Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 764 Silent Valley

Part of the frost covering the wooden bridge is the broken ice beads. The chill comes from the squeaking breath, but part of it is the sound of the piano coming directly from the distance. It is also extremely cold, even better. , is there something colder than the Mysterious Frost Dragon's Breath?

It would be difficult for a human like Chen Changsheng to come up with the answer, but for Hai Di, the answer is obvious.

The old city of Snow is very cold, especially the Demonic Palace that is always hidden in the shadows, where the cold wind is constantly blowing all year round.

He was so shocked, confused, and frightened because he thought of that place.

Tonight, he knew in advance that there would be changes, but when the changes did come, he was still a little unable to bear it, because he didn't expect that it was the one who came.

It seems that the demons really don't like Cinnabar Pill, and a big shot like Hai Di came here in person.

Tang Qiye looked at the courtyard in the snow valley at the foot of the mountain, with an unexplainable smile on his face.

The Wenshui Tang family paid a great price to find some clues, confirming that the cinnabar pill should come from Gaoyang Town, and then found this snow mountain valley.

He did not deliberately leak this extremely important information. He just closed his eyes for a moment, and the news spread to many places.

The big shots from the imperial court came, and the big shots from the demon clan also came.

The news came from the Songshan Military Mansion. The demons should have received it much later, but they were only late at midnight, and a real big shot came.

From this we can imagine how seriously Xue Laocheng attaches importance to this matter.

For the demons, it is completely unacceptable for humans to have such miraculous medicine.

On the battlefield in the past year, the death-to-injury ratio of the strong men on both sides has clearly tilted towards the human race, from one to four in the past thousand years to one to three and seven now. This data does not seem to have changed much, but what if it continues like this? What if the number of cinnabar pills increases? You must know that the war between humans and demons has been going on for thousands of years. Even the smallest changes are likely to affect the overall situation in the end.

Therefore, the demons will definitely find a way to kill the owner of Cinnabar Pill and destroy the prescription.

If this scene really happened, Tang Qiye would feel a little regretful, but he would also feel very satisfied, just like now.

When he spoke, the sword in his hand was still in the belly of the innkeeper of Songshan Town.

The shopkeeper gasped in pain, finally closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

He was standing on the edge of a cliff high in the snowy ridge, with dead bodies everywhere around him.

Only one person is still alive.

The former Bishop of Yinghua Hall was pale, his teeth were chattering, his head was lowered, and he did not dare to look at Master Tang Qi.

These dead people were all close subordinates of Tang Qiye, all from Wenshui, and all killed by him in the short period of time.

This is of course murder and silence.

It seems that Tang Qiye wants to use Chen Changsheng's sword to deal with Zhu Ye and others, thereby opening up the situation for the Tang family in Tianliang County. In fact... he wants to kill Chen Changsheng. The Wenshui Tang family couldn't bear the murder of His Majesty the Pope, so he couldn't leave any evidence behind. Even these subordinates he trusted must die. As for Zhu Ye, Ning Shiwei and the Tianhai family, even if they had suspicions afterwards, they did not prove what they accused him of. On the contrary, in order to avoid bearing the anger of Li Gong, they might have to cooperate with him in turn.

Master Haidi probably didn't expect that the owner of Cinnabar Pill would be His Majesty the Pope, right?

The current situation will not change in any way. The demons were originally going to kill the owner of Cinnabar Pill. If they found out that it was Chen Changsheng, they would certainly not let him live.

Thinking that the contemporary pope would die in front of his eyes, Master Tang Qi couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He looked at the lake garden below the snowy ridge and showed a happy smile.

Suddenly, a piano sound came from somewhere in the night, and the smile on his face gradually froze.

The first place where I heard the sound of the piano was not the lake garden or the snowy cliff high up, but somewhere else.

There is a distance of more than ten miles between this place and the courtyard, and it is on the only deserted mountain road to Gaoyang Town.

Zhu Ye, Ning Shiwei, Tianhai Zhanyi and hundreds of master sergeants were reorganizing here after evacuating from the courtyard, not knowing what they were going to do next.

They heard the clear sound of the piano, but didn't pay attention, because next, their attention was completely attracted by the sound coming from more than ten miles away.

The thunderous roar, the shaking of the earth, the sound of wind, rain and the sound of swords indicated that an extremely fierce battle was taking place there.

Those strong men came from the north of Snow Ridge.

To the north of the snow ridge is the Demon Realm.

Of course those who came were the strong ones from the demon clan.

If the predictions were correct, those powerful demons were besieging Chen Changsheng and the girl in black at this time.

Logically speaking, whether it was Zhu Ye or Ning Shiwei, they should of course rush back for rescue as quickly as possible at this time.

On one side is the pope of the human race, and on the other side is the strong man of the demon race. What to do is something that a three-year-old child should understand, and it is something that does not need to be thought about.

But Zhu Ye looked quietly somewhere in the night, Ning Shiwei looked at Xuefeng indifferently, and Tianhai Zhanyi frowned, as if thinking about something difficult.

The mountain road was very quiet. No one spoke for a long time, which was very strange.

Suddenly, the expressions of Zhu Ye and Ning Shiwei became more solemn.

The sound in the distant courtyard did not stop.

It was only then that they realized that Chen Changsheng's swordsmanship had actually reached this level. As for the girl in black... the legend was indeed a legend.

Zhu Ye and Ning Shiwei looked at each other and saw the lingering fear in each other's eyes. Now it seems that if they had not surrendered and retreated by the lake before, but had tried to use their own strength to force the attack, they would have been unable to succeed and could only have been charged with murdering His Majesty the Pope...

Tianhai Zhanyi's realm was much lower, and he could not feel the power of Chen Changsheng and the girl in black through the distant sounds and energy changes.

So even though he knew what Sandao's weird silence meant at this moment, he still felt a little bored.

He remembered the sound of the piano that suddenly appeared and then disappeared, and looked into the night in front of the mountain road.

The night was suddenly broken, broken by the sound of the piano and the sound of footsteps.

A straw shoe breaks through the frost on the surface of the mountain road, walking slowly, like breaking autumn leaves, making a crunchy sound, which is very pleasant.

The bare feet in the straw sandals are very small, because its owner is a girl of twelve or thirteen years old.

The little girl's eyebrows are picturesque and very pretty, but the space between her eyes is slightly wider, and the pupils are slightly closer to the center of her eyebrows, giving her a dull look.

A middle-aged scholar came up behind her, with nothing but a piano in his arms.

Without even seeing how he moved, the strings gathered and dispersed on their own, producing an extremely clear sound.

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