Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 639 Calling at the Center of the World

Why did you rush over then?

Because I'm afraid you'll be hit by a flower pot.

Even if you were in the Night Palace at that time, would you cause a lot of trouble if someone discovered you?

I didn't have time to think.

Even if you were in a hurry to go to Weiyang Palace to attend the Ivy Banquet and take out the marriage certificate to ruin the Qiushan family's marriage proposal?

I didn't think much of it.

Three squirrels.


The top of Tianshu Mausoleum was shrouded in heavy rain.

The sound of the conversation between Chen Changsheng and Queen Tianhai was not drowned out by the rain.

He didn't understand what she meant by that, three squirrels?

Queen Tianhai looked at the squirrel that gradually disappeared into the rain and was silent for a long time.

The first time she saw Chen Changsheng, there was a squirrel.

There was a squirrel in the Anglican Academy just now.

There was also a squirrel at this time.

When he saw the first squirrel, he was in a very troublesome situation, but he rushed over to save people regardless of anything.

When he saw the second squirrel, he was in a very dangerous situation, but he only wanted to beg her to let Liu Qing and the divorced priests go, completely giving up his so-called stubbornness and pride.

When he saw the third squirrel, he was in a very desperate situation and was about to be killed by her, but because of what she said, he said thank you to her seriously.

What kind of young man is this.

The face of Queen Tianhai showed extremely complex emotions, some ridiculing, some disdain, some angry, some disgusting, and finally turned into indifference.

The kindness of such a woman is somewhat similar to that of your father. How come I gave birth to such a useless son like you?

After saying this, a flash of sternness flashed between her beautiful eyebrows, and then quickly turned into unimaginable evil intent.

Without any words, without any warning, without even looking at him, she raised her right hand and hit his head.

Her right hand brought up a lightning-like trajectory in the dark night, falling like a mountain.

Countless exclamations rang out in Kyoto at night, with different emotions but the same shock.

No one expected that she would take action like this.


A thunder seemed to sound from the top of Tianshu Mausoleum.

Countless rays of lightning lit up and then fell on the Tomb of Heavenly Books.

The rainstorm was pouring, and the night was like ink, torn and illuminated by lightning that fell from time to time, showing a picture of uncertain light and dark.

The Holy Queen of Tianhai stood facing the storm.

Her right hand landed on Chen Changsheng's head.

A powerful and terrifying force and a sacred and sublime aura appeared between heaven and earth almost at the same time.

This power comes from the body of Queen Tianhai.

This breath came from the Tomb of Heavenly Books beneath her feet, and even from the entire world.

This is the supreme power and breath between heaven and earth, causing countless visions, thunder and lightning roaring in violent storms.

The power and the breath met in her body, and then entered Chen Changsheng's body through her right hand.

The storm is coming.

In an instant, the seventy broken meridians in Chen Changsheng's body were crushed to pieces, the three hundred and sixty-five Qi orifices were broken, the deep openings on the surface of the internal organs penetrated deep, and blood surged wildly in the body.

The remaining starlight in the corners of the broken meridians and the depths of the qi orifices could not escape the storm and were forced out.

Countless powdery starlight flakes came from the depths of his body to the surface of his skin, exuding a pitiful and indifferent brilliance through the soaked robe.

No matter how violent the rainstorm is, it can't wash away those stars.

No matter how raging the storm was, it could not drown out his cries of pain.

After a moment, his spirit and will were crushed to pieces by the storm. He could no longer bear it and cried out in pain!

His shouts penetrated the storm, spread throughout the Tomb of Heavenly Books, and then spread further afield.

There was countless pain inside, hoarse and tearing, like a cub's last cry for help, giving people a feeling of extreme despair.

Everyone who heard his shouts could feel his emotions and situation at this time. Whether they were friends or foes, they all had the urge to shed tears.

The rest of them have been in the Tomb of Heavenly Books.

He is observing the monument.

When those big shots were talking to the peerless experts dozens or even thousands of miles away, the people in the entire Kyoto couldn't hear them, and naturally he didn't hear them either.

