Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 546 Bingxue has never been smart

The ordinary Taoist priest surnamed Wu was not famous at all. He only wrote three books in his life, including the examination of formation diagrams. At first, Chen Changsheng just took a look at it casually, without having much hope, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong - the formations described by Taoist Wu in the formation map test were very simple, and could even be said to be a bit clumsy. In the eyes of an accomplished monk, it was completely worthless, but he could vaguely see traces of Boiled Stone Lin's formation on a few pages.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Changsheng continued to read the book, without any trace of anxiety or irritability, his eyes were calm and firm.

He promised Black Dragon that he would rescue her, so he would definitely do it. If it doesn't work this year, it won't work next year, there will always be a year. He firmly believed that the black dragon would not be imprisoned underground for hundreds of years. Of course, all this is based on the fact that he can live beyond the age of twenty.

A few nights ago, I saw a flaming was very powerful.

A cold and crisp voice sounded behind him. At some point, the black dragon quietly floated behind him. When he mentioned the burning sword, a flash of fear flashed deep in the dragon's eyes: Is that... Su Li's sword?

Chen Changsheng had already confirmed Black Dragon's gender and had heard her voice, but he was still a little uncomfortable with it.

During the thousands of miles journey back to the south, the black dragon's soul was greatly consumed because it helped him suppress his injuries in Zhou Garden, and he slept most of the time. However, he had to admit that there was another important reason why he refused to wake up. He didn’t want to be discovered by Su Li.

At that time, Su Li was seriously injured and was not as good as an ordinary person. Black Dragon was still afraid of him instinctively. At the very beginning in the snow mountain hot spring, she sensed that Su Li's sword... had killed many of her own clan, even those who were more powerful than her.

Senior Su Li had a battle with the Holy Queen. The final result...should be a tie, right?

What about you? You haven't come to see me for so many days. You must be very busy. What are you busy with?

I'm checking out books about formations.

Chen Changsheng glanced at the portraits of the two tall god generals on the stone wall, and then said: ...At other times, I am preparing for a battle.

You are the next generation of pope, who dares to challenge you?

so many people.

You don't have to fight them.

That person can't do it.


Xu Yourong.

...your fiancée?

The black dragon's voice became indifferent for some reason, and the tone lost a lot of ups and downs.

Chen Changsheng didn't notice this and said, I don't know if she is still my fiancée now.

A complex emotion flashed in Black Dragon's eyes, and he said, Tell me and listen.

After Chen Changsheng hesitated for a moment, he told Hei Long everything that had happened in the past few days, whether it was before and after Naihe Bridge, or later when he entered the palace on a snowy night, he did not hide even the most subtle emotions in his heart. .

This was the first time that he told these things between himself and Xu Yourong. Although he told Tang Sanliu, he never told some of the details. The reason why he didn't hide anything from Heilong was because Heilong had told him several times After saving his life, he has great trust in the black dragon - although he knows that given the long life of the dragon clan, this black dragon has just entered adolescence, but it has lived for hundreds of years after all, and he will always subconsciously regard him as a highly respected person. senior.

All in all, he trusted Black Dragon very much and found it very convenient, so he told many things without omitting anything.

There was silence in the underground space, and a streak of snow and frost suddenly appeared on the stone wall, covering the faces of the two legendary generals.

The black dragon floated down, Chen Changsheng's figure was reflected in its dark eyes, and then it slowly opened its mouth.

During my recent visits to Beixinqiao, whenever Chen Changsheng was studying formations and thinking of ways to get out of trouble for the black dragon until he was exhausted, the black dragon would lower its noble head and exhale its light, cold and pleasant dragon breath to help Chen Changsheng get rid of his fatigue. , refresh yourself, just like before.

Chen Changsheng was used to this. When he saw the black dragon's movements, he naturally closed his eyes and prepared to welcome the coolness of frost and snow.

Ouch, a low and chilling dragon roar sounded.

A dragon's breath fell on Chen Changsheng's face and body.

It was not the coolness with flecks of snow and frost, but the breath of the real black frost dragon.

In just an instant, Chen Changsheng's body was frozen and turned into a transparent ice cube.

The water gently lapped at the ice, making a gurgling sound.

This is not Luoshui, but the small pond in the palace. Because of the formation, the palace is like spring all year round. Although the pond is small, it is not frozen.

This is both a good thing and a bad thing for Chen Changsheng.

A huge transparent ice block was constantly undulating in the water, and he was frozen in the ice block.

The reason why it is a good thing that the pond is not frozen is because the ice can melt away as quickly as possible under the washing of water. The reason why it was not a good thing was because the water in the pool was shaking constantly, and the ice cubes were settling uneasily and rolling from time to time. He felt very uncomfortable and embarrassed in it.

