Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 556 The reason I am here is blood and wine

I have never seen such a perfect officer as him. He is powerful and can tap the potential of everyone in the team. Chen Zou, you are their chief officer and you should know very well that the people in that ranger team The members looked lazy and incompetent back then.”

Everyone admits the role he played in these encounters, but when it comes to perfection... drinking and fighting every day, how is it perfect? ​​Does military discipline still matter? I agree to give him credit, but correspondingly, Should he be punished for violating the ban?”

If he was my subordinate, he would come back with the corpses of more than a dozen wolf riders every time he went out on patrol. Let alone drinking and fighting, as long as it was not murder and arson, I would accept anything. Punishment? I can't wait to wash his feet every day!

Have you forgotten the most important question? He is a subordinate sent by the Zhengbeiting Military Mansion... It is said that he offended some big shot there, so he was sent to this ungrateful place like ours. , if his name is put in the battle record, will the military government have any ideas?

Even if the military government has an idea, are they going to suppress his military exploits? You are trying to chill the sergeants!

Who said we should suppress his military exploits? We're just trying to find the most suitable method.

Don't say it anymore! War merits are war merits, and those who deserve punishment must be punished... With the military merits he has achieved these days, it is possible for him to be knighted, but based on the prohibitions he has violated these days, beheading is justified. I Seeing that the two conflict with each other, I will give him a commendation order, but the silver reward will be withheld first.

There was an instant silence in the noisy military tent. People looked at the general sitting at the top. They subconsciously wanted to object, but after thinking about it carefully, this was the best way to deal with it. They couldn't help but look at the deputy general named Chen Fu. , eyes full of sympathy or gloating.

Chen Fu was very annoyed, picked up his helmet from the table, and lifted the curtain out.

The reason why his colleagues gloated or sympathized, and why he was angry, was because everyone knew that with the young officer's temperament, he would definitely go crazy after hearing the news, and no one, not even the General, was willing to face that guy directly. anger.

What? Only a commendation but no silver reward?

The formation in the barracks was very simple and heavy. Fortunately, the wooden table in the middle, which held the oil lamp and more than ten wine bottles, was not overturned.

After learning the results of the military tent's discussion, Chen Fu certainly didn't see any good looks on his face, but he also didn't expect that the other party's reaction would be so violent. He quickly hugged the other party desperately and said comfortingly: The commendation order is a good thing! The general awarded this to you under pressure from the military government!

The person who was held tightly by him to prevent him from tearing everything in the tent to pieces in anger was an officer.

The officer's armor was covered in dust, as was his face, and his beard, which had not been trimmed for a long time, looked very dirty.

His eyes are so bright and clear. Only by seeing his eyes, people will realize that he is only a young man in his twenties.

The young officer broke away from Chen Zou's hand, walked to the table, picked up a bottle of wine, poured it into his stomach, and said angrily: I just don't accept it.

Chen Fou said helplessly: My little ancestor, are you just short of that few dollars?

The young officer slammed the wine bottle onto the table and said, I just feel dissatisfied. Why, after I have made so many military exploits, can't I get fifty taels of silver?

Chen Fei looked outside the barracks and said, Last time... you killed the prisoners too hard.

The young officer waved his hand and said: Where did this rumor come from? How could I do such a bloody thing? Only you Zhou Jun like to do this kind of thing.

Watch your words. Although you are from the South, we only have one army now.

Well, since we are all a family, why don't you give us money?

What do you want money for so badly?

What can you do without money?

The general said that if you are willing to register, with the speed at which you accumulate military merit, you will soon surpass everyone in Qilixi, and even...

Chen Fu looked at him with complicated emotions and said, In five years, you may become a new divine general.

Hearing this, the young officer was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, I'm not interested in this.

In the Zhou army, if they hear such words, they will definitely think that person is a madman.

But Chen Fu didn't have any surprised reaction, because this was not the first time he heard similar words.

Who are you? he asked, looking at the young officer.

The young officer said: I am just a young man who loves money and is irritable.

When he said this, his eyes were very calm.

In fact, when he was about to overturn the table and curse the general's mother, his eyes were equally calm and there was no real anger at all.

Chen Fu sighed and said, I don't know what quirks people like you have, why do you have to pretend to be a rough guy?

The young officer approached him and asked seriously: Am I pretending to be different?

Chen Fu looked at him and said, The attire, appearance and temperament are somewhat similar, but the eyes are different.

It was through these eyes that he could tell that this young officer was not an ordinary person.

No matter when he met more than a hundred wolf riders or when he met that powerful demon clan, the young officer's eyes were always so calm - this calm represents absolute confidence and can give people a lot of confidence, no matter what Is it the young officer himself, the more than forty rangers under his command, and Chen Fu, his nominal direct deputy general.

After this period of communication, Chen Fu became more and more convinced that this young officer was a real big shot.

Only a truly important person would have such a look in his eyes, and only a truly important person would disdain such a thing as becoming a god general.

If it weren't for confirming that there were no problems with the assignment document, Chen Zou would never dare to keep this young officer in his army. But until today, he still hasn't figured out why such a big shot would come to a desolate and dangerous place like Qilixi and what he was doing here.

Tonight he finally couldn't help but asked it face to face.

The young officer looked at the wind and snow outside the camp, smiling, a little tired, but very peaceful, without any hint of anxiety.

He did not answer Chen Fu's question and said calmly: Drink.

Although Chen Fu knew that the other party was a big shot, he was still his subordinate in the military camp. Moreover, these days, they had been living and dying together, and had many bloody battles with the demon wolf cavalry. They were already very familiar with each other. At this time, he couldn't help but Somewhat annoyed, he said: I know how to drink and drink! I'm asking seriously!

The young officer was slightly stunned, then laughed loudly and said, I am also answering very seriously.

Then his smile gradually faded, and he looked at Feng Xue calmly and said: The wine here is the strongest and can kill the most demons. It can help people calm down.

(There will be a chapter at 8 p.m.)

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