Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 755 The broken bridge is full of people

Except for the demons, no one will eat human flesh.

——Even if there are such perverted characters, they will only act in private, and will never dare to announce it to the public, let alone look proud.

What the girl in black said was ridiculous. It sounded like a joke. Logically speaking, it could only be a joke. However, the people in the pavilion couldn't laugh. Because this is the place where weird stories are most likely to happen, in the deep mountains and snowy ridges far away from the human world, on the lake on increasingly cold winter nights, and her expression is very serious.

An atmosphere of fear and uneasiness enveloped Xueting, occupying everyone's hearts. Shame can sometimes make people angry, and so can fear, because it forces you to face your own spiritual weaknesses. Mr. Yang wanted to explain a few words, but when he said it, it turned into an angry reprimand.

Am I right? These medicinal materials can save lives, but they are used by you to satisfy your lust! What you eat is human flesh! What you drink is human blood!

Of course you are right. The girl in black's childish brows and eyes were indifferent: Because I eat human flesh and drink human blood.

As soon as the words fell, a painful howl sounded in the snow pavilion, and Mr. Yang's hand was severed at the wrist!

Accompanied by the horrified shouts and the string of crystal blood beads spilling into the night sky, the severed hand was controlled by an invisible force and floated in front of the girl in black.

She looked at the severed hand, raised her eyebrows slightly, and did not move for a while, not knowing what she was thinking.

People looked at this bloody scene in horror, wondering if she would really eat the severed hand?

Anwar noticed that the expression of the girl in black was particularly serious, prudent and focused, even with a sacred meaning.

This discovery made her feel endless fear and her body was extremely cold, because it reminded her of the little girl she saw in the Gaozhan in Gaoyang Town today.

Stop messing around. A voice sounded from the lake shore.

The young man who suddenly disappeared just now came back from the bridge.

Because of the appearance of this person, the depressive, tense and frightened atmosphere in the snow pavilion inexplicably became much more relaxed.

I don't know if it was because of his gentle tone or that clean and delicate face that gave people a harmless feeling.

The girl in black looked at him angrily and said, What am I doing? That's the braised mutton you cooked for me. How can I eat it if it's been touched by that guy's dirty hands?

The young man came outside the pavilion, looked at her and said, Is it because of this that you are going to bite his hand?

The girl in black said angrily: I don't care! I want to eat human flesh! I am a cannibal of human flesh, why can't I eat it?

The young man said helplessly: I tried it two years ago. You don't like eating it. Why are you still thinking about it now?

The girl in black snorted and said, Am I still me if I can't eat human flesh?

Good boy, you just said that this hand is very dirty, throw it away quickly. The young man said to her, with a slight hint of doting in his voice, but more of helplessness, care, responsibility, and obligation. It's like the elders versus the younger ones. It's weird and a little timid.

This conversation is also very weird. How long ago was it possible to discuss cannibalism?

Of course, everyone thought it was ridiculous, but except for Mr. Yang, who was about to faint from pain, everyone hoped that this young man could convince the girl in black.

No one wants to have nightmares every night for the rest of their lives.

The girl in black was obviously unhappy, but in the end she threw the severed hand into the lake as she was told.

Seeing this scene, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I know what you want, but I really can't give it to you. Besides...

The young man's eyes fell on Anwar's face and said, There are indeed medicinal materials in the mutton bowl and wine jug, but those are not what you want.

Anhua had already confirmed that he was the owner of Cinnabar Pill. He couldn't understand why he wanted to talk to him among so many people, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

The young man continued: I am not that luxurious. If this meat and wine can save people, of course I will not use it to satisfy my own appetite.

Anhua felt more and more puzzled. This person must not be an ordinary person, and there was no need to explain anything to himself, an ordinary teacher of the Thirteenth Division of Qingji. And when she saw Mr. Yang, who was moaning in pain, her confusion was replaced by sadness again, and she said, But after all, you are big shots who ignore ordinary people's lives and deaths.

