Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 503 Only after separation did I understand

Many of the leaves on the big banyan tree have fallen. Standing on the arms of the tree and looking into the distance, whether it is the Li Palace or the Tomb of Heavenly Books, everything is so clear, as if they are right in front of you.

I really didn't expect it. Chen Changsheng looked at Luo Luo beside him, was silent for a long time, and said again: I didn't expect it.

It was actually the Queen's intention to come to Kyoto in the first place. She just wanted to see if the Pope or the Holy Queen could help me solve the problem of my meridians. Otherwise, I will not be able to practice the skills of the Baidi clan in the future, and I will not be able to inherit the throne. Maybe she would have to marry someone she didn’t want to marry. But the Queen Mother would never have imagined that the Pope and the Queen failed to solve this problem, but it was my husband who did.”

Luoluo raised her head, looked at his face and said admiringly: Sir, you are amazing.

I just like to think about meridians since I was a child...

Chen Changsheng remembered that he had already explained this problem last year, so he remained silent.

He really didn't expect Luoluo to leave, although her leaving was a matter of course - she came to Kyoto to study or see a doctor, and now she has learned how to practice human skills and sees the possibility of inheriting Baidi's hegemony. After the disease was cured, she would naturally return to Baidi City, because she was the princess of Red River County, and there were hundreds of millions of people there waiting for her to take care of her.

But all this happened so suddenly, without any warning in advance, and she never mentioned it when they met in the palace and the palace.

Well, these are all excuses, so what if it doesn't happen suddenly, he will still be reluctant to let go, because he really doesn't want to let go.

The twilight was very thick, and the lake and trees of the National Education College seemed to be on fire. Luoluo walked towards the outside of the National Education College, suddenly stopped, then turned around and gently snuggled into his arms.

Chen Changsheng knew her mood, because he felt the same, so he reached out and rubbed her head. In the past two years, he and she often sat side by side, or held hands, or she put her head on his chest. Because they were familiar with each other, he didn't think anything of it, and in his eyes, she was just a little girl. , like a sister or like a daughter...

Sir, I've been lying to you about something.

Luoluo looked up at him, blinking her eyes, and said, Actually, I'm not twelve years old. I'm the same age as you, sir.

Chen Changsheng was stunned, not knowing what to say. As for where to put his hands, he felt that it was wrong to put them anywhere. can you lie to others?

Sir, you are stupid, you can't see it, and you still blame me... Luoluo opened her eyes wide, looked at him and said seriously.

Chen Changsheng was speechless.

Laughter like silver bells rang out in the Anglican Academy.

Cluck cluck.

Luoluo left and returned to Baidi City to meet the challenges she had to face.

Her laughter echoed in the big banyan tree and the lake of the National Education College for many years.

Until much later, when the students of the National Education Academy mentioned this legendary demon princess, the vice-dean whom they had never met before, they would express infinite emotion, and at the same time, Tang Sanliu felt endless resentment. What did he say when he recruited new students?

Luo Luo left, and more and more people came in and out of the Chinese Academy of Education.

Priests from the Cardinal's Office came to teach. Priest Xin would run here when he had nothing to do. Mao Qiuyu would occasionally go to the teahouse outside the Chinese Academy of Education to sit for a while.

The person who has visited the Chinese Academy of Education the most often is King Chen Liu. Time can change many things, including views on people, because time is the only criterion for testing truth and people's hearts. In interactions and getting along, whether Chen Changsheng, Xuanyuan Po or even Even Zhe Xiu, who had an indifferent temperament, sensed the young prince's sincere protection of the National Education Academy, and the two became more and more familiar with each other.

But time can't change everything. For example, the stones in the toilet are always smelly and hard. Tang Sanliu still doesn't like King Chen Liu, and he doesn't even bother to show off. Every time King Chen Liu comes to visit the Academy of Chinese Education, He would leave the table after making a few sarcastic remarks, and it was the same today. No matter how well-educated King Chen Liu was, he couldn't help showing an embarrassed look on his face.

Chen Changsheng felt a little embarrassed, so he apologized twice on behalf of Tang Thirty-Six, and then went to find him to ask him why he did what he did. However, when he found Tang Sanliu deep in the woods of the National Education Academy, he forgot that he wanted to ask him about this matter, because after all, this matter was not a big deal, and what Tang Sanliu was doing at this time very strange.

Tang Sanshiliu didn't beat the tree like Xuanyuan Po, nor did he bury himself under the leaves like Zhexiu and prepare to lie down for seven days and seven nights. He was squatting under the tree and stuffing something into the tree hole. Chen Changsheng could clearly see that the thing he stuffed into the tree hole was a sword, and it was not an ordinary sword. It was a famous sword that he had just asked for last night.

What are you doing? he asked in surprise.

Tang Thirty-Six said without looking back: I told you that I am going to hide all your swords and let people find them later.

Chen Changsheng asked in disbelief: Recently, you have been asking me for a sword every two days...and I haven't seen you come back. Could it be that you have hidden it all?

Tang Sanliu wiped it on the edge of the tree hole and made some very crude disguises. After looking at it, he felt that he was quite satisfied. He stood up and said to him: Otherwise? How can I still take those broken swords of yours? Sell ​​it and buy some wine?”

Chen Changsheng was speechless and said, That's my sword, please return it as soon as possible.

The Communist Party of China has asked you for more than a hundred swords. Why are you so nervous?

I didn't know you wanted to hide these swords. I thought you wanted to use your sword power to learn swordsmanship, so I specially selected the best swords for you...

So what? Look at how stingy you are. You only have a few broken swords. How much money have I given you in the past two years?

This is not a matter of money... Even if you want it, you have to tell me first. If I know that you waste things like this, how can I give it to you?

Isn't it over now? I know you won't give it to me after knowing it, so why don't I tell you the reason first? You think I am Xuanyuan Po, you are stupid!

I don't care. Anyway, hurry up and find those swords.

I don't care. It's tiring to hide the sword. You have to find it all over again. It's very troublesome. Besides, the toilet stinks.

You... actually hid my sword in the toilet!

Just pretend you didn't hear it. I'm too lazy to look for it anyway.

Then I'll go by myself. Tell me quickly where those swords are hidden.

Since it's hidden...of course I can't tell you the place. You have to find it yourself. If you can find it, you'll be considered good.

Please don't use the word little.

Luoluo dropped a big carrot.

You... don't talk about this again.

You are so stupid that you can't bear a carrot.

I was asking you about the sword.

Hide and seek is fun.

……Did I do something wrong.

Anyway, my suggestion is that even if you become the pope in the future, you should not go to Baidi City.


I'm worried that Bai Di will eat you alive.


Actually, although you are a bit stupid, as the saying goes, stupid people are blessed. Otherwise, if you really marry Luoluo, it will be like marrying a tigress. How will you live in the future?

(I know that the last dialogue is a bit long-winded and a bit nonsense, but I have been practicing it for a long time, and I really can’t bear to delete it, because I like it very much, just like Luoluo, and I also like it like everyone else, so of course I won’t just disappear like this, We will see each other often in the future, we are not those poor students of the Chinese Academy of Education.)

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