Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 448 Begonia flower remains like blood

(One of the four and a half things that Old Man Tang was afraid of was missing. Also, where did Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong collect so much wealth in Zhou Garden? I really forgot to write it down... I am not familiar with these things. I'm really not sensitive enough. I admit my mistake and will be more serious in the future. When Xu Yourong returns to Kyoto in a few days, I will go back and forth to look for it. I believe I will find a very beautiful one. As I said the day before yesterday, the updates will slow down in the past few days and will continue until I When enough is confirmed, or when returning to Daqing.)

The Qing Lisi Yamen is located in Beibingma Sizheng Alley.

It is said to be an alley, but it is actually a very wide straight street that can accommodate two carriages traveling side by side.

At this time, there were two carriages in the alley, parked one behind the other. There was no one in the carriages, but there were many people outside the alley. And as the news spread, I believe more people would appear later.

Those people outside the alley were the spies of various forces in Kyoto. They only dared to look at the mansion from a distance at the entrance of the alley and did not dare to get close.

The mansion looked very ordinary, without any spooky feeling, but there was no pedestrian in the alley under the stone steps.

Chen Changsheng stood in front of the door of the mansion, took out the name card and handed it into the hand of an official. His expression and movements seemed a bit stiff.

This was the first time he handed over his name card for a formal visit.

He had never done anything like this before, so he was inevitably a little nervous. Of course, the root cause of the tension was the mansion itself. Not to mention him, Xuanyuan Po was breathing heavily. Even Tang Sanliu, who was usually fearless, was very silent at this time - in fact, When the carriage passed through Shifangzizheng Street and turned into Beibingma Sizheng Lane, and after Chen Changsheng confirmed the destination of his trip, he didn't speak again.

This mansion is the official office of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also the residence of Zhou Tong, which is also the legendary prison of Zhou.

For many people, especially the subjects of the Zhou Dynasty, this mansion is the most eerie and terrifying place in the entire continent, even scarier than the Snow Old City in the Demon Realm.

Because Xue Lao City is too far away, Zhou Yu is right next to him.

The reason why this mansion is spooky and scary is of course because of the big man who lives in it.

The name Zhou Tong can stop children from crying at night. This is not a literary description, but a real thing that happened.

In addition, there are many similar stories. It is said that decades ago, the son of a minister of the Ministry of Rites drank too much wine in a certain brothel, intending to force a well-known courtier to spend the night. Just when he was about to succeed, he suddenly heard someone at the door. When someone called out that Zhou Tong was coming, the young master of the Shangshu family was so frightened that he became incontinent on the spot and could no longer do anything.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhou Tong is a good man who is willing to help the people of Kyoto educate their children and save women in distress. It only shows how terrifying his name is in people's hearts.

Everyone knows that Zhou Tong was a ruthless official with cruel methods, an insidious and evil villain, who killed countless innocent people and tough-minded officials.

If we say that Su Li has killed too many people with his sword, he has become the target of many people's wishes. Then, everyone in the world wanted to kill Zhou Tong, even officials from his same camp sometimes wished he would die quickly. Sometimes, some people even feel that God is punishing the world by allowing people like Zhou Tong to appear.

According to the general development of the story, people like Zhou Tong can only gain temporary power at most. They should have been executed by the hero Ling Chi, or turned into a wisp of smoke by the master of the world, but he did not.

Because he is a very high-ranking minister in the Great Zhou Dynasty, protected by countless masters and soldiers, and he is a strong man in the Star Gathering Realm. The most important thing is that he is the most trusted dog of the Holy Queen.

There are countless people in the world who oppose the rule of Queen Tianhai, about 70% of them are because of her female body, and the remaining 30% are basically because of the evil things Zhou Tong has done. Because no one is a fool, even the most ignorant people should be able to see after so many years that Zhou Tong's cruelty and evil are actually the embodiment of the Holy Queen's will.

The Holy Queen has ruled the mainland for more than two hundred years. Her ruling methods are perfect, but she still has countless opponents.

She knew very well that as a king, she could not just be gentle, so she needed a vicious dog and a sharp knife to bite and chop those who secretly opposed her.

Going deeper, she needs someone to realize her evil will.

This person is Zhou Tong.

He perfectly meets the requirements of the Holy Queen.

He has no shadow of childhood, no entanglement of interests, and no last resort. He just likes to torture and abuse people in the name of the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In this sense, Zhou Tong is actually a very pure person.

He is just pure evil.

Chen Changsheng came to the Qing Lisi Yamen today to meet Zhou Tong.

From Xining Town to Kyoto, he had heard too many things about Zhou Tong, and he was inevitably a little nervous. It wasn't until he pinched the thing in his sleeve that he felt a little better.

When he was led into the mansion by the officials of the Qing Dynasty Department, he did not expect that this mansion, which was rumored to be extremely gloomy and terrifying, could be so quiet and beautiful.

They were taken to a courtyard at the far end.

The yard is not big, and there are two crabapple trees planted there. They must be quite old, their branches have already crossed the courtyard wall, and there are still some pink flowers that have not faded on them.

Xuanyuan Po turned his head and looked around nervously.

Tang Sanliu raised his eyebrows slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Changsheng was recalling the buildings and environments he had seen along the way, trying to figure out where Zhexiu was being held.

His current state is at the pinnacle of Tongyou, and he can be considered a master among the ordinary sects and sects in the world. Although he cannot yet interact with the world, he already has some intuitive abilities in this area, especially After learning the Sword of Wisdom from Su Li. But this seemingly ordinary mansion clearly had formations that were far beyond his current level. Not to mention finding the location where Zhe Xiu was imprisoned, the more he thought about it, he found that he had even forgotten the way in.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Tongyou crosses the border to win the stars. This is the first time in ten years. It will definitely shock the entire continent. At this time, you are high-spirited and your sword power is at its peak. When you drive straight into Beibingma Sizheng Lane, from a military point of view, it is very good. Isn't riding through the barrier a kind of marching formation? It's just that I have never heard that you are good at this. Now that I think about it, Su Li should have taught you on the road.

The voice was very calm and ordinary, but for some reason, listening to this person's voice, Chen Changsheng and the others seemed to see a sea of ​​blood before their eyes.

In the sea of ​​blood, countless women and children were crying in despair, gradually sinking.

Chen Changsheng knew that this was an illusion and was not nervous, although he did not understand that the other party wanted to show him such a scene.

His consciousness moved slightly, like a breeze, and he woke up and looked at a middle-aged man who suddenly appeared in the small courtyard.

The middle-aged man is naturally Zhou Tong.

His face was pale, as if he had not seen the sun for many years, and his expression was calm, like a teacher in a village villa. His lips were extremely thin, making him look particularly cold.

He was wearing an official robe, but there was no trace of official authority, only the strong smell of blood.

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