Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 791 General Banya

Rob wanted to exchange the medicinal soup for the broth in Nanke's hand, but Nanke didn't want to.

She looked at Chen Changsheng. Chen Changsheng blinked with some difficulty, then turned to look at Rob with even more difficulty, expressing his gratitude with his eyes.

The medicinal soup was brought to his lips, and he noticed that the bowl was washed very clean, with no residual vegetable smell, and no smell of oil.

Then he smelled seventeen kinds of medicinal materials in the bowl. Those medicinal materials were far from precious in Kyoto, but they would be difficult to prepare in such a remote horse farm. Of course, what surprised him most was not the cleanliness of the bowl. The medicinal materials were complete, but it was Rob's medical skills that he displayed through this bowl of medicinal soup.

Time moved forward slowly with the replacement of medicinal soup and broth. Chen Changsheng and Nan Ke had lived in Banya Racecourse for the fourth day.

Nan Ke was still in a daze. He didn't know who Chen Changsheng was or who he was. He only vaguely remembered that Chen Changsheng was very important to him. He stayed by his side every day, making cold medicine, cooking meat and scrubbing for him, just like a maid. And watched with vigilance all those who tried to approach the room, with the exception of one person, and that was Rob.

In the first three days when she could not speak, Chen Changsheng often thought, maybe it was because Rob gave her a lot of meat?

By the fourth day, he still couldn't get out of bed. He could already make slight movements, such as turning around and raising his hands. The most important thing was that he could speak. What surprised him was that the officer named Rob did not Re-examine your origins.

Although it is a remote racecourse, there are still many affairs. As the chief officer, Rob naturally cannot stay lazy in the house all the time. Many times, the people who come to deliver the medicine soup are his subordinates or other subordinate officers in the racecourse, because of the inheritance of blood. Because of his relationship with others, and because he had practiced the method of following one's will since childhood, Chen Changsheng was born with a trait that made people feel close to him. This was true for both the black sheep in the palace and the black dragon under the Beixin Bridge, not to mention these aspirations. A relatively simple and simple officer, he became familiar with these people in a short period of time.

As long as you ignore Nanke's little animal-like gaze, Chen Changsheng's conversation with the officers can be said to have gone very smoothly. He has a more realistic understanding of the situation on the front line, a more intuitive understanding of the military's morale, and a more intuitive understanding of the military mentality. Importantly, he learned the story of Banya Racecourse and Officer Rob.

Anyone who knows Rob's story will inevitably have a lot of sympathy and anger at injustice, and Chen Changsheng is no exception.

He believed that Rob's ability to obtain so many military honors over the years was not due to luck or background, but rather because of his talent.

From the seemingly smooth and careless daily management and life of Banya Racecourse, we can see this person's mastery and control skills. It only took a few medicinal soups to make Chen Chang Sheng's injuries improved quickly, which further illustrates his excellent medical skills.

Of course, these are impressions gained through conversation and are naturally not as good as seeing them in person.

To see it with his own eyes, he first had to be able to get up and walk around the racecourse.

But he never thought about why he was so interested in the officer named Rob.

On the seventh day, Chen Changsheng got up.

Back then, Zhe Xiu had endured countless tortures in Zhou Prison, and his meridians were broken. In the end, he relied on painful stimulation to cure his injuries in the shortest time. He also used the same method. The whole night before, he was fighting with unimaginable things. painful battle.

Nan Ke has been serving him, wiping his sweat with a towel, feeding him water, and caressing his chest. Of course, his movements are very unfamiliar and clumsy, but he is very serious, and his mind is very consumed. At the fourth watch, he finally calms down, and then I fell asleep peacefully and didn't even notice him leaving the house.

The morning light fell on the meadows between the mountains, the mist flowed down from the valley, and the horses that had just woken up made a slight noise.

Chen Changsheng picked up a branch, supported his weak body, and walked around the racecourse casually.

It's not that he doesn't care for his body, on the contrary, he needs to consolidate the newly renewed meridians as quickly as possible through activities.

The Banya Racecourse is very large, with arrow stacks and array hubs in each barracks seemingly scattered in every corner, but if you look carefully, you can see some rules hidden in it, which can ensure that you make the best decision when encountering the enemy. Effective response.

Chen Changsheng had read Taoism thoroughly, but had never studied military law. He was able to see through the military layout of Banya Racecourse at a glance because Su Li taught him many swordsmanship skills on his way back from the snowfield thousands of miles south. aspects of knowledge.

It can be seen from the freshness of the soil in front of the Zhenshu wooden village and the gate that these layouts should have been changed after Rob came to Banya Racecourse.

The more Chen Changsheng looked at it, the more he felt that these military arrangements implied the art of war, which perfectly confirmed the knowledge that Su Li said back then. He couldn't help but admire this man a lot, but he didn't think of anything through this.

The mountains in the north are majestic and ruthless, and the weather is even more moody. The slightly cold morning light suddenly turned into a biting howling wind. Countless yellow sand was picked up by the strong wind and rushed toward the racecourse from the entrance of the mountain. In just an instant, the world changed. Became dark.

Warning sirens, stern orders and hurried footsteps sounded everywhere in the military camp.

Chen Changsheng didn't want to cause trouble, so he slowly moved back along the eaves while holding on to the branches. When he looked up, he saw Rob.

Rob found out that he could move around, and he smiled happily, showing his white teeth, and said, Congratulations.

At this time, he was in a hurry to arrange for his subordinates to deal with the sandstorm. He had no time to say anything more. He glanced at the branches under Chen Changsheng's armpits, shook his head, and pointed to the door behind him to signal Chen Changsheng to go in and take shelter.

With Chen Changsheng's current speed, by the time he moved back to the original room, a sandstorm would have enveloped the place. Without any reason to refuse, he walked in as promised. Before he could turn around, the door was closed, and then There was a clear sound of applause outside the door.

Rob should have tapped some mechanism on the door or the wall. A thick crossbar sealed the door. At the same time, several strong wooden boards fell down, blocking the windows tightly. At the same time, a person on the table An oil lamp lights without fire.

Chen Changsheng did not misunderstand, so he would not panic. He carefully observed the mechanisms in the room and found that the structure was very simple and extremely exquisite. Even the most ordinary people could operate it. I thought that the barracks in the entire racecourse had similar layouts. So I was completely relieved.

The next moment his eyes were attracted by the things on the desk.

A yellowish light fell on the table, illuminating the papers.

That is very precious Shizhou paper. Not to mention such a remote horse farm, even the Songshan Military Mansion does not have much.

Some papers have ink characters written on them, while others have pictures on them.

Chen Changsheng was not good at poetry, calligraphy and painting, but he had read Taoism thoroughly and had a good vision.

The handwriting was excellent, and the character was hidden under the seemingly plump appearance, and he didn't bother to let anyone see it.

The paintings are also very good, a large splash-ink freehand painting of Spring and Autumn Period, and a meticulous painting of flowers and birds reflecting the heaven and earth.

Whose room is this? Whose calligraphy and painting are these?

How could anyone in such a remote racecourse use Shizhou paper so luxuriously, write with such good handwriting, and draw with such good strokes?

Chen Changsheng vaguely had an answer in his heart.

Then, he saw the signatures on the two paintings.

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