Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 739 Let’s go to the south

Since the first year of the New Kingdom, the entire continent has only cared about one thing.

It wasn’t the expelled Pope, it wasn’t the Hezhai Saintess Peak, it wasn’t Wang Po who returned to Huaiyuan.

That one thing matters more than all of them combined.

Demonic invasion.

In the autumn of the year before last, the demon king died, Nanke left, and a new king was established. The demon clan was in chaos. Blood was everywhere in Xue Lao City. The weather was extremely cold, winter came early, there was wind and snow, and the harvest was extremely poor. I don’t know how many demons there were. The small tribe was forced to stay away from Xue Lao City, and the number of wolf riders that the Demon Palace valued most was less than one-third of previous years.

No matter who looked at it, this was the moment when the demons were at their weakest. Few people could have imagined that the demons would choose this time to invade in a large scale.

The word big move means crazy and at all costs.

It may be that the survival crisis brought about by the snow and cold has directly transformed into the bloodthirsty desire of the demons. There is another very important reason, and that is the history of the demon prince. After more than 600 years of guarding the Tianshu Mausoleum, he finally left Kyoto, crossed the vast snowfield, and returned to Xue Lao City.

According to the agreement with Shang Xingzhou, Baidi City used some secret method to send him to Xuelao City and contacted some members of the Elder Council who had always been loyal to him. Through the intelligence coming out of the Demon Palace, he was once again convinced that the one who really ruled the Demon Realm was not the new Demon Lord in the Demon Palace, but the Demon Commander and the mysterious military advisor in black robe.

He believed that although the Demon Commander and the Black Robe teamed up to overthrow his father, the Demon Lord who once dominated the continent, it did not mean that they really trusted each other. On the contrary, without the shadow in the sky, the trust between the two would always exist. It may turn into nothing, they must be wary of each other, and even be ready to attack each other at any time. As for the young new Demon Lord in the Demon Palace, he is just a poor puppet, swinging between two cold winds like a root of grass, and may be affected at any time and die.

History wants to take advantage of the tense relationship between the Demon Commander and the Black Robe.

Due to historical reasons, it was impossible for him to cooperate with Black Robe, so of course, he contacted the Demon Commander first.

He knew that the Demon Commander would not completely believe him, but he didn't care. The person he really wanted to join forces with was the young new Demon Commander.

The child was isolated and helpless in the magic palace, and must have been terrified. At this time, if he could get support from him and the power behind him, he would definitely be ecstatic.

Moreover, they are brothers.

In hindsight, the idea of ​​history is not wrong, and can even be said to be absolutely correct. Demons are not humans, and they view the world from different perspectives, but there is not much difference in nature between the two. What determines the direction of things is nothing more than interests, trust, and the innate strength of the relationship between them.

History will fail because his judgment was wrong from the beginning.

There may be real problems between the Demon Commander and the Black Robe, but the young Demon Commander is not the helpless puppet he thought. In fact, it was not until after his death that the entire continent knew that the main messenger of the rebellion in Xue Lao City was not the Demon Commander or the Black Robe, but the young Demon Lord who was pitied or ignored by all the forces.

He is the real usurper.

The reason why the Demon Commander and the Black Robe joined forces to push the once domineering Demon Lord into the abyss was precisely because of his existence.

It is true that the Demon Commander and the Black Robe do not trust each other, but they both trust the young Demon Lord immensely and regard the young Demon Lord as their closest nephew.

How did the young Demon Lord manage to have the trust and even loyalty of these two people at the same time?

His father was once the most terrifying shadow on this continent. Even if Taizong and Zhou Du|Fu joined forces, they could not completely eliminate him, but he was killed by him himself.

What kind of existence is the young Demon Lord?

Pinning the hope of success on a real opponent, with a manipulative mentality to deal with an opponent whose terrifying power cannot be imagined, without any accidents, history has completely failed. When he was about to die, he couldn't help but raise his head and look at the throne after having guarded the Mausoleum of Heaven's Book for six hundred years, unable to be moved by wind and rain.

It was a young and handsome demon, with the corners of his lips raised slightly, which just right diluted the nobility and domineering in the demon body.

The young demon is the youngest son of the great demon king, not much older than Nanke.

The deceased demon king had many children, among which history was the most powerful, and Nanke was the most famous, and the names of the others were hard to remember.

Comparatively speaking, quite a lot of people know his name because he was once the young master of the Demon King, and more importantly because he said something.

I want Xu Yourong very much.

It’s not that I want to see you, I just want to.

After this sentence spread in the mainland, it naturally aroused unlimited anger from the human race and the demon race, and also caused a lot of ridicule.

Because at that time, apart from his identity as the young master of the Demon Lord, he had nothing more to boast about.

Whether it was his talent for cultivation or the advancement of his demonic body, he was very ordinary, not as good as Nan Ke, let alone Xu Yourong.

In the aristocratic gatherings in Xue Lao City, and at the Lanxi Art Exhibition, he never received any good reputation, not even as good as Chen Changsheng, let alone Qiu Shanjun.

Until now.

There were wars everywhere outside the old city of Xue. Countless nobles in the city had their heads cut off and their bodies were maimed, and their bodies were covered in blood.

Wolf cavalry roared outside the Demon Palace, and the buildings in the palace were full of traces of hard battle.

The legendary eldest brother was kneeling in front of him covered in blood.

The Demon Commander and the black robe stood beside him quietly.

He's at the front.

He is in the center.

Do you believe that you can always have their loyalty?

Han Qing looked at the young demon king and asked. This sentence is naturally talking about the black robe and the devil commander.

Brother, you have lived too long, and your thoughts are often related to loyalty, passion, trust, conspiracy...these boring old words. I am still very young, and I like some more refreshing new words, such as ideals and dreams. , sunshine, warmth, spring...the south, and girls.”

A touching smile appeared on the young devil's face: Their support for me has nothing to do with loyalty, but because we share a common ideal, or dream.

Han Qing understood what he meant and his face turned a little pale.

The Seventh Demon General and the Twenty-fourth Demon General stepped forward and dragged him away from the palace. The abyss behind the Demon Palace was waiting for him.

The demon army is about to set off.

The young Demon Lord walked outside the palace, looked at the black wolf cavalry on the snow and the Demon soldiers who kept roaring in low voices, and suddenly fell silent.

He didn't know what he thought of, and he was a little distracted. After a long time, he woke up and smiled to himself.

Then he said something that would become famous later on.

The sunshine in the south is better and warmer, the spring is longer, and there are many girls in the south, so we go to the south.

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