A light rain fell in the night sky. He took two steps towards the stele house while holding on to his hand. He used the eaves of the house to avoid the rain and continued to look at the lines on the stele.

The wind and rain gradually increased, and the night became darker. He continued to walk into the stele house. Unable to see anything, he touched the lines on the stone stele with his hands.

No matter how violent the wind and rain were, it could not affect his mood while viewing the monument.

Occasionally, lightning would illuminate the monument, but it could not wake him up from the spiritual world of observing the monument.

Until the painful cry spread throughout the Tomb of Heavenly Books, reached this Monument House, and fell in his ears.

The rest of the people's faces became extremely pale as if they were struck by lightning.

Because he could hear it was his junior brother's shout.

He even heard from this shout that his junior brother was in pain and despair.

He turned and looked towards the place where the shout came from.

He is now at a very high place in the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books. That place is higher and is probably the peak of the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books.

He didn't think anything more and limped over there.

The crutches that had been with him for twenty years were lying quietly in the monument, waiting for his return.

The higher you go up to the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books, the steeper the terrain becomes and the more difficult it is to climb, and there are bushes everywhere. The heavy rain makes the rocks extremely slippery, and the mountains and fields are full of mud, which increases the difficulty even more.

Not to mention, he is a person with limited legs and feet.

How could he care about this? He grabbed the cracks in the rocks with his hands, kicked off the muddy ground and tree roots with his legs, and climbed desperately toward the top of the mountain.

He only has one hand and his legs are somewhat deformed.

His hands were soon torn and some nails were ripped off.

His legs soon became worn out.

There were bloodstains everywhere on the road he climbed, but they were quickly washed away by the heavy rain.

He should be in pain, but he can't feel it.

It was dangerous for him to do so, but he didn't realize it.

Because his junior brother's shouts were still echoing in the mountains, he only knew that his junior brother was in pain and in danger.

Suddenly, the rest of the group stopped moving.

The storm suddenly stopped, and no more lightning fell from the sky.

The shout also disappeared.

There was no sound in the entire Mausoleum of Heaven's Book, in the entire world, and it was so quiet that it was deathly silent.

This mountain mausoleum seems to have become a real mausoleum.

There was a lot of fear in his heart and he felt so cold.

He looked at the top of Tianshu Mausoleum and shouted twice in pain.

He was speechless, even his shouts were a little weird, like a child.

Like an anxious, aggrieved child.

Then he wiped the mud or tears from his face and continued climbing to the top.

Chen Changsheng lay quietly on the ground, soaked to the skin, eyes tightly closed, motionless.

The stardust floating out of his body could not be washed away by the heavy rain, but at this time, it gradually dispersed with the night wind and disappeared.

The rain stopped and the clouds dispersed, and the water-like starlight fell on the peak.

The Queen of Tianhai put her hands behind her back and looked at the stars in the night sky, silent.

She stood in front of him, blocking the starlight and the fate behind the stars in the sky.

Don't do those inexplicable actions again.

Queen Tianhai's voice was a little tired, which was a very rare thing.

She and Chen Changsheng were the only two people on the peak.

Chen Changsheng is dead.

Who is she talking to?

Chen Changsheng opened his eyes and woke up.

He was pale, extremely weak, and kept coughing up rainwater.

He looked at her back, was silent for a long time, and then said, Thank you.

Holy Queen Tianhai did not look back and said: You're welcome.

(Thank you, you're welcome. This is something that will be featured in the book Zhe Tian Ji, starting from Xun Mei, to the present, and to the future. There are two versions of the last two lines of dialogue, and I discussed it with my author friends for a long time. At that time, Guo Nu preferred another version, and after half an hour of heated debate, it was rejected.

As for the title of this chapter, I once wanted to call it Three Squirrels, but later I found it was too unserious and no one would give me advertising money, so I named it: Calling at the Center of the World... Everyone knows the last word, using Zhang Jie’s name As for that song...this is love~~~~~Hey, this is love~~~Hey. See you tomorrow. )

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