The young man looked at her serious and stubborn expression and felt slightly absent-minded. He probably thought of a girl who had also practiced in Qingjing Thirteenth Division.

He wanted to explain a few words, or maybe it was for this reason.

You are a pure healer and you are a true soldier.

He looked at Anwar and the general and said, But this man is different. He is not an ordinary medical officer. I can see his greed, so cutting off his hand is the price he needs to pay.

Just like the previous explanation, there was no evidence and it was just self-determination, which was difficult to convince. But looking at the young man's clean and clear eyes, both Anwar and the general believed it.

Then, the young man said with regret: I didn't expect to be found so soon.

The atmosphere in the snow pavilion became tense again. Everyone held the hilts of their knives and crossbow arrows, breathing heavily, wondering if the other party was going to silence them? If they hadn't seen the scene where the girl in black quietly cut off Mr. Yang's wrist in the air, everyone might have laughed at this idea as being fanciful, but now no one dares to think like this.

However, the young man didn't do anything. He just called the girl in black out of the snow pavilion, then turned and walked towards the bridge.

Only then did everyone notice that he had been carrying his luggage. It turned out that during the time when he disappeared, he was preparing to leave.

After all, Anwar is a woman, her mind is relatively delicate, and she thinks of more things.

It only took such a short time to pack their bags. Does that mean they were ready to leave at any time?

What is he avoiding? Is it the world-famous reputation, unparalleled wealth, endless risks brought by Cinnabar Pill, or is it the world itself?

Who is this young man? What's the story about him?

The general came with military orders, so naturally he was not willing to let the other party leave. He gave a deep shout and rushed outside the snow pavilion.

With a bang, countless smoke and dust flew up from under the pavilion. He was blocked by an invisible barrier and fell to the ground.

Only then did people realize that it turned out that the other party had placed a ban on the snow pavilion before they left. Perhaps there was no danger, but they were unable to stop them from leaving.

Anhua walked to the pavilion, looked at the backs of the two people and shouted: We just want to ask for a cinnabar pill to save our lives.

The young man did not turn around and said: I really don't have any more here. The next one will be in a few days. You can go back and wait.

Anwar shouted in despair: But he can't wait any longer.

There are many things that we cannot decide ourselves and we can only accept our fate.

The young man took the girl in black and continued walking towards the end of the wooden bridge, talking along the way.

Don't make trouble again without reason.

How can people be so unreasonable!

Then can you stop being so violent? You kill and eat people at every turn. This is really not good.

Those people are here to steal things! If they even want to attack you, of course I will kill them. I can kill them, so what does it mean to eat them on the way?

I know you don't want to eat either, so why force yourself...

When did I say that I don't want to eat human flesh? I thought what you said makes sense. Those hands are too dirty and it would be too troublesome to wash and pluck them out...

I was trying to find a step for you so you could get down easily.

Hey! If you say that, wouldn't I be put on the ladder again? Besides, please make it clear, I'm doing it to give you face!

Listening to these conversations and watching the retreating figures, the people in the snow pavilion had very complicated emotions.

Just when they thought that everything that happened tonight would become a memory, and would eventually turn into a cold dream that was unforgettable but left no trace in their lives...


The stars and snow in the sky suddenly danced wildly, and a huge boulder roared down from the sky and hit the wooden bridge.

The lake was turbulent, the waves were violent, wood chips were flying, and smoke and snow covered the entire sky.

The wooden bridge is broken and the snowy lake is in chaos.

The young man and the girl in black stood by the broken bridge, their clothes slightly wet.

It was silent and extremely depressing.

Suddenly there was a sound of wind, whistling continuously, which was the cold wind blowing the flames.

Then there was the sound of metal grinding, and the sound of armor clashing.

Countless torches were lit one after another by the lake, gradually illuminating the scene.

There are people everywhere.

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