Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 311 Facing a desperate situation again, two children

She recalled the scene before falling asleep and the unforgettable smell, and she had countless guesses and was shocked and speechless.

——His blood is very pure, so it can fit in with his body? But at this moment, the blood flowing in his body carries a clear imprint of the soul. It is obviously his own blood. How can his blood become his own Tianfeng true blood?

She looked at Chen Changsheng with wide eyes, feeling confused, a little helpless, and innocent.

This is the first time in her fifteen years of life that she has been so ignorant and cute.

Chen Changsheng didn't know how to explain to her, nor was he prepared to explain it to her, but he was worried that she, who had just left the edge of death and was actually still very weak and in need of a good rest, would have some new problems due to the severe mental shock, so he decided He made up some excuses, but as soon as his words came out, they were covered by a burst of thunder.


The dull and loud thunder came from afar, passed directly through the gate of the mausoleum, and reached their ears.

Chen Changsheng was a little puzzled, thinking that the rain had just stopped before morning, why was there still thunder? He helped her sit up against the stone pillar, brought the prepared water and food to her side, said something, and ran out of the mausoleum.

After walking through the long corridor and arriving outside the mausoleum, he looked towards the place where the thunder started. His face instantly became paler.

There was no rain or even clouds where the thunder started, but there was no blue sky to be seen, because the sky in the distance was occupied by a huge shadow.

Beneath that shadow was a black line like a tide.

Although he couldn't see clearly, his spiritual consciousness told him the truth ruthlessly and coldly. The black line was a tide of countless monsters. It was two hundred miles away. If the current speed was maintained, it would take about a day to reach it. will come to this mausoleum.

There was no time to think about why the monster beasts in the grassland suddenly attacked and became like an army. Who was commanding them? He turned around and walked back to the mausoleum. He ran back to Xu Yourong, hugged her and said: We have to leave.

Along the way, there had been a lot of physical contact between the two, but this kind of hugging method was naturally different. Before Xu Yourong woke up from his dazed mood, he began to feel slightly shy. However, before the shyness turned into annoyance, he was attracted by him again. Shocked by the words.

What's wrong?

There is a tide of beasts, probably coming towards the mausoleum. They may be commanding, they are probably demons.

It should be soul wood.

In a simple two-sentence conversation, the two people exchanged enough information and gave their own judgment.

Chen Changsheng hugged her and ran out of the mausoleum. At this time, the black line composed of the beast tide seemed to be far away in the horizon and had not moved at all. But he knew that those terrifying monsters were getting closer. Xu Yourong finally saw this spectacular scene, and instead of panicking, he directly asked the most important question: Where are we going?

Such a terrifying beast tide is coming. Not to mention that they are seriously injured and exhausted now. Even in their heyday, the magic weapon was still around, and there is no way to deal with such a situation. As Chen Changsheng said, leaving is inevitable.

But, where can we go? This grassland was so mysterious and dangerous. If it weren't for the guidance of the yellow paper umbrella, they would never have been able to reach this mausoleum, and the direction of the yellow paper umbrella came from the sword intention.

Although Xu Yourong didn't know the inside story, he had already judged that the umbrella would only point in the direction of the mausoleum.

If they leave the mausoleum and walk into the grassland now, the yellow paper umbrella will definitely not be able to point them to the second destination. Then they will definitely get lost in this grassland and die like those powerful predecessors.

Fortunately, the scene they saw next saved them from this trouble. Of course, it seems very inappropriate to use the word good here - in the grassland around the mausoleum, they all saw the black line of the beast tide, and all the directions leaving were Already isolated.

Chen Changsheng didn't speak for a long time. He originally still had many questions, why did those beast tides form? Did they enter Zhou Dufu's tomb and disturb some kind of ban? Why did no demon beasts attack him along the way? Why did these demon beasts look at him? There seemed to be someone directing them up there, but Xu Yourong had already given the answers to these questions.

Nan Ke forbids those monsters from attacking us because he wants to find Zhou Dufu's tomb by following us.

The soul hub in the mausoleum comes from Baidi City and can command and control monsters, but the very important soul wood is not in the stone chamber. Now that I think about it, that piece of soul wood should have been held by Nan Ke. As for why this happened, That's something they don't need to worry about right now.

There were countless demonic beasts in that black line, many of which were so powerful that it was unimaginable. Even from a distance of two hundred miles, he could sense that the auras emitted by some demonic beasts could actually interact with On par with the powerful human beings in the Star Gathering Realm.

Not to mention the terrifying true form of that shadow in the sky.

He asked: Since she can control the monster, she can let the monster lead the way. Why should she follow us?

