Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 395 Three Pines (Part 1)

As one of the most powerful people in the world, Zhu Luo rarely appears in front of the world, but today he has to come, and to be honest, neither Wang Po nor the practitioners in Xunyang City are surprised by his appearance. . What kind of person is Su Li? In order to kill him, Heipao did not hesitate to use Zhou Yuan as a guide to weave a conspiracy. The demons set up such a large formation in the wasteland in front of Xue Lao City. Now the human world also wants to kill him. How can the killers along the way and masters like Xue He and Liang Hongzhuang be enough?

Even if we add the hundreds of practitioners in Xunyang City now, even if we add the three strongest men of the Mesozoic Era, Wang Po, Xiao Zhang, and Liang Wangsun, it is still not enough. Whether it was to see him off or to invite his soul, it was an important historical moment involving Su Li's life and death. Even if saints such as the Queen and the Pope were unable to appear, Feng Yu from all directions had to be there no matter what.

Zhu Luo, who is like a god in the eyes of the world, descended from the sky to the earth, came to the noisy and chaotic world, appeared in Xunyang City, and appeared at the other end of the long street. It is precisely for this reason - he came to kill Su Li's - Thinking of the woods outside Hanqiu City, the pavilion outside the forest, and the image of an outsider with long hair shawl under the pavilion, Chen Changsheng felt very bad, and then he heard Su Li's words. Got it. We are all people living in the world. How can there really be an outsider who lives in the open and does not eat the fireworks of the world?

Since we are human beings, we are bound to do some bad things, whether actively or by force. Chen Changsheng looked at Zhu Luo's indifferent face and remained silent. He remembered what Tang Sanliu said under the banyan tree at the National Education Academy. No one's moral character would naturally improve with age. Most of the time, a young person would The idiot has turned into an old idiot - old bastard, old idiot. They are all dirty words, but at this moment, they are so loud and clear. Chen Changsheng didn't know how to say such dirty words. Looking at Zhu Luo across the street, he couldn't help but think of these words.

His feeling was correct. At this time, Zhu Luo was no longer the cold and misty worldly master under the pavilion outside Hanqiu City, nor was he the one who killed the second demon general with a sword hundreds of years ago under the light of the snowy moon. Human warrior. At this time, Zhu Luo was the leader of an aristocratic family, a powerful figure in the Zhou Dynasty, a powerful person in the mainland, a human being, and an ordinary person.

An ordinary person who can kill for profit.

After Wang Po finished his salute, he stood quietly in front of Su Li and Chen Changsheng. He didn't speak or move. Naturally, he had no intention of getting out of the way. He didn't even put the knife in his hand back into its sheath—— Facing the wind and rain from all directions who are far above him in terms of seniority, status, and strength, this silence and immobility are very disrespectful.

Giuleau looked at him and said, I didn't want to show up, but you made me have to.

This refers to Wang Po's seemingly calm but actually crazy sword, which directly seriously injured Xiao Zhang and Liang Wangsun at a heavy cost in the future, and then defeated the heroes of Xunyang, and was about to take Su Li out of the city. If Zhu Luo doesn't show up at this time, maybe Wang Po can really go against the general trend of the human world and help Su Li survive.

Considering Zhu Luo's status in the human world, his words were extremely high praise for Wang Po. Although he had no expression on his face when he said these words, of course, praise is not praise, nor does it mean appreciation. To be precise, Zhu Luo clearly expressed his appreciation or disappreciation of Wang Po with this sentence, even with some displeasure.

After saying this, Zhu Luo looked at Chen Changsheng and shouted: The Pope is very worried in the palace. Teachers, relatives and friends are all worried about your safety. Thousands of people are blessing you in Kyoto and hoping that you are alive. However, you are alive, but you are delayed on the road. It’s been so long! What do you want to do? Are you not ready to go back?”

Compared with the senior tone he used when talking to Wang Po, he spoke to Chen Changsheng in a more rude tone. Although Chen Changsheng is now the dean of the Institute of Chinese Education, he is still young after all, and from Meili Sha's point of view, He believed that he was Chen Changsheng's real elder, so naturally he seemed a bit harsh, and the last sentence was almost a lesson and a scolding.

Chen Changsheng did not speak, not because he was embarrassed to face Master Kyoto, nor because he was ashamed of the teachings of his elders, but because he was still very angry at this time, and he was worried that if he opened his mouth to argue, it would appear that he did not respect the elders enough. Wang Po didn't speak either, because he didn't feel the need to speak. He didn't need other people's appreciation, even if that person was Zhu Luo.

The street was quiet, no one spoke.

Ever since Zhu Luo appeared, apart from Su Li's scattered voice, his voice could only be heard in the entire Xunyang City. Bafang Fengyu is the strongest, whether it is this Xunyang City or the entire continent, so even if his voice is very calm, it is like spring thunder, and the whole world must listen carefully. What's more, his appearance on the streets of Xunyang City this time also represents the collective will of the Zhou Dynasty. He is closely related to the Chen family, and has obviously reached some kind of agreement with the Holy Queen and the state religion system.

The Holy Empress, Li Gong, and Zhu Luo were the three high mountains of the Zhou Dynasty. Chen Changsheng was originally a green young pine growing in one of the mountains. Because of his high position, he was very respected and had a high status. But now, he has to confront the will of the mountain at his feet, and face the shadow of another mountain. What can he do?

He looked at Wang Po. Wang Po's tall and thin body swayed gently in the slightly cold wind. It really looked like a strong pine tree. It was not completely strong enough to be struck by thunder, but at least it would not be easily blown by the wind blowing from east to west, north to south. Change shape. When Zhu Luo came, he did not bow down, step aside, or retreat. He lowered his head slightly in the wind and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

However, these just don't make any sense.

He is the strongest person of the Mesozoic Era ranked first on the Xiaoyao List, but he cannot be Zhu Luo's opponent.

Zhu Luo is the wind and rain from all directions, a figure who has stepped into the sacred realm.

At this time in Xunyang City, in the entire continent, the only people who dared to look directly at or even ignore the Five Saints and the Wind and Rain from All Directions, apart from each other, there was only one person left.

Su Li did not hide his contempt and ridicule, and said: You old people can only scare children now?

This refers to the two sentences Zhu Luo said to Wang Po and Chen Changsheng respectively. Before Zhu Luo could answer, Su Li raised his eyebrows slightly and said another sentence.

I know you want me to die... You have all wanted me to die since many years ago, whether it's Old Man Tianji or you, because when I was still very young, you could no longer kill me, so you want to kill me more and more. , Based on the same reason, I think, in fact, you really want Wang Po to take action at this time, so that you can find an excuse to kill him?

This passage is very heart-wrenching, so the street is very quiet.

People could only pretend not to hear this, including Wang Po himself, who was inconvenient to react.

Zhu Luo was expressionless and didn't say anything.

As I get stronger, you want me to die more and more.

Su Li said with emotion: Tianhai, Bai Yexing, that couple, you eight losers, even old man Yin wants me to death now...

Five saints, wind and rain from all directions, except Su Li himself, there are thirteen strongest people in this continent.

He now called the names of twelve people. He accused these god-like beings of being murderers intent on his murder.

I have no hard feelings because I have never been interested in siding with you guys in the Kingdom of God.

He curled his lips and finally said: I just regret it a little. I should have killed you eight losers in the first place.

(No more today.)

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