Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 304 Seeing the Tomb after Four Seasons

Xu Yourong didn't understand. He thought to himself that you are only in your twenties at most, not much older than yourself. Why do you think life is so clear? And... you can actually use such simple language to explain such a complex truth clearly. How did the Snow Mountain Sect teach you? How do you usually live?

I have never met anyone as eloquent as you, she said.

Chen Changsheng was slightly startled. He had never thought that he would receive such an evaluation. He has lived with Senior Brother Yu Ren since he was a child. He seldom speaks and spends most of his time gesticulating with his hands. After coming to Kyoto, many people thought he was a bit taciturn. So when did he become able to speak so much? Because they have to teach Luo Luo and Xuanyuan Po in the National Education Academy? Or is it because during this year, Tang Sanliu, that troublesome rich man, kept whispering in his ears every day? Or... has something to do with the person speaking?

Looking at the girl's beautiful face illuminated by the fire, he felt a little flustered for no reason, and then he was confused: It's just nonsense.

Xu Yourong looked at him and asked seriously: Why do you understand these principles?

Chen Changsheng thought to himself, that's because you have lived in the grassland since you were a child, isolated from the world, and no one can communicate with you.

Xu Yourong said: You see the responsibilities, pressures and life so clearly. You cannot do it without introspection day and night. You are really amazing.

Chen Changsheng said honestly: I really didn't think much about it. It's just that stress can easily bring about negative emotions and is bad for health, so I don't like it.

After the wind and snow stopped, the two left the temple and continued their journey.

Suddenly, they walked into a rainstorm.

Before they could think of a way to avoid the rain, the rain stopped again.

The sun shines on the grassland again, and the rain evaporates instantly. It is so hot that it feels like summer has arrived.

Going further, the grass branches are slightly yellow with white frost, and the white grass road gradually merges into the grassland. It looks desolate, as if it has entered autumn.

The grassland in Zhou Garden is indeed extremely mysterious. I don’t know whether it is due to the distortion of space or the speed of time. The seasons change very quickly, often giving people a feeling of being caught off guard. In the most exaggerated case, in just more than ten years, Within miles, they went from spring to summer, and from autumn to winter.

Although the environment was harsh, it could be solved after all. What comforted them most and made them more nervous at the same time was that they never encountered a monster again.

After running out of the summer covered by rain clouds, Chen Changsheng placed Xu Yourong in a field of brilliant spring flowers, then took out a large piece of pure white snow prepared in the winter and the utensils from the first two temples, and began to melt the snow and boil water. , and at the same time began to pluck and disembowel the autumn goose caught in the early morning, preparing to make a pot of stewed goose meat with water chestnuts.

The aroma of the food gradually spread, but the grassland beside the road was quiet, without any sound.

This eerie silence once made them wary, but now they have learned to ignore it.

What he is more worried about is the issue of time. According to the scale on the water bottle, it has been more than twenty days since they entered the Zhou Garden. Each time the Zhou Garden is opened, it only lasts a hundred days. Once the garden is closed, the rules of the small world inside will be reversed. , there is no problem with the monsters and beasts living inside, but the practitioners with the sea of ​​consciousness will be directly killed by the thunder.

He didn't know what was going on in the world outside Zhou Garden. Logically speaking, since the garden gate was closed, it would definitely attract the attention of people outside the garden. Bishop Meili Sha and Yuexia Duzuo should have reacted, but he didn't know if they would. How to open the garden gate, and then the hundreds of human practitioners in Zhou Garden have gathered together. Will they leave the garden to find their companions who are alone in the mountains?

Of course, he didn't have much confidence in the latter.

As we go deeper into the grassland, time slows down. Where we are now, one day is only equivalent to a moment outside, so there is no need to worry about Zhouyuan being closed for the time being. Xu Yourong has been using the horoscope these days when he is awake. Through deduction and calculation, a relatively accurate result was obtained based on the subtle differences between the two water bottles and the speed of the sun on the edge of the grassland that was about to set but never set.

When she said this, she was on Chen Changsheng's back, holding a water bottle and looking at it. With only one hand to support his shoulder, she naturally lay completely on his back.

By now, the two of them have become a lot more familiar and get along much more casually. Her movements in holding him have become very natural, unlike at the beginning, when she was still holding his shoulders with both hands even if she was too weak to support him. It was very hard to keep a slight distance between your body and his back.

