Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 789 Encounter on the Blind Mountain

The young officer walked up to the man who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The man's face was covered in blood, but he still looked young.

The young officer smelled a very faint but indescribable smell. He couldn't help but frowned. He squatted next to the man and began to check the man's injuries. He found that there were wounds everywhere on the man's body, especially on his right arm. More than ten pieces were broken.

Seeing such serious injuries, his brows furrowed even deeper. Looking upward, he saw two clear marks between the cliffs full of gravel and frost grass. It was easy to tell that these two people should have come from high places. Falling everywhere.

The young officer knew that there was a long-ago troop transportation road higher up the cliff, which could lead to the prosperous towns east of Hanshan. It had been abandoned for many years, but it had always been passable. Occasionally, some bandits and smugglers would take risks. , did this person fall from there? After falling from such a high place, no wonder he was so seriously injured. He was lucky enough not to die on the spot.

Taking the water and utensils handed over by his subordinates, the young officer began to clean the wounds of the unconscious young casualty, treat the injuries, and ensure that the situation was temporarily stabilized and there would be no problems. After doing these things, he stood up , wiped his hands, and walked to the little girl.

He knelt down again, looked at the little girl and said, Hello.

The little girl said nothing, hugging her knees, and her dull eyes fell on the young injured person. Her face was pale and she looked extremely weak.

The young officer put his hand in front of her eyes, snapped his fingers, and continued to ask: Who are you?

The little girl moved back, looking a little scared.

The young officer looked at the horror flashing in her eyes and couldn't help but think of those pitiful eyes in the Unicorn Cave many years ago.

We have asked many questions, but this little girl has never responded. It seems that she is either mute or deaf.

A subordinate thought for a moment and said, Of course, it's possible that he was scared out of his wits.

Why do you keep asking when you know you might be scared?

The young officer said angrily, got up and walked towards the camp.

At this time, a faint but clear voice sounded behind him.


The young officer turned and looked over.

The little girl looked at him blankly.

I want to eat meat.

Hearing these words, the young officer was startled, then laughed, and snapped his fingers again in the slightly cold mountain wind.

It's good to be able to talk and know how to make requests.

Autumn in the north is not much different from winter. Banya Racecourse is deep in the mountains and the climate is relatively warm. However, it still got cold after a night of north wind. Fortunately, the kang in the camp had been heated in advance and no soldiers suffered frostbite. , but suffered several burns.

You are all so stupid, no wonder you are driven here to raise horses.

The young officer scolded his subordinates, drove them out, and then looked at the corner of the room.

It was very cold at the end of the kang, especially against the wall on the north side. There was not much difference between the blue bricks and the ice cubes.

But the little girl refused to leave there, because the young injured man was lying on the kang, or because it was the closest to the coal stove, and the earthen bowl on the stove had been stewing meat, and the meat kept simmering in the soup. The ground rings.

She was holding bowls and chopsticks in her hands, staring at the meat stewed on the stove, her eyes focused, which made her look even more dull.

I know I'm afraid of getting burned, but it doesn't seem like I'm really stupid.

The young officer looked at her and shook his head. He walked to the kang and sat down.

As time passed, the little girl relaxed her vigilance a little, but the young injured person was still unconscious.

He began to look through this person's belongings, trying to find some clues, but in the end he found nothing.

The young injured person had no money, no directions, no household registration, not even a piece of paper. His clothes were made of the most common materials, and there were no accessories that could provide information. He only had a string tied around his wrist. Stone beads.

Those stone beads looked quite simple, with nothing special about them at all.

Thinking of the smell he had smelled at the bottom of the cliff earlier, the young officer lowered his body and smelled the young wounded man's neck and body carefully. Although he couldn't be sure whether it was the smell he smelled before, he was now convinced that there was a lot of medicinal smell on the body of the young injured man.

He smelled the unique smell of at least seventeen medicinal herbs.

It turned out to be a drug dealer. No wonder he took the risk and traveled all night.

He looked at the young injured man and said with emotion: Death for people and money is a blessing.

The war has been going on for two years. Even if all the states, counties and Tiannan work together to provide support, many resources are still somewhat stretched, especially medicinal materials. It is no secret that the military offices on the front line are short of medicine. For many medicine dealers who have not obtained permission from the court, as long as they can deliver the medicine to the front line, they can resell it and make huge profits. As for the medicines that may be encountered along the way, Risks and the strict laws of the imperial court were not within the scope of their consideration at all.

The soldier came in with hot water and said to him: Sir, we can do the next thing.

The young officer was about to agree, looked at the little girl at the foot of the wall, but shook his head.

The little girl was holding the bowl and chopsticks, her dull eyes were full of indifference or numbness. She only became warmer when she looked at the meat stewed in the pot. She looked like a little beast that had endured countless cruel tortures. People sympathize.

It's me. Since we are saving people, we must save them.

When the young officer made this decision, he did not know that this demented little girl who easily reminded him of events many years ago was a little princess of the demon clan, nor did he think of the relationship between the unconscious young wounded man and himself. .

He just felt that the little girl looked pitiful. At the same time, he felt that although the young injured person had been unconscious and had his eyes closed, he didn't know why he gave people a very peaceful and refreshing feeling. In short, it was a bit pleasing to the eye.

In this way, the young man and woman who fell from the mountain stayed at Banya Racecourse and received careful care from the officers and soldiers.

The young officers devoted the most energy to it, because cooking meat and treating diseases were originally important affairs of the country.

A few days later, the young injured man finally woke up.

He did not open his eyes immediately, but took five breaths to calm down, then sat down and took a look at himself to confirm the injury.

After confirming the severity of the injury, he opened his eyes.

The first thing that caught his eye was the young officer.

He thought to himself that although this man had a big beard, he didn't look like a vicious person, and for some reason he was somewhat pleasing to the eye.

It was a long time later that Zhexiu, Tang Sanliu, Gou Hanshi and Guan Feibai learned about the situation at that time.

People from both the National Education Academy and the Lishan Sword Sect were silent for a long time, thinking to themselves, are you all blind?

(In Osaka, although it is tiring, it is really good. It is really good to walk around more when I have the opportunity. As long as I don’t fall stupid like Chen Changsheng and Nanke... Only No. 6 can do it when I am always on the road. When I get home, the updates in the past few days may be a bit chaotic. I will try my best. I wish you happiness every day.)

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