Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 694 Yun Wuxin

There was no real battle in the battle of Tanzhe Temple, but the danger hidden in it was more terrifying than most battles in the world.

On that autumn rainy day, the imperial court and the state religion deployed so many experts that there was no way to hide the news.

The world soon learned about Tieshu's return from the South China Sea, and knew that he had arrived in Kyoto to kill Wang Po. At the same time, it was also determined that Wang Po's purpose was to kill Zhou Tong. The most important thing is that people finally confirmed that the rift between the imperial court and the state religion has become deeper and deeper, and big problems may arise at any time.

The two major forces that cooperated sincerely during the Tianshu Mausoleum incident turned against each other not long after. This is something difficult to understand, but now people know why.

Because of Chen Changsheng.

No one noticed the cold wind emanating from the mouth of Beixinqiao, and no one knew what Chen Changsheng was thinking right now.

He never left the National Education College and sat quietly by the window of the library reading, not looking at the scenery outside the window or asking about what was going on outside the window.

Many people are speculating that the Holy Queen's body should have been buried in the National Education College, but there is no way to confirm it.

A big shot like Mr. Lin has returned home in vain. Li Gong has clearly stated his attitude. Who dares to force his way into the National Education Academy to investigate?

The imperial court did not continue to issue an order requiring the National Academy of Education to hand over the body of the Holy Queen, but everyone knew that this matter could not end there.

Many people don't understand why Chen Changsheng did this, including some big figures in the state religion, such as Taoist Baishi.

If it was just for the inheritance of the state religion, with the Pope's will, he only needed to release his goodwill to the palace at the right time, and the other party would definitely withdraw its original plan.

But he did not accept the order, nor did he ask for an order to enter the palace. He did not send a message to the people in the palace through anyone, and remained silent.

Now the whole world knows that he is a descendant of the surviving family, with the blood of the Chen family flowing in his body, but he has no mother or son with the Holy Empress.

Looking at the past few years, there should be no affection between him and the Holy Queen.

Why did he resist the decree three times in a row? Why express disdain for the imperial court through his attitude toward Zhou Tong? Why use silence to confront your teacher?

Xue Xingchuan has been buried, and Xue He was arrested and returned to Beijing and imprisoned in Zhou Prison. Due to some complicated reasons, there should be no fear of his life for the time being. Xue Mansion has returned to peace, but no one will forget the time when Xue Mansion held a memorial ceremony a few days ago. Many forces have sent representatives. Is this nostalgia for the old dynasty or hatred for the new dynasty? Is this a reverence for the Pope or a challenge to Shang Xingzhou?

If he were still in the Tianhai Dynasty, Zhou Tong would definitely use this matter to cause a huge storm, but now he is uncharacteristically silent.

Whoever knew that someone like Wang Po was hiding in Kyoto and could walk out of a tea shop on the street at any time and slash a sword at him would probably be so silent.

What is quite meaningful is that in recent days, Zhou Tong did not stay in the palace as he did in the first few days, but returned to Beibingsi Alley and started to take care of things again.

Tieshu should be nearby. He will always guard Zhou Tong.

Su Moyu said: He will wait for Wang Po to draw his sword and then kill him. This does not violate the oath of the starry sky. Neither His Majesty the Pope nor anyone else can punish him.

The cold autumn wind blew in from the window, turning the pages of the book, but it couldn't make any change in Chen Changsheng's expression.

Seeing him sitting silently by the window, Su Moyu sighed in his heart and said, It was such a pity that day at Tanzhe Temple.

If Li Gong had killed Tieshu at all costs that day in the autumn rain, the current situation would not have been so difficult.

Chen Changsheng looked at the book and said, It was not a good day to kill.

Su Moyu understood that he was talking about the king's chariot on the cliff, and said, If Zhexiu is the one in charge, he will definitely take action.

Since no matter what the cost, there is no need to worry about the royal chariot and the thundering hooves outside the mountain.

How can Bafang Fengyu be so easy to kill? Even if he can succeed, leaving the palace will still have to pay a huge price.

If Tieshu was really killed that day, who of the four giants of the state religion who came out of the autumn rain would be alive?

Chen Changsheng looked at the pages of the book and said, And the world will be in chaos.

Su Moyu said: If Tang Tang is in charge, he will still insist on doing this, because Tao Zun must not want to see the world in chaos, so he will kill him.

Chen Changsheng didn't think things would develop as he or Tang Sanliu imagined.

The purpose of leaving the palace to kill Tieshu was to protect Wang Po.

Wang Po came to Kyoto with the purpose of killing Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tong is someone the palace must protect.

Wang Po is the person the palace must kill.

Chen Changsheng knew very well that with these four words, Master would not hesitate to cause chaos in the world, and...

Uncle Master wouldn't do this.

He raised his head, looked out the window at the desolate autumn scenery and said, Because he is not such a person.

His Majesty the Pope is a great man who cares about the world.

But he is not a hero, let alone a tyrant.

He will be in awe when looking at the starry sky, and he wants to protect Chen Changsheng and Wang Po.

But he doesn't want the world to be in chaos and all life to be in ruins.

It was very hard for him to keep the situation in Kyoto within a controllable range.

What about the man sitting across from the chessboard?

The palace was very quiet. Many people in front of the palace had seen Shang Xingzhou's silhouette reflected in the light in that room, but they had no idea what he was doing.

Shang Xingzhou must be doing something, but no one knows what it is.

Just like the incident in Tianshu Mausoleum, just like the rebellion in Xue Lao City, his silence is often the prelude to a thunder.

No one knew where Wang Po was.

The whole world knew he was in Kyoto and wanted to kill someone, but he couldn't be found.

He disappeared, and a certain restaurant in Nancheng had a cashier from Wenshui.

The autumn weather in Kyoto is deep, deep, extremely deep, and the chill is biting. Fortunately, there are lights and colorful lights everywhere, and it is very lively, which dilutes the chill a bit.

The merging of the North and the South, this much-anticipated event, has finally been officially announced, and the celebration is about to be held.

The celebration was unprecedentedly grand, not only to celebrate the successful merger of the north and the south, but also because the new dynasty wanted to completely cleanse the atmosphere left by the Holy Queen of Tianhai.

The delegation from Baidi City arrived in Beijing several days in advance. In the end, only one person from Baidi and his wife came.

In the shocking battle with the Demon Lord, Bai Di was also seriously injured. The queen came, who was also the eldest princess of Daxizhou.

Many people have turned their attention to the National Education College.

Everyone knows that the relationship between the National Education Academy and the Monster Clan has always been extremely close, and Chen Changsheng is His Highness Luoluo's teacher.

So what impact will the arrival of the demon mission have on the situation in Kyoto?

Chen Changsheng himself didn't know the answer to this question.

On the day when the delegation arrived in Beijing, he put down the book in his hand for the first time, took a shower and changed clothes, and then waited for his old friend to visit.

It was indeed an old friend who came, but it wasn't Luo Luo, it was Jin Yulu.

The princess is at the critical moment of breaking through the border and cannot leave. I met Xuanyuan Po on the road. He was seriously injured and needed to be nursed back to health, so I didn't bring him back.

Jin Yulu looked at him and said, then patted his shoulder, and then sighed.

Unable to leave, not come back.

Chen Changsheng was a little sad.

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