Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 442 The bell rings the signal to go home

The main hall of the religious center was very quiet, Luo stayed where he was and did not come over.

The Pope looked at Chen Changsheng quietly and said: Since it is a view of the world, it can only be changed because of this world.

Chen Changsheng thought for a while and said, I still don't understand.

The Pope said calmly: You don't need to understand... Old people like us have experienced too many winds and rains, seen too many sunrises and sunsets, and have become numb to many things. The way we look at the world is often boring. We don’t mind using less beautiful means or even doing things against our will, but many times, we do this not because we want to save something, but because we clearly understand where our responsibilities lie.”

Responsibility? Chen Changsheng asked.

Yes, the longer you live, the greater your responsibility. The Pope said: Our responsibility to this world continues to become heavier as time goes by. We have the responsibility to seek a better future for mankind, and for this we You can bear the stigma, and you can do it no matter the cost. I was your teacher's enemy back then, and now I'm my empress's enemy. This is the reason why.

After saying these words, the Pope walked deeper into the hall and never appeared again.

Chen Changsheng and Luo Luo walked out of the main hall, walked down the stone steps, and came to the maple forest in front of the sect's office.

The maple forest is green in spring, but it is blood red at dusk. At this time, it turns black in the night.

It turns out that the so-called colors are painted and dyed by heaven and earth.

Not long after, a heavy bell rang in the temple.

The bells also rang in the palace.

The bell rings, which is the signal to go home.

In the classics of the state religion, it has always been believed that death is not as good as the extinguishing of a lamp, but the soul will not stay in this world, but will return to the sea of ​​stars.

Between the stars and the ocean in the night sky is the kingdom of God, heaven, and the eternal home.

The soul of Archbishop Melisha passed away peacefully at the moment the bell rang, and his soul returned to silence among the stars.

There was no conspiracy, and there was no grand and magnificent ending. He just left peacefully and followed the law of life, just like many ordinary old people.

But after all, he is not an ordinary old man. He is the oldest and highest-ranking Archbishop of the Church in the State Church.

He has seen three popes, four generations of saints, Emperor Taizong, Zhou Dufu, Chen Xuanba, Wang Zhice, life and death in Baicao Garden, and the blood in the National Education Academy. With fire, he has seen countless years and knows countless secrets, and those years and secrets will be buried together with his departure.

Listening to the sound of the bell, Chen Changsheng looked up at the night sky and saw that the stars in the sky were covered or separated by the leaves swaying in the wind.

He didn't know which star the bishop had, let alone couldn't see it, but he knew that the star should be dimming at this time.

If death is really the return of the soul to the sea of ​​stars, then why will the stars dim?

The bells continued to ring, and cars and carriages arrived from all over Kyoto at the ecclesiastical center, and important figures came to express their condolences in person. Chen Changsheng stood in the woods, looking at these scenes without saying a word - he saw the head of the Tianhai family, saw Xue Xingchuan, saw Mo Yu, saw King Chen Liu who was holding back tears, and saw Xu Shiji.

He didn't want to meet these people, so he walked through the woods holding hands with Luoluo, came to a relatively secluded street, and returned to the National Education College together.

This was Luoluo's first time spending the night at the National Education College after a long time. Jin Yulu followed him all the way, knowing that the situation tonight was special, so he didn't say anything.

Chen Changsheng took her directly to the lakeside, climbed up the big banyan tree, sat side by side, looked at the stars in the sky and in the water, and talked softly.

He talked about a lot of things, things in Xining Town, things in Zhou Yuanli, and many things that happened on the way back south that he thought were sinister, bloody and cruel. He didn't tell her last time, but he told her tonight.

Luoluo listened quietly and said nothing.

Ripeness is really a difficult thing, because it's difficult to control the degree. If the fruit is overripe, it will rot easily.

Chen Changsheng said: I still insist that life should not be a battle.

After saying this, he let Luoluo go to sleep and continued to sit on the big banyan tree, thinking about something.

Su Li taught him three swords. The Hui Sword is very powerful, with all kinds of calculations and deductions, that is fighting. The Burning Sword is very powerful, with all kinds of burning life, that is fighting, but what he really likes is the Stupid Sword, because the Stupid Sword needs It's courage, and it's not fighting.

He just wanted to live, he never thought about fighting, he didn't like fighting, but to live, sometimes fighting is inevitable, especially when you need to take responsibility.

Until now, he didn't know what responsibility Archbishop Merissa wanted to take on, but he understood that attitude.

He closed his eyes on the big banyan tree, but he didn't sleep all night.

At five o'clock in the morning, he opened his eyes, just like every other day, except that his eyes were bloodshot. He took five deep breaths, calmed his mind, walked around the lakeside under the tree, stretched his aching and stiff body, and ate two bowls of porridge cooked by Xuanyuan Po in the kitchen, and made an exception to eat half of it. Salted duck eggs.

There should be many people going to the teaching center to express their condolences today. You will go there on behalf of the National Education Academy. He said to Luoluo.

Luo Luo thought about today's battle and didn't want to leave, but couldn't resist Chen Changsheng's eyes, so she could only nodded.

As the morning light gradually receded, Baihua Lane gradually became lively, and people were already sitting under the temporary arbor. The best position does not belong to the most powerful figures, but to the painters and storytellers of the four major workshops. They are responsible for recording all the details of today's battle and then spreading them throughout Kyoto and the entire continent.

Zhou Ziheng had already arrived and stood in front of the National Education College, feeling a little regretful.

——It is a bit embarrassing to challenge a young man from the Nether Realm with his cultivation level in the Star Gathering Realm, but the other person is the dean of the National Education Academy after all. Therefore, he believes that today's battle will definitely greatly improve his reputation. He can't say how much he will improve on the Xiaoyao list, but at least it will make his name known to more people.

As a guest, reputation is often more important than strength.

If he wants to make his reputation more famous through this battle, he needs audiences, especially powerful audiences, not painters and storytellers. Unfortunately, Archbishop Merissa died last night, and all the important people who might have appeared would have gone to the Cardinal's office to express their condolences. So he felt a little regretful, even a little annoyed. You have no choice but to die at any time. Do you have to die at this time?

(This is the only chapter today because I feel a little heavy. There will be three chapters tomorrow because I have nothing to do and want to live a fulfilling life.)

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