Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 384: : Self-descent status

The leaders of these gangs in Black Point Dashan are all strong men who have opened a hundred holes.

Today, their joint hands are definitely a powerful force in the Mount Noire.

Now, Black Sword Sovereign is not afraid, it seems like a tiger, looking at five bunnies provoking him.

"This Black Horn Mountain is destined to become the territory of my Black Sword Sovereign. Since you are stubborn, then you will all be killed."

The Black Sword Sovereign waved with one hand, and the four tombstones were actually spliced ​​together one by one, turning into a huge tombstone, like a ruler.

To be precise, it is more like a heavy weapon.

The four tombstones opened their third eyes at the same time and released black rays of light. They were connected together. The Black Sword Sovereign waved with one hand and carried it directly on his shoulder.

This is a weapon that is spliced ​​by formations, and its power is comparable to an intermediate spirit treasure.

"This Qijue Tianmu Tablet can still play like this?"

"This Black Sword Sovereign is very good at formations, and the Qijue Tianmu Stele is originally a formation tombstone, which contains many changes."

Several helpers were shocked.

"Are you going together? Or is it a wheel fight?"

The Black Sword Sovereign carried the giant sword in one hand, and the whole person was like a demon **** with a murder weapon, and his whole body was covered with fierce light.

As soon as his words fell, his body violently moved, holding the tombstone giant sword in both hands, and his four heavenly eyes released light at the same time, covering the entire tombstone.

With one sword, he actually killed five gang leaders at the same time.

Li Xuan and the others were furious, and they shot their hands one after another, offering their spirit treasures, bursting out with bright rays of light, killing the momentum, soaring into the sky.

When everyone watched this scene, they were also secretly surprised. The five gang leaders took action together, which had never happened before.

However, at the moment when the five of them shot at the same time, the tombstone epee in the hands of the Black Sword Sovereign was already smashed, and the rays of light were released, causing the five to immediately fall into the illusion.

Suddenly, they froze in place.

The Black Sword Sovereign wielded the tombstone epee again and again, making people overwhelmed.

When the five people wake up, it is too late.


With five loud noises, four weapons were blown off at the same time, blood was everywhere, and the five gang leaders backed back again and again. In their bodies, there were cracks and blood overflowed.

This is the skin that was directly shaken by a powerful force.

Especially Li Xuan, who rushed to the front, suffered the most serious injury. One arm was all **** and bloody, and the entire sleeve was dyed red.

In one move, all five gang leaders lost.

"From now on, this Black Horn Mountain will be the largest of my Black Sword Gang. All of your five gangs will submit to me."

The Black Sword Sovereign is carrying the tombstone and the big sword, which has been stained with the blood of five gang leaders: "Don’t say your five gang leaders are teaming up, even if you add those small gang leaders, I will not take it seriously. Now, all The gang disciples knelt down quickly, otherwise, all of them will die."


Many disciples didn't dare to say anything, this Black Sword Sovereign was too strong.

In Mount Noire, basically, whoever has the big fist is the boss. Whoever dares to refuse will die.

They have no doubt that if one person dared to stand up against it, he would be beheaded immediately.

"Black Sword Sovereign, although you are strong, the Black Point Mountain has the rules of the Black Point Mountain. Don't think that if you are strong, you can unify the Black Point Mountain. Not many people willingly surrender you."

Li Xuan said.

"Really? Then I will kill you. I want to see, who is not willing to surrender to me."

The Black Sword Sovereign smiled coldly, and the tombstone epee blasted the past fiercely, as if he was about to strike Li Xuan with a heavy sword and directly obliterate him.

However, at this moment, three tombstones flew out from the crowd, directly blocking Li Xuan.

The Black Sword Sovereign slashed fiercely, and the entire space had a violent shock. He was taken aback for a moment, and then his pupils flashed with terror.

"Three or three Qijuetianmu steles?"

When Black Sword Sovereign saw the three Heavenly Eye Tablets, his whole body trembled in fright, and his body retreated.

This abnormal plot stunned the disciples who all had gangs.

Just now, the aura of the Black Sword Master was extremely powerful, like an ancient giant beast. Now, this ancient giant beast, as if it has encountered something terrible, has turned into a cat.

Especially Li Xuan was also a little surprised, why suddenly three Qijue Tianmu tablets appeared.

In this way, it is the real Qijue Tianmu Monument.

"Helper, what's wrong with you?"

The few masters who followed Black Sword Sovereign also didn't understand what had happened.

The Black Sword Sovereign had a calm face and kept sweeping towards the group of disciples. He couldn't help but said loudly: "Zhang Mofan, your dignified son of Ziyang College, hiding among the small gang in the Black Point Mountain, isn't it a bit of surrender status?"


The son of Ziyang Academy is among their gang.

Moreover, listening to Black Sword Sovereign's words, it should not seem like nonsense.

It's just that the Son is in their help, no one knows how they are.

"Black Sword Sovereign, when I let you go, you came to Black Point Mountain to stand on your own, and, that's all, you actually came to trouble my father's gang?"

A faint voice passed, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but cast their eyes on the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd dispersed, and Zhang Mofan also walked out slowly.

"Zhang Mofan, it's really you, you said your father's gang? Who is your father? Your dignified son, will your father be in this place where birds don't shit?"

The Black Sword Sovereign was a little frustrated, even a little frustrated. He finally found a place to develop, but he didn't expect to meet Zhang Mofan, the broom star.

He wouldn't even dream that Zhang Mofan would come here.

In his opinion, this Black Point Mountain is just adjacent to the poor village, and the dignified son shouldn't come here.

Can only be said to be unlucky, really unlucky.


This time, Du Ping and Du Yuge were shocked.

The son of this peak is actually Zhang Mofan, the saint son in the legend.

Just now they were still talking about Zhang Mofan at the banquet, but as a result, this was by their side, but they didn't know it at all.

how can that be?

The most unacceptable thing is naturally Du Ping. He finally turned over with his son, and soon was able to overtake Zhang Feng to become the deputy gang leader.

As a result, Zhang Mofan's son is a holy son.

How does his son compare with the holy son?

As for Du Yuge, it was even more unpleasant. Just now, he hadn't cut Zhang Mofan to become his martial attendant. I am afraid that he himself was not qualified to be Zhang Mofan's martial attendant.

Zhang Feng also sighed helplessly, and said: "I originally planned to let Xiao Fan continue to hide it, but I didn't expect that Black Sword Master would know Xiao Fan."

?? Chapter 4 at 8:30!



(End of this chapter)

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