Chen Changsheng is no longer as cautious as he was at the beginning. He is most likely holding her leg in the most comfortable position, and no longer worries about whether it is too much.

At the same time, her casualness made him feel more comforted, and he could feel that the soft girl's body added a lot of strength to him during the long, seemingly endless journey.

The touch from behind was really soft. He was embarrassed to imagine her body, but he naturally came to the conclusion that, as rumored, the girl from the Xiuling Tribe was indeed very charming.

Thinking that the girl was still seriously injured but he was thinking about these things, he felt a little ashamed. Perhaps in order to resolve this lover, he said: From now on...can I call you Ruanruan?

This is still looking for something to say when there is nothing to say, and it is a typical example of the stupidest and worst kind. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted them a little.

Along the way, he knew very well that she was a cold woman with a dignified air, and there was absolutely no way she would like this kind of teasing.

Of course Xu Yourong didn't like it. If it was normal, she would definitely be very angry and beat Chen Changsheng until he couldn't even recognize him.

But for some reason, her face was full of shame and annoyance at this time, but she didn't say anything or do anything.

In spring flowers, summer rain, autumn fruit, and winter snow, they walked through the four seasons and continued to move forward, resting occasionally, fighting monsters and cooking, adjusting their breath and calming their minds, and then they could always find an old temple. They became more and more familiar, and even when they didn't speak, they no longer felt awkward looking at each other quietly. Sometimes, he would even make a face to make her weak smile.

Of course, they would still often talk when they were resting and waiting for the meat to be cooked, and it was often Xu Yourong who took the initiative to ask him to say something. She has become the most famous person in this continent since she was very young. She attracts everyone's attention and is accompanied by countless powerful people when she goes out. But she is lonely. He was only accompanied by his senior brother in Xining Town. After coming to Kyoto, he became accustomed to the quietness of the National Education Academy, but he was never alone. He could feel her loneliness, so whenever she wanted to hear something, he would start talking, casually talking about small things, such as which fish were delicious and non-toxic, and when the stream was the clearest, you could see At the bottom of the pool, which is more than ten feet deep, there is a kind of dolphin fish there. As long as its highly poisonous internal organs are removed, it is the most delicious. And the pine trees on the mountain really look like monsters.

Occasionally she would talk about things like which aunt in the town liked to curse the most and which restaurant had the best food. He didn't quite understand it, so he guessed it was where she grew up. It's just because she is getting weaker and weaker, and she feels that her fifteen years of life are extremely dazzling in the eyes of others, but compared with Chen Changsheng's life, it is so boring, so she feels a little inferior and doesn't want to talk more about it.

She was very grateful to Chen Changsheng for talking to such a boring person like her.

One day when the snowstorm came again, they rested in the seventh old temple beside the white grass road.

By the campfire, Chen Changsheng ended his memories of his childhood.

She looked at him and said sincerely: You are such a good person.

Chen Changsheng thought that this evaluation was not bad.

She blessed softly: May the Holy Light be with you.

Dozens of days have passed since the first real conversation began in Ye Yu Old Temple.

May the Holy Light be with you.

She said this prayer every day.

They were getting closer and closer to Zhou Du|fu's tomb, and she was getting weaker and weaker.

Relying on the black dragon's mysterious frost chill, Chen Changsheng's injuries were slowly recovering, but her condition did not improve at all. The poison of Peacock Ling kept spreading in her body and gradually began to wreak havoc. She lost too much Tianfeng True Blood and there was nothing she could do. Chen Changsheng once ventured deep into the grassland and hunted many monsters, but now, the blood of those monsters, whether it was fire or cold, could no longer bring her the slightest help.

She wrapped his coat and leaned quietly on the haystack, watching the flames dancing in the pyre and saying nothing.

The Snow Temple was quiet, even the wind had stopped.

Looking at her pale face and her eyes that were gradually drying up, Chen Changsheng felt sad.

That's the sadness that starts early.

He wanted to say something to break the oppressive silence in the temple, but he didn't know what to say.

Seeing him lowering his head, Xu Yourong knew his mood and said calmly, It has nothing to do with you.

Chen Changsheng raised his head, looked at her and said, Although you still refuse to tell me what happened on the first night, I know that you must have saved me, and you have never abandoned me.

