Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 747 Strange Items

No matter how miraculous a drug is, if it cannot be used by oneself, it is no different from garbage. To the young formation master who was dying on the hospital bed, Cinnabar Pill was like this. The general stopped looking at him, turned around and walked out of the house. When he passed Anhua and the priest, he stopped and asked them to take good care of them, and then said something in a deep voice.

I wouldn't say that person is just trying to gain fame, but he must have great intentions.

People understood what the general meant. No matter whether the person found the holy prescription from an ancient book or developed it on his own with his medical talent, if he was always concerned about the safety of the human race and had compassion for others, then the most important thing to do is to prepare the prescription. take it out.

Since it was confirmed that Cinnabar Pill really has miraculous effects and has saved many people who should be alive, Anwar has developed a great affection for that mysterious man whom she has never met and whom no one has ever met. She does not want to believe that that person is A conspirator or she might have other ideas, but she also had no way of denying the general's words.

That person could only produce one bottle of cinnabar pills every month, and the number of dozens of pills was still too small for the needs of the frontline soldiers. She believed that the person had done his best, but it was just because there was no way to collect enough rare medicinal materials. , or the ability is limited and there is no way to increase production, but as long as he is willing to hand over the prescription, these problems can be easily solved. Just like what she thought at the beginning, no matter how rare the medicinal materials required for this elixir are, the state religion and the imperial court will definitely be able to find them.

The state religion and the imperial court can mass-produce this elixir. The human race will gain a great advantage in this war, and the future of the continent will be bright. Of course, this will also be of great benefit to that person, and he will gain With the gratitude of the whole world and countless merits, he will become a true saint even if he doesn't know how to practice.

So why is he unwilling to do this?

The middle-aged man sat in a chair and drank tea quietly. The innkeeper stood in front of him, not daring to move.

Hearing the voices behind the wall, a mocking smile appeared on his lips: Saint? He's just a stranger.

The innkeeper lowered his body lower and did not dare to say anything.

Rare goods can be used as a means for merchants to sell their goods.

How much is cinnabar pill worth? In terms of curative effect, it can regenerate bones and heal the dead, so it is naturally a priceless treasure. But in fact, since the first time Cinnabar Pill appeared in Yonglan Pass, there has never been a selling price. If you want to get it, you don't need any money, you just need to wait - if you have the life to wait until that moment.

Neither the owner of the Cinnabar Pill nor the Yinghua Palace and the current Wenshui Tang Family can obtain any profit from the Cinnabar Pill. In the eyes of some people, it is completely unreasonable for the Wenshui Tang Family to obtain such an elixir that cannot obtain any profit. , offended so many forces and big figures in the world. But in the eyes of truly knowledgeable people, this idea is undoubtedly extremely stupid. The owner of Cinnabar Pill has determined the rules, but the rules are dead. There are always some things that can be exploited. For example, the two formation masters who are both seriously injured and about to die have very similar conditions in terms of cultivation level and past military achievements. So what? Determine their order in the sequence?

At this time, it is the power of the Tang family.

Even though this kind of power does not appear all the time and seems very insignificant, one ten thousandth of it is still as vast as the ocean, and it cannot be overemphasized. The Tang family will never give up this resource. In order to ensure the long-term preservation of this resource, they will try their best to meet the person's conditions, including enforcing the rules for him.

After the Tianshu Mausoleum incident, the Tang family's status in the human race became even higher. They had left the Tianhai family far behind and became the de facto first family in the Zhou Dynasty. Now they hold the distribution of Cinnabar Pills. His power and status have been consolidated once again, even making many forces feel faintly afraid.

If it is an ordinary family, it should be satisfied when it reaches such a position, but the Tang family in Wenshui is not an ordinary family. They are the earliest merchants in the mainland. Businessmen can never be satisfied and are greedy. Regardless of praise or criticism, this sentence has When it comes to business, of course the Tang family cannot be satisfied with the benefits brought by Cinnabar Pill.

Compared with the magic of Cinnabar Pill, the current income is a bit too small, and... they are not the dominant player.

That mysterious person is the real boss, and the Tang family cannot accept this.

Regardless of arms, grain, cities, treasures, or medicines, the Tang family must be the only owner, or at least the majority shareholder, in all businesses involved in the mainland.

Since tens of thousands of years ago, greed for profit and strong desire for control have been the strongest colors of the Tang family in Wenshui. It can even be said to be the purpose of existence. These two points have long been ingrained in the blood of every member of the family and have become It has become an obsession, so even if the Yinghua Palace massacre is ahead, they still want to get more from the Cinnabar Pill.

They want to know who is the real owner of Cinnabar Pill more than anyone else.

Compared with other forces in the world, they are undoubtedly closest to that person. There may be a few layers of mist between them, but they can already vaguely see the truth.

Yes, this inn is the property of the Tang family in Wenshui.

The middle-aged man is the Seventeenth Master of the Tang family in Wenshui.

He came all the way from Wenshui to Songshan Military Mansion, just to find the secret hidden behind Cinnabar Pill.

A respectful and fearful voice sounded outside the door.

The goods from Montenegro have arrived.

Hearing these words, Tang Qiye raised his eyebrows slightly and his eyes became brighter.

He got up from the chair and, under the guidance of the innkeeper, came to a secret room in the backyard of the inn.

In the middle of the secret room was a large black stone table. On the stone table were the goods that the Wenshui Tang family had shipped from the Black Mountain Military Mansion at a great cost.

It was a corpse.

The deceased was a man. He was extremely seriously injured. His face and neck were scorched black. He had obviously been burned by poisonous demonic flames. His half-unbuttoned clothes had an obvious military style, and his fingers were extremely slender. The joints are slightly raised, and there are still faint traces of starlight in the miserable gap between the chest and abdomen that have not completely dissipated.

It can be seen from these details that this is a practitioner in the Star Gathering Realm who died in a battle with a strong demon clan. He was most likely a general of the Great Zhou Army.

Tang Qiye took out a white handkerchief from his sleeve and covered his mouth and nose, and motioned the shopkeeper to come forward with his eyes.

The shopkeeper walked to the black stone table, took a sharp knife, and began to cut between the chest and abdomen of the corpse, slashing downward from the depth of the already existing crack.

With a slight hissing sound, the blade cut open the stomach of the deceased, and the foul-smelling green liquid gushes out and drips onto the table.

Tang Qiye frowned slightly and covered his handkerchief tighter with disgust, but did not look away.

In front of him, the innkeeper looked like a very mediocre servant, but at this time, he looked like a very experienced man.

The shopkeeper reached into the deceased's stomach without hesitation, and after groping for a while, he took out a small bag.

I don’t know what kind of material the small bag is made of. It is neither leather nor paper. The surface is very smooth and feels very thin and soft. You can faintly see a round thing inside.

That thing might be a stone, it might be a pearl.

It could also be a pill.

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