Embarrassment is an emotion that usually occurs when someone sees an embarrassing situation.

If no one sees it, it doesn't matter whether you are holding a tree in the snow forest and burping like Tang Sanliu, or you are frozen in the ice and drifting with the waves like him at this time. Chen Changsheng felt very embarrassed at this time because someone was always looking at him.

To be precise, it's not a human being.

Black Sheep stood by the pond, tilting his head slightly, looking at him in the ice in the pond.

It had been watching it for a long time and seemed to find it very interesting, so it never left.

As a result, Chen Changsheng felt more and more embarrassed.

If he could break the ice at this time, of course he would have done it long ago, but the dragon's breath of the giant black frost dragon was indeed extraordinary. It actually froze his body in the sea of ​​consciousness, even though he had completely mastered Liao now. The Heavenly Sword can condense the sword into flames, but it cannot break the ice around it.

It took him a long time, but he could only melt the thin layer of ice on his face with difficulty and barely opened his eyes.

Time passed slowly, and the ice continued to rise and fall. Black Sheep continued to watch with interest, as if he didn't understand what he was doing, or was he practicing some Taoism?

The ice in front of Chen Changsheng's face melted more and more. After opening his eyes, he could finally open his mouth. He quickly shouted to Black Sheep: Please help me.

Just because of this shout, ice water poured down his mouth and nose, choking him and making him feel uncomfortable.

Although his voice was very weak, Black Sheep understood the shape of his mouth.

Just like every time in the past two years, when Chen Changsheng needed help, Black Sheep would respond to his request.

The black sheep walked slowly into the pond, pushed the big ice block back to the stone steps with its horns, then lowered its head and exerted a little force.

There was only a crunching sound, the ice cracked, and Chen Changsheng fell down.

His whole body was wet with ice water, he was extremely frozen, his face was pale, both the You Mansion and the Consciousness Sea were invaded by the cold, and he actually suffered serious internal injuries.

There was a flash of fear and confusion in his eyes.

Why did the black dragon suddenly become so cold and violent? Where did I offend it?

The snow clouds above the palace gradually dispersed, revealing the light and fake sun.

No matter how plain and unreal it is, it is the real sun after all, and the sunshine is so warm.

Chen Changsheng took out a spare set of clothes from the scabbard. Because his hands and feet were stiff from the cold, it took him a long time to change them with difficulty.

He leaned against the pillars of the deserted palace, closed his eyes, and began to recover his body temperature through the sunlight.

The black sheep slowly bent its forelimbs, squatted quietly beside him, and then slowly closed its eyes.

Much later, when Chen Changsheng recalled that day in winter, he would always feel a lot of emotion and a touch of sadness.

He was still very young at that time, so he didn't understand many things and didn't notice many details.

Those details are under the ground where the night pearl shines, and by the pond where the sun shines.

He thought that Black Dragon was a senior, someone he could trust, and someone he could easily tell his story about.

There are two things in this sentence that are absolutely wrong.

Black Dragon was certainly worthy of his trust, but she was not a senior. She felt very inconvenient listening to the story between Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong.

Because she was a little girl, she had every reason to be angry.

In the dark and cold underground cave, the little girl was eating.

She didn't want to eat in front of Chen Changsheng in the appearance of a black dragon, because it would be too chaotic and unattractive, and she was afraid of scaring him.

But Chen Changsheng didn't understand, so she was very angry.

She was also very angry when she heard that Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong met on Naihe Bridge.

She used to think that it would be better if he never knew about this matter. As a result... I don't know if it was the food or the reason for her anger. Her cheeks were slightly bulging, and her beautiful little face was full of unhappy expressions. The bloodstain like a cinnabar mole in the middle is full of evil intentions, and the majestic vertical pupils are now full of grievances.

Heartless man! If it weren't for the fact that you also had a wound between your eyebrows on the Naihe Bridge, which looks a bit like me... I would have swallowed you up in one gulp.

She held the blue lobster in both hands and chewed it as hard and hatefully as if she were chewing sugar cane. At the same time, she thought about it hard and hatefully.

It didn't take long for her to finish all the dozens of foods that Chen Changsheng brought.

Under the black clothes, her belly was only slightly bulging.

Then, she slowly lowered her head and sat in her own shadow.

In fact, she doesn't care what she eats.

Whatever you eat, you eat alone.

She just didn't want to eat alone.

She has been eating alone for hundreds of years.

She wanted to have someone to eat with.

Or just skip the meal and just have a chat.

It’s okay not to talk, it’s okay to just sit and sit.

(Yesterday I said I would just write one chapter today, but I felt in good shape in the afternoon and decided to write another chapter. However, when I locked the dark room, I lost too many words and ended up not finishing it yet. , I’m really sorry for the long wait.)

Yeah, yeah, yeah

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