Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 678 Thoughts

Dozens of houses were flattened, and only the tea house remained. Deep in the Baihua Alley, where the smoke and dust had just begun to collect, several horse-drawn carriages arrived.

There was no one in front of the National Education College, and it was very quiet. In fact, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at this place in the dark.

King Chenliu got out of the car.

The youngest prince of the Zhou royal family still has the same gentle expression as before, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, but the nobility exuding from his body is much richer, or that may be because he is more calm than before, with a bright look on his face. His expression became brighter and his face seemed to become clearer.

Fourteen princes surnamed Chen entered the capital, headed by the Prime Minister. There has been a proposal at the court meeting that the Prime Minister will concurrently serve as the Prime Minister. He is the son of King Xiang, and he is also the only bloodline of the Chen family that has stayed in Kyoto for more than ten years - this makes him feared by many princes and even brothers, but it also represents merit. Without him, it would be difficult for the princes of the Chen family to Stabilizing the situation in Kyoto in such a short period of time.

King Chenliu walked to the door of the National Education College.

No one came to greet him, and no one stopped him. There were only a few sharp and light sword intents protruding from the courtyard wall, like cold plums.

Several Taoist masters with far-reaching eyes and obviously extraordinary realms came behind him.

King Chen Liu waved his hand to signal these palace masters not to move without permission, to stay where they were, and walked in alone.

Even after he entered the National Education College, no one came to greet him or stop him. There was only the autumn light and the green banyan tree by the lake.

King Chen Liu walked towards the library. In the past two years, he and Chen Changsheng had been chatting, either at Chenghu Tower or here.

Dozens of girls were sitting or standing on the grass by the lake, whispering something.

Looking at this scene, King Chenliu looked slightly strange, thinking that the saint had returned south, why are these Nanxi Zhai disciples still here?

Around the library, teachers and students of the National Education College were cleaning up, and Su Moyu was arranging renovation matters. It was not until he was reminded by a priest next to him that he was discovered.

He knew the purpose of King Chen Liu's visit and said directly: The dean is not here.

King Chen Liu thought to himself that if it were him, he probably wouldn't want to meet anyone from the Chen royal family.

Then I'll wait. He said to Su Moyu.

Su Moyu said: Nowadays, most important matters in the court depend on the prince. If the prince has something to do, just leave a message. Why waste your time here.

King Chen Liu heard the hidden meaning in Su Moyu's words, smiled bitterly, and said, Just think of it as asking for peace of mind for myself.

Many people know that King Chenliu has a noble character and promises a lot of money.

He said that waiting is real waiting. He took a cup of tea, sat under the tree by the lake, and responded to the curious eyes of the girls in Nanxi Zhai with a smile, until dusk fell, and finally waited for Chen Changsheng to return.

The girls of Nanxizhai and the teachers and students of the Traditional Chinese Education College knew that the two of them must have something to say, so they left consciously.

King Chen Liu held the teacup and looked at the grass and fallen leaves at his feet. After being silent for a long time, he said, Can I go to the empress's tomb to pay homage?

Chen Changsheng did not expect that his first words would be this, and was a little surprised.

Ignore the grudges, the empress treats me well. King Chen Liu raised his head and said, I was raised by her until I was a teenager before I left the palace.

Chen Changsheng thought for a while and said, Did you have a hard time during those ten years?

King Chen Liu was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

As expected of Chen Changsheng, he does not need to do anything deliberately, he only needs to look into the truest depths, and he can reveal all the truth with the simplest sentence.

That's right... In those years, my empress was very kind to me, and the people in the palace also respected me, but I did have a very hard life.

King Chen Liu bowed and put the tea cup on the grass, and continued: Because my surname is Chen.

Chen Changsheng looked into his eyes and said, So no matter what she does to you, you still want her to die?

King Chen Liu thought about it seriously for a while, and then replied: Maybe it's because I never understand what kind of person she is, so I'm very afraid of her.

Chen Changsheng thought for a while and agreed: I don't understand her either.

King Chen Liu looked at him and said seriously: But now, you are on her side... You know, I am talking about the spiritual level.

Chen Changsheng asked without explaining, My lord, why are you here looking for me?

King Chenliu said: I want to pay homage to her.

Chen Changsheng expressed his attitude with silence.

He would not tell anyone where he buried Holy Queen Tianhai.

Even though King Chenliu was raised by the Holy Queen.

Pingguo has been taken back to Tianhai's home. King Chen Liu suddenly said.

This was something Chen Changsheng didn't care about, but he knew that since King Chen Liu mentioned this matter, he must have something to say.

Except for the throne, the whole world has not changed much. It has an ugly side, but there is also a tender side.

King Chen Liu looked at him and said, Maybe the world will be sorry for you, but I don't want you to lose all hope in this world.

Not long ago, His Holiness the Pope expressed a similar idea in the library.

Chen Changsheng said: What exactly does the prince want to say?

King Chenliu said: Do you still remember what Archbishop Melisha said to us before he died?

Chen Changsheng's thoughts returned to the room filled with plum blossoms, and he thought of the wrinkled old man. He was silent for a long time.

The archbishop told me to remember what you gave.

King Chenliu said: We didn't know what this sentence meant at that time, but now, we know.

Maturity, fruit, sacrifice, many of the obscure words that Meili Sha mentioned before have answers after the incident in the Mausoleum of Heavenly Books. In order to overthrow the rule of Queen Tianhai, people used Chen Changsheng, and he paid a lot for it, some of the most important things that words cannot describe. If I had to explain it in words, it would probably be: trust, hope, sense of presence, emotion.

I don't know what Dean Shang thinks, what my father thinks, what my uncles and brothers think, but I will pay you back what the Chen family owes you.

King Chen Liu looked into his eyes and said seriously: I will do everything possible to ensure your safety and interests.

Chen Changsheng said: Thank you.

He was calm, even a little dull, but there was still a trace of warmth in his body.

King Chenliu continued: I can understand your mood, but I hope you can cheer up as soon as possible. His Majesty the Pope has given you such great support today. If you give up or leave, how will His Majesty the Pope deal with thousands of people? Thousands of believers? What should they do with these teachers and students in the National Education College? What should Your Majesty do?

Chen Changsheng thought about what Mr. Lin said during the day, felt a little tired, and said, I thought this was not a problem I needed to think about.

King Chen Liu said: If the rumors are true and you and His Majesty are truly brothers, then this is a question you must think about.

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