Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 660 Shocking the World

That green leaf came out of the night.

The Pope walked out of the night, his face pale and as if transparent, and the vast sea of ​​stars in his eyes kept rotating at high speed, like burning flames.

Just as the Pope used his strongest means and used Qingye World to attack the Holy Queen Tianhai, the two battles in Luoyang City and the creek thousands of miles away also came to the most critical moment.

Hei Ruyi, who had dissipated into Taoism, built countless sharp lines around the Changchun Temple. The clear light disappeared and appeared, and an extremely cold breath enveloped the entire Taoist temple. The water in the tank was frozen into ice cubes, and then The tank was broken by the freeze, and the bean-like lights in the view were frozen into glass beads, and then broke by the freeze. Even the magma gushing out of the cracked ground was frozen in an instant!

Taoist Ji's Taoist robe turned white, it was the color of frost, and it seemed like time. Looking at the aura of mysterious frost covering the Taoist temple, and sensing the power fluctuations coming from the Tianshu Mausoleum, a trace of light suddenly appeared on his indifferent face. The clear light of extremely distant emotions overflowed from the Taoist robe, flowing like clear water into the stars representing Taoism.

The Taoists still alive in the Changchun Temple vomited blood and kept reading the Taoist canon.

An extremely complex and difficult syllable sounded from Taoist Ji's lips!

That is the last volume in the Three Thousand Taoist Treasures. It is the most difficult dragon language to understand, and it is the most sublime essence of Taoism!

As this syllable appeared, the night sky above Luoyang City suddenly trembled, and the Taoist magic scattered by Jade Ruyi suddenly stagnated, and the mysterious frost breath in the night sky receded at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Taoist Ji pulled out his long sword and used it for the first time!

The Taoist sword fell, and an unconscious but extremely unsettling scream sounded in the night, followed by countless shattering sounds!

Countless tiny sounds sounded, and the cracked tank was still cracking. The large transparent ice block in the tank also cracked, the lights like glass beads also cracked, and the frozen magma also cracked, breaking into pieces. At the end, it melts into clear water and turns into mist, the frost and snow are all cracked, and the glazed world is once again ruled by clear light!

Thousands of miles away, by the old temple stream, the monk walked up to Queen Tianhai.

The eyes of Queen Tianhai became extremely bright, and golden flames spurted out, as if a phoenix was about to be reborn from inside.

This is a pair of real phoenix eyes.

Wherever she looked, the blood lotus fragments on the stream floated up one after another like living creatures with spiritual consciousness, covering the monk's body. Then, the fragments broke into pieces, like maple leaves.

Under each split blood lotus, the monk's clothes also split, and the skin also split. What flowed out was not blood, but a milky white light.

Those lights contain unimaginable holy energy. They are similar to the holy lights in the palace, but they have some most fundamental differences that are also the most fatal to life on this continent.

This is also the Holy Light, but it comes from another world, a world of alien races with natural hostility.

Countless amounts of holy light spurted out from the monk's body, but there was no sound at the stream behind the temple. The boiling water stopped, and the hot mist that the water turned into also stopped.

In this absolute stillness, only one thing was still moving, and that was the monk's finger, which was pointing towards the center of the eyebrows of Queen Tianhai.

Qingye arrived at the top of Tianshu Mausoleum and came to the front of Holy Queen Tianhai.

It was a real world. The trees and stones in the mountains felt the real and countless weight, trembled and collapsed downwards.

If she was still at her peak at this point, or she wouldn't find it tricky.

But she had already left Shenyin at this time and could not exist with the world or hide from it.

If body, Tao, and soul were all present, she might be able to block the world, just like what the man named Chen Xuanba did in Zhou Garden many years ago.

But her Taoism was destroyed by Taoist Ji in Luoyang, and her soul was suppressed by the monk on the bank of the stream in Xining Town. At this time, it was her own body on top of the Tianshu Mausoleum.

Even if she has the body of a true phoenix, she cannot bear the coming of a new world.

What can she do? Will she perish?

Just as everyone was looking up at the top of the Tianshu Mausoleum, waiting for the last moment with various emotions, a clear and clear phoenix cry resounded through the night sky!

From Xue Lao City to Changsheng Sect, from Daxizhou to Yun Tomb, the whole world can no longer hear any sound, only the sound of phoenix can be heard.

This phoenix cry was extremely domineering and arrogant. The starlight falling from the night sky was refracted by the green leaves and torn apart by the phoenix cry, and suddenly disappeared!

The frightened shouts and running sounds of the monsters in the solitary peak in the Cloud Tomb suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had turned into a real tomb.

By the stream, the golden flames emanating from her eyes were filled with a chilling evil intent. The stream water and stones burned, and the blood lotus fragments also burned!

The stream moved, the rocks moved, the forest moved, and the night wind also moved.

The night wind blew gently at her clothes, and her soul swayed from dozens of feet to hundreds of feet, until she could only look up, as if she was about to touch the night sky. In front of this huge figure that seemed to be made of stars, the monk in the stream looked like an ant. The holy light emanating from him was like an inconspicuous light, which was suddenly suppressed and almost extinguished!

At the same time, the Dao spells in Luoyang City that had been chopped up by the Dao swords fell to the ground, and the blood of the True Phoenix emerged from the void, merged with the magma, and began to burn everything.

The black dragon that had previously appeared in the night sky outside Luoyang City suddenly appeared again, but this time it sprouted wings and burst out of the fairyland made of smoke. Its phoenix claws grabbed the hand of Taoist Ji like lightning. The Taoist sword, with its phoenix beak like a falling star, pecked at Taoist Ji's eyes with the clear and violent phoenix cry!

She was at the top of Tianshuling Peak, looking at the green leaves with an indifferent expression.

This is the highest point in Kyoto. Because she is standing here, she should stand at the highest point. Once she gets out of the way, this place will no longer be so dangerous and she will no longer be her. So from the beginning, she never thought about avoiding this green leaf. Her choice was to take it hard. But what can she use to pick it up?

Qingye is a world where even artifacts like Shuangyu's Divine Spear or Two Broken Swords cannot resist it.

Her right hand lowered slightly and caught something in the night sky.

That thing was heavy and square, not a weapon.

It was a stone monument.

Chen Changsheng looked at it and felt that the lines on the stone tablet looked familiar, and then he reacted, shocked and speechless.

That stone monument is the Zhaoqing Monument!

It’s the Heavenly Book Monument!

The holy hand of Tianhai reached out and grabbed the Zhaoqing Monument from the mausoleum!

Then, he smashed it towards the green leaf!

When she held the Heavenly Book Monument, her sleeves were torn.

When she waved this Heavenly Book Monument, the entire night sky shattered.

The Heavenly Book Monument hit the green leaf heavily.

The green leaves are light and soft, while the stone tablets are heavy and hard. The encounter between the two should be like a dead leaf falling into wet water or a piece of paper falling into a furnace, without making too much noise.

But this encounter will definitely not be the case.

If the sound of thunder is deafening, then if from the first year of Taishi to tonight, all the thunder came to this moment and sounded at the same time, what kind of sound would it be?

There was a loud bang!

The Tomb of Heavenly Books, which had never changed since its appearance, shook three times as if it was about to leave the ground.

The newly stabilized buildings in the south of Kyoto collapsed instantly like a sand city blown by the wind.

The trees in the mountainous area all shattered into pieces, and then started to fly.

The lotus sea that filled the Tianshu Mausoleum was shaken up, and a line of water about dozens of miles long rose up, surrounding the Tianshu Tomb.

A crack appeared in the night sky.

The sea of ​​stars seemed to have changed its shape.

(Slightly handsome.)

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