Xu Yourong looked at him quietly and said, Same for you.

Chen Changsheng said: Now I suddenly understand what you said that night. If I were strong enough, as strong as before you were injured, I could still take you away when I faced those powerful demons that day, instead of being there. I had no choice but to flee into this grassland and embarked on this dead end road.

Xu Yourong said: On the contrary, I think what you said that night makes sense. If I hadn't been so brave, or I wouldn't have been hurt at all.

This is what she really thinks now. If after discovering traces of the demons in Zhou Garden, she would not walk alone on the mountain path out of pride, but would choose to join forces with other human practitioners, such as the young people who are familiar with the Lishan Sword Sect, and others. Speaking of that guy named Chen Changsheng, there is a chance that none of this will happen.

The Snow Temple became quiet again, and the silence was disturbing.

Chen Changsheng didn't like this kind of silence. Thinking about her previous prayer, he asked, Is this the habit of your tribe?

Xu Yourong thought that the Snow Mountain Sect was still too remote after all. He was extremely familiar with Dao Zang, but he didn't even know this.

Yes, I wish you a safe life.

Thank you.

Thank you too.

Xu Yourong was getting weaker day by day, but he never forgot to say those words.

That was her sincere blessing and hope.

She knew that it would be difficult for her to leave this grassland, so if there was still a chance of survival, she wanted to give it all to this kind-hearted Snow Mountain Sect disciple.

Just when her fifteen years of life seemed to be coming to an end, Baicao Dao came to an end early.

Just when her eyes were about to close, she finally saw the tomb.

She was on Chen Changsheng's back and was taller than him, so she looked at him for a moment before him.

From a distance, the mausoleum looks more like a mountain. There are no cliffs in the mountains and there are few green trees, so you can clearly see the straight lines from the top of the mausoleum to the foot of the mausoleum.

Chen Changsheng looked familiar. He walked closer to the mausoleum and then remembered that it looked very much like the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books.

After walking in the grassland for dozens of days, how could he not be excited when he finally found the legendary Zhou Ling? However, he and Xu Yourong were very tired now, and it was difficult to show joy or nervousness.

Continuing forward along the white grass road, it still took a long time for the two of them to finally reach the green mausoleum after a distance of more than ten miles.

From this we can also deduce how high and how big the tomb is.

Coming closer, the details of the mausoleum can be seen more clearly, and the height becomes more real, such as the thousands-foot-long sacred path that leads directly to the center of the mausoleum wall, the huge ashlar stones that make up the mausoleum body, and Compared with the first time I saw it from a distance, the momentum suddenly became countless times more majestic, and a sense of coercion and solemnity came over me.

Chen Changsheng noticed that there were ten stone pillars surrounding the tomb. Those stone pillars were several feet high, and the patterns carved on their surfaces had been eroded by hundreds of years of wind and rain into vague traces, and they looked very dilapidated. Compared with the majestic mausoleum itself, these stone pillars look a bit weird, if for no other reason than they are too short and look a bit out of place.

You may not know that there are many stone pillars outside the palace. I thought it was strange when I saw them for the first time. I didn't expect them to be here too.

He said: I don't know why, but I feel strange looking at this mausoleum. It looks like the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books, but I feel something is different.

Xu Yourong smiled weakly, thinking that when he was three years old, he would climb the stone pillars outside the palace every day to play.

She lay on his shoulder, looked up at the mausoleum with difficulty, and said with a slightly confused expression: The regulations of the mausoleum are somewhat like the Golden Palace of the Changsheng Sect.

Yes, that's the problem. Chen Changsheng said: This mausoleum looks like many famous buildings outside the Zhou Garden, but when they are all combined in one place, it feels a bit...

Xu Yourong said at the same time as him: ...neither fish nor fowl.

After saying these four words, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Anyone would be in awe of Zhou Dufu, the most legendary and powerful man. When he came to his tomb, he would not even dare to speak loudly, let alone comment like this.

If it were any other practitioner who came to Zhou Dufu's tomb, not only would he be so excited that he would burst into tears, but he would also be shocked and speechless, and he would even shout to vent his excitement.

But Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong didn't. They seemed very calm, even a little unconcerned.

The moment they said these four words with some disrespect, the exhaustion and hardship of the escape seemed to disappear without a trace.

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