Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 735 Praise for ideals and destiny

The so-called accident was because some strong humans or demons appeared on the continent at that time.

Those strong men were too powerful, even a little too powerful. They even surprised the whole world and did not take the Dragon Clan seriously at all.

For example, the legendary Tunguska scholar of the Demon Clan especially liked to conduct research with dragon blood. During his long and boring life, countless dragons died in the room in Xue Lao City that could not see the sun, but aimed at the moon all year round. In his laboratory, the weaker Xuanshuang dragon would be so frightened that he would fall from the sky when he heard his name. Another example is that the previous owner of the Mountain and Sea Sword once fought fierce battles with several evil dragons between the mountains and the sea. It is said that the sea cucumbers produced by the sea that was dyed red were particularly valuable. Another example is the Xuan Shuang, the strongest sword in the past thousand years. The giant dragon gained the friendship of the Demon Lord in Xue Lao City, but was eventually turned into the mountains in Zhou Garden by Zhou Du|fu.

Another example is the person named Su Li.

When the little black dragon saw Su Li at the Snowfield Hot Spring, he was almost frightened to death.

She felt very clearly that this man had killed many dragons.

Those who dare to slay the dragon are not necessarily true warriors, because they may fail. Only those who succeed in slaying the dragon can be called strong.

So who does it count to someone like Su Li who made a special trip to the South China Sea to slay countless giant dragons with his sword in order to determine how powerful the dragon clan is?

Well, he was originally an indescribable accident, an almost crazy exception that could not be deduced by common sense.

The little black dragon didn't know who Shang Xingzhou was, but he could feel that this powerful Taoist priest should also fall into the category of accidents, so he mentioned the past event a little deliberately. In her opinion, even if the dragon clan's fierce reputation could not scare him away, when he mentioned such a legendary name as Wang Zhice, this person should always be in awe.

Shang Xingzhou's reaction was very calm and indifferent, completely beyond her expectation.

It is rumored that you have a cruel temperament and will often eat people if you disagree with them. After landing from the south, you destroyed countless villages and counties into ruins. He looked at her calmly, like an elder looking at a naughty child. Said: But when I saw you in the Frost Flower Shop, I knew the rumors were not true.

Frost Flower Shop is a little-known place name in Kyoto. Chen Changsheng knew it because Mo Yan's orange garden was there and it was difficult for ordinary people to remember it. But how could the little black dragon forget? Hundreds of years ago, she was captured there by the masters of the Zhou Dynasty. She was lying on the ground weakly, panting. A light layer of frost had condensed on the surface of the entire bridge. That damn scholar surnamed Wang came from the bridge. The head walked over, and the footprints he stepped on were like blooming flowers...

Maybe that’s how the name of Frost Flower Shop came about.

Back saw me? Little Black Dragon looked at Shang Xingzhou, and his inner uneasiness and hidden fear turned into strong vigilance.

Of course I have seen you before. The iron chain Wang Zhice used to tie you was borrowed from me.

Shang Xingzhou's eyes moved down and landed on her feet.

There is an iron chain between her feet that looks a little short but is actually very long, which is in stark contrast to the white snow.

She stepped barefoot on the snow-covered grass and seemed not to feel any coldness. But when she heard Shang Xingzhou's words, she felt cold.

Shang Xingzhou continued: This iron chain is the treasure of Li Palace. Junior brother can pull it out from the wall, but there is no way to break it.

Little Black Dragon and Chen Changsheng looked at each other, silent.

It is said that time is the most powerful and history is the most profound, so these profound powers are all in Shang Xingzhou's words.

Old Man Tianji has passed away, His Majesty the Pope has returned to the sea of ​​​​stars, the Demon King has fallen into the abyss, Wang Zhice has lived in seclusion in the world, and there is no longer anyone who is qualified to talk to him.

From this perspective, he is history and time, but he did not write his name in the past years.

Companies and comrades-in-arms are dying one after another, and one is hiding among the mountains like a ghost, so I can no longer hide.

Shang Xingzhou looked at the two of them and felt a little emotional, as if he was thinking of some long-ago stories. Youyou said, Because we are all guardians.

Chen Changsheng understood what he meant.

No matter how many intrigues and cruel conspiracies there are, no one can deny that in the beginning, Emperor Taizong and the ministers of Lingyan Pavilion were a group of very idealists. They threw their heads and blood, and the goal of their struggle was to end the world. to fight against the chaos, expel the demons, and be the guardian of this continent.

Shang Xingzhou was not only a witness to that magnificent era, but also a person who experienced it.

He was originally one of these idealists. He was not well-known but played a very important role. Emperor Taizu formed an alliance with the contemporary pope. Emperor Taizong finally received the full support of Li Gong in the Baicao Garden Incident, and All the cruel stories related to Lingyan Pavilion must be related to him.

Those comrades or companions at that time either died, were killed by Emperor Taizong and him, or left. In short, after a long thousand years, he was the only one left. Even if he is the only one left, because he is the only one left, of course he will have to bear the fate and responsibility of his companions back then.

He wants to become the guardian of this continent, he wants to carry out Emperor Taizong's last order, and he wants to realize the ideals of his companions.

The human race is unified, the demon race bows its head, and the world is unified for generations to come.

No one can stop me.

No one should stop me.

Including you.

Shang Xingzhou looked at Chen Changsheng and said calmly and firmly.

Chen Changsheng didn't know what to say.

At this moment, a crane roar came from the night sky.

A white crane returned from thousands of miles south and answered on his behalf.

The wind blows slowly, which is very cold for ordinary people, but for the two people and one dragon under the big banyan tree, it can only be regarded as refreshing.

The snow on the lake surface was rustling and moving, just like the dead leaves that had been buried under the snow.

A starless night is still neither cold nor dark, because no matter how the political situation changes, thousands of lights in Kyoto will always illuminate the world for countless years.

Bai He brought a letter from Xu Yourong, expressing the fearless attitude of Saintess Peak.

Mrs. Mu left the deer chariot and left, indicating Baidi City's attitude.

There is no need to ask about the attitudes of Lishan and Huaiyuan.

As for the most important state religion, even if many people are willing to support Shang Xingzhou, who dares to openly oppose Chen Changsheng before His Majesty the Pope's decree?

After a somewhat depressing silence, Shang Xingzhou's voice rang again.

When I found you by the stream, I once said that your fate was very bad.

He looked at Chen Changsheng and said, Now it seems I was wrong.

A young Taoist priest from Xining Town has now become the youngest pope in history.

His sun chakra collapsed in his mother's womb, and he was originally not alive until twenty. However, now his meridians have been rebuilt, his star apertures are perfect, and he has a smooth path ahead for his spiritual practice.

He has the support of the entire state religion, the support of many forces, and a guardian.

No matter who looks at it, this life is very good and worthy of praise.

Then what?

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