Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 528 Talk

As it turned out, the reason was the latter.

Xu Yourong looked up at Chen Changsheng and asked, Why don't you eat?

Oh, eat. Due to the influence of Tang Sanliu in the past two years, Chen Changsheng talked a lot more, but in front of her, he seemed to have turned back into the honest young Taoist priest from Xining Town, who spoke extremely Simple, the mind is extremely pure, and no emotion can be hidden.

For example, he was a little confused at this time, so when he held the chopsticks, he almost lost his grip. He stretched out his hand like the wind and caught the chopsticks in mid-air, but pushed the open yellow paper umbrella aside. As a result, the quarrel that was still going on at the square kang table in front reached their ears again.

Last spring, when Dean Xiao Chen first entered Kyoto, he was humiliated in the Divine General's Mansion, and even more suppressed afterwards. Although he was obviously very talented and had excellent application scores, he was forcibly removed from the admission lists of various colleges. Your Majesty, if His Majesty the Pope had not secretly protected him, he would not even be able to enter the already dilapidated National Education College. You all say that it was a heartless act for him to break off the engagement, but have you ever thought that if the Xu family hadn't acted so shamelessly, How did this marriage turn into what it is now?

What does this have to do with Miss Yourong? At the Ivy Banquet, Bai He returned to the north. In that letter, she had already acknowledged the engagement. Otherwise, how could Chen Changsheng hold the marriage certificate and let the southern envoys Nothing to say? Even if Chen Changsheng hates the Divine General’s Mansion, there is no reason for Miss Yourong to be humiliated like this!

Hmph, Xu Shiji refused to acknowledge the marriage at first. The people in Dongyu Shenjiang's Mansion disliked the poor and loved the rich. As a result, Dean Xiao Chen is no longer what he used to be. He turned around and wanted to hug his thigh? How shameless! You say Dean Xiao Chen’s decision to break off the engagement is a humiliation? In my opinion, this is just the Dongyu Shenjiang Mansion’s attempt to humiliate itself!”

But this matter has nothing to do with the Saint after all. Why should she have to bear these rumors?

I can only say that the saint is unfortunate to be born in such a house and meet such parents!

The Kang table in the corner became very quiet, and the gravy in the iron pot was gurgling.

Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong sat on both sides of the kang table, and the atmosphere became a little heavy again.

It has been almost two years since he came to Kyoto. The engagement has already spread throughout the continent. The humiliation and suppression given to him by the Dongyu Shenjiang Mansion and his subsequent change in attitude have transformed him from a young Taoist priest in the countryside to a successor to the state religion. , these are the topics that everyone talks about.

This morning's battle at Naihe Bridge seemed to be the final outcome or judgment of this story, but it did not really end everything. Instead, it pushed people's interest in this story to its peak. I believe that just like the diners at that table, this This matter must have been discussed at numerous family banquets in Kyoto at that time.

He has never forgotten the humiliation that the Divine General's Mansion once inflicted on her. He also had a lot of emotions towards her in the south, but as the previous guest said, in fact, she didn't really care about her in this matter. She had hurt him before, but now she had to bear the ridicule and blame from the Divine General's Mansion.

This may be unfair.

Chen Changsheng didn't know what to say.

They are my parents after all.

Xu Yourong's expression was very calm, as if he was not affected by those discussions, but the conversation changed suddenly.

I'd like some wine.


Chen Changsheng asked the boss to bring two small jars of the best wine, break the mud seal on one of the jars, and fill the wine bowl for her until it was filled to seven points.

Xu Yourong thanked him softly, took another can of wine, opened it, filled the wine bowl for him, and then looked at him: Tell me about it.

Chen Changsheng still didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he looked at her beautiful face and asked hesitantly: Face?

Some kind of technique from Nanxi Zhai.


After a few simple conversations, the Kang table became quiet again.

Xu Yourong picked up the wine bowl and took a sip of the wine. After just a small sip, his face turned slightly red.

Don't tell others, we met in Zhou Garden.


After Chen Changsheng heard her request on Naihe Bridge, he didn't understand it. Now he confirmed that she really didn't want others to know about the whole thing, which made him even more puzzled.

Xu Yourong did not answer his question directly, but said softly: Isn't the engagement already terminated?

This was a rumor that had been circulating in Kyoto for a long time, and had never been recognized by the National Education Academy and the Eastern Imperial Palace. However, as a party to the engagement, she naturally knew that the rumors were not rumors, but something that had definitely happened.

Chen Changsheng didn't speak for a long time.

When the snowy wind on the bridge blew off the white gauze, and he saw her eyes, it was the happiest moment in his sixteen years. He would be happier than memorizing the last volume of Taoist scriptures in the old temple, finding the destiny star in the National Education Academy, getting the first place in the imperial examination, and finding Wang Zhice's notes in Lingyan Pavilion...

It turns out that she is still alive, she is her, and she is his fiancée. Is there anything more bizarre or better than this in the world?

While bathing in the small building of the National Education Academy, he had already made up his mind to go to the palace to ask His Majesty the Pope to revise the marriage certificate. Then, he would take Tang Sanliu and others directly to the palace to find her. If If she agrees, he will directly propose marriage to her.

He has never experienced love affairs, but as long as he is sure that something is what he wants to do, he will do it very seriously and focus on it, seizing the day and night.

At this time, she said that she could not tell anyone about this matter, so how could he convince the Pope to withdraw the decree of dissolution of the marriage?

One month ago, he worked very hard to finally terminate the engagement.

Now, he found that he desperately needed this engagement.

Tang Sanshiliu was right.

I thought you were dead. I promised you in Zhou Garden that I would terminate this engagement, so...

He looked at Xu Yourong and said helplessly, Since you knew it was me, why didn't you tell me earlier?

Xu Yourong looked slightly cold and said, You lied to me in Zhou Garden. I discovered the truth myself, so why should I tell you?

Chen Changsheng felt very innocent and asked, When did I lie to you?

Is your name Xu Sheng?

This is not your first time meeting a girl.

Why don't you admit that you are Chen Changsheng?

Why didn't you say you were Xu Yourong at that time?

They looked into each other's eyes and asked the question almost in unison.

Then they remembered that when they reported their names for the first time in the Snow Temple beside the White Grass Road, they also reported two false names in unison...

I don’t know what they were thinking at the time.

Chen Changsheng recalled his feelings at that time. He didn't want the other party to know his identity. The main reason was that he didn't want the other party to know that he had a world-famous fiancée. Or maybe Xu Yourong thought the same way at the time and didn't want to let herself know that she had a fiancé that was known to the whole world?

Is it embarrassing to have a fiancé like me?

He looked at Xu Yourong and asked, his expression very serious.

(The last paragraph was modified a bit, in 201506260108, long after the onset of procrastination. In the original timeline, I did not update for the next two days, and then started fighting with others on the third day. This is hereby marked.)

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