiu finally said: And I always feel that I won't suffer any loss if I follow you.

While talking, the two of them did not slow down, and it didn't take long before they arrived on the hill, saw the bonfire, and saw the people around the bonfire.

Judging from their clothes, they must be two practitioners from the south. For some unknown reason, they fought with each other with swords. As a result, both were injured, and each had several wounds on their bodies.

What surprised Chen Changsheng was that the two southern cultivators were sleeping soundly, and the wounds on their bodies had healed. If it weren't for the mottled blood stains on their clothes, they would not have been injured at all.

He walked up to the two southern cultivators, stretched out his hand to check for their pulse, then opened his eyes and observed them carefully. Finally, he lifted up their clothes and looked at the condition of their wounds.

Although the wounds of the two men were not as smooth as before, they were obviously no longer serious. The deep sleep at this time should be the result of smelling the Ning Shen Incense, which would help in recovery.

It's the senior sister from the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen who used the Duan Nian Incense on them.

Chen Changsheng stood up and said to Zhexiu: There are people helping to save people everywhere, so we should be able to relax a little bit.

But Zhexiu shook his head and said, It's not the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen.

Chen Changsheng had a slightly strange look on his face, thinking that he had read the Dao Zang thoroughly and was very familiar with the methods of the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen. The wounds of these two southern practitioners could heal so quickly, and there was still some sacred aura left on the edges of the wounds. It should obviously be It's the Holy Light Technique of the state religion. Why would Zhexiu say it's not the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen?

The Holy Light Technique of the State Religion is extremely difficult to practice. For the Holy Light Technique of the level he saw at this time, only a dozen bishops could perform it even in the Li Palace, so he thought that the two southern practitioners should be treated She must be quite old, a senior sister, or even more likely a female professor, but I didn't notice it when I entered the kindergarten.

It is true that the Holy Light Technique was used to heal the wound, but the smell of the Ningshen Incense is wrong. It is not the Broken Nian Incense of the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen, but the least trace of Wu Guochen refined from the Saintess' Peak.

Zhe Xiu looked at him with an expressionless face and said, I have smelled the former fragrance many times, and I have smelled the latter fragrance once, and I will never forget it again, so I will never admit my mistake.

Only then did Chen Changsheng remember that he hunted demons in the snowy fields of the north, and often did some extremely dangerous tasks for the Zhou army. He had wandered on the edge of life and death so many times, and when it came to dealing with the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen and the Saint, There really aren't many people who know the two major healing holy places in Feng better than him.

He knows the Holy Light Technique, and he has Wu Guchen around him... Who is this?

He muttered to himself, thinking that someone who could combine the strengths of the northern and southern sects would be a very great senior. But could such a senior still stay in the Nether Realm?

Zhe Xiu looked at him quietly without speaking.

Chen Changsheng asked slightly, Why are you staring at me?

Zhe Xiu looked into his eyes and asked, Are you really ignorant or are you just pretending to be stupid?

Chen Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then understood. For a moment, he couldn't help but be stunned again.

A very important reason why he entered Zhou Garden was to meet the girl and return the marriage certificate to her with his own hands.

But so many things happened after entering the garden that he actually forgot about it and that she was also in Zhou Garden.

She is the leader of both the northern and southern sects. She can cultivate the Holy Light Technique to such a level in the Nether Realm, and she also carries the precious Wu Guochen with her... Over the years, she seems to be the only one in the mainland?

He looked at Zhexiu and said somewhat at a loss, No way?

Zhe Xiu looked at him expressionlessly and said, Yes.

Chen Changsheng said nothing more and looked at the mountains in the night, thinking that she had stood here before, standing by the same bonfire. For some reason, she felt a little weird.

Leave? Zhe Xiu asked.

Chen Changsheng suddenly turned around and walked to the two southern practitioners, took out the copper needle and started treatment.

Zhexiu was a little puzzled, thinking that since Xu Yourong had already been cured, why did you bother?

(The next chapter will be faster. I have already written hundreds of words. Every time I write about Chen Xu, I feel inexplicable joy...)

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