Xu Yourong said: The soul wood may need to be with the soul hub to exert its full effect, or for some reason, she cannot communicate with those monster beasts, and those monster beasts will only follow her to fight, but will not do anything else.

After saying this, the two people became silent again.

The black line formed by the beast tide is around the mausoleum. Even if they are the peak powerhouses of the Star Gathering Realm, it will be difficult to break out. It is indeed meaningless to conduct these analyzes at this time.

The grassland was slightly cold after the rain. The green trees growing out of the gaps between the stones of the mausoleum were short and could not block the wind. It was slightly cold on the face. Chen Changsheng looked at her and said, Let's go back.

Since he couldn't leave, staying in the mausoleum became the best and only option.

Xu Yourong said: I don't want to die in someone else's grave.

Chen Changsheng thought about things in a more secular way and said, But it's a little cold outside.

Xu Yourong took out the long bow from nowhere and inserted it into the gap between the stones. He heard a rustling sound. Countless green leaves grew on the long bow, fluttering in the wind, but blocking out all the cold wind.

When Chen Changsheng woke up in the cliff cave, he did not see the green tree transformed from the Wu Bow. This was the first time he saw it. Feeling the strong defensive aura in it, he was surprised and said, It's actually Tong Palace?

Xu Yourong was slightly moved, thinking, are you really a Hidden Sect disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect? Why do you have so many secrets in you? You can actually tell at a glance that this is Tong Palace?

When Chen Changsheng carried her out, he didn't forget to wrap the linen around her body. At this time, he spread the linen on the ground, helped her sit down, and said, Since you don't want to go in, you might as well take a look here.

It's hard to escape, it's still a dead end. Xu Yourong, who had just been on the verge of death, saw his true nature, and his mood became clearer than ever before. He did not think about the secrets hidden in Chen Changsheng, and remained calm and indifferent.

If I had known this, why did I have to do those things before? It was a waste.

Chen Changsheng disagreed with her opinion and said: It is good to live for one more moment, not to mention a day, even an hour, a breath, or even an instant, it is good.

Xu Yourong felt his sincerity and thought to himself that this is a person who is so attached and passionate about life. Only such a person can be so kind, right? He's such a good guy.

Thank you for your blood.

Thinking about the scenes she had seen and the smells she had smelled, even though she was in a peaceful and unparalleled state of mind after seeing her true nature for the first time, her expression had some subtle changes, and she looked at him with a somewhat complicated look.

I know what you're thinking.

Chen Changsheng was silent for a while and said: There is something wrong with my blood. I don't know what the problem is. In short, people or other beings who smell the smell of my blood want to eat me. No one can resist this. A temptation.”

In addition to his severed meridians and bleak life, he will die at the age of twenty. This is his biggest secret. He never said it to Luo Luo or Tang Sanliu, but at this time, he said it calmly in front of Xu Yourong. This does not mean that his trust in this girl has exceeded Luo Luo and Tang Sanliu, but because the current environment is very special, the situation is special, just like when he first saw the black dragon underground, under the pressure of death The servants are always willing to say something.

After hearing his words, Xu Yourong said, I don't have that kind of thought.

Chen Changsheng laughed and said, You are such a competitive girl. If you don't want to drink my blood, eating my flesh is not something to be proud of. And don't forget that I knocked you unconscious.

Xu Yourong didn't get angry when he told him what he was thinking. He smiled and said, Then why do you want me to believe what you said?

You should have felt it just now. Chen Changsheng thought about how he was almost unconscious before, sucking all his blood clean, and thought that I felt it myself. Then he said seriously: And this is what my senior brother said, I believe him.

Xu Yourong was a little surprised: Do you have a senior brother?

Chen Changsheng was helpless and said, I still have a master.

Xu Yourong didn't like the way he spoke and said slightly angrily, Glib tongue.

Chen Changsheng had no choice but to admit: I was infected by a friend.

A boring person like you has friends? Xu Yourong joked.

Chen Changsheng said: A cold and proud girl like you can have friends, why can't I?

When did I tell you that I had friends?

When she said this, her delicate eyebrows seemed to fly up, and she looked very proud. This was out of anger, or childishness, or anger. Anyway, Chen Changsheng never understood what there was to be proud of in not having friends. He once again felt that this talented girl from the Xiuling Clan was a little lonely and pitiful, and asked with a smile: ...Does that count for me?

Xu Yourong didn't expect to hear this, so she looked at him and smiled and said, Forget it.

(What time do you guess the next chapter will be? Also, it’s Monday, don’t forget to vote for recommendation, what the heck.)

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