“Like you, I want to present this work well, so in essence, this cooperation, we are win-win.”

Sun Chao said with a smile.

After Lei Yu signed a good novel copyright agreement with him…

Let him immediately contact the finance and turn over a hundred million.

Lei Yu doesn’t want to be tricked again another day…

Then you have to go to the door to collect the royalties!

After Sun Chao left the law firm, Jose knocked on the door and walked in.

“Lawyer Lei, I want to know, what kind of method did you use to make Sun Chao obediently spit out the more than ten million?”

“Even if I tell you, you won’t be able to learn, so it’s better to care more about the case at hand.”

“But Sun surpassed their refusal to pay the legal fees, and this is my case.”

Lei Yu smiled and said, “But I have already helped you solve this problem.” ”

After that, Dai Xi also knocked on the door and walked in.

“Teacher Lei, Mr. Qiao has arrived, waiting for you in the conference room.”

“Okay, I’ll go over it.”

Lei Yu got up and saw that Jose was still there…

He asked, “Lawyer Jose, didn’t you hear that I’m going to meet my client now?” ”

“Heard, heard, then you are busy first.”

Jose realized it and left Lei Yu’s office with an embarrassed look.

Lei Yu took an agreement prepared before and went to the conference room.

Qiao Weidong was anxiously pacing back and forth inside.

“Lawyer Lei, you’re here.” Qiao Weidong said excitedly.

“Mr. Qiao, sit down and talk.”

Early this morning, Lei Yu just went to work…

Qiao Weidong immediately contacted him.

It seems problematic to say that he signed a contract before.

But the previous legal team…

While writing a legal opinion to him.

There was no hint to him of any risk!

Qiao Weidong sent the content of the contract to Lei Yu.

After reading it, he determined that there was something wrong with the contract.

So he made an appointment with Qiao Weidong and talked in person.

“Mr. Qiao, this contract you signed, it is not an ordinary contract, it is a combination of a series of options, called cumulative options, it has an easy-to-understand general word, called: I will kill you later, simply put, as long as you sign this contract, sooner or later you will die.”

Lei Yu looked at Qiao Weidong and said seriously.

“So what to do, Lawyer Lei? You have to save me! I finally created this family business, and this accidentally fell into the way of others, which is more than half of my net worth. ”

Qiao Weidong’s whole person was anxious.

“Mr. Qiao, although I had not yet become your legal counsel when you signed this contract, since you are now my client, I will naturally do my best.”

Hearing Lei Yu say this…

Qiao Weidong was a little relieved.

At this time, Dai Xi knocked on the door of the conference room.

“Mr. Lei, the other party’s legal director has arrived.”

With that, a long-haired woman in her thirties walked in.

Her name is Zhang Mei, and she has some poses…

But as long as you look closely, her face is full of traces of time.

She is the legal director of the company that signed the contract with Qiao Weidong.

“Please sit, Director Zhang.”

Lei Yu got up and made a gesture and said with a smile.

But when Qiao Weidong saw this woman, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

“The contract design of your cumulative options is itself unequal and violates the principle of fairness of the contract.”

Lei Yu took the lead and said.

“Then the contract is a contract, what can you do if you have already signed it?”

Zhang Mei said with a self-righteous look.

Qiao Weidong couldn’t help it

He said, “I still trust you so much, and that’s how you pit me!” ”

He wanted to continue, but was stopped by Lei Yu.

Lei Yu said to Zhang Mei seriously: “Your kind of product has a huge downward risk, and the return to investors upward is very small and limited, but the downward risk can be dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, so you let investors sign such a contract, if it causes a huge loss, you have to bear great legal responsibility abroad.” ”

“Then you will go abroad and sue us!”

Zhang Mei waved her hand and said indifferently.

“Director Zhang, I asked you to come here because I don’t want to stir the public, and you, as the legal director, should know that even if the contract has been signed, there are still other ways to save it, such as canceling, terminating, or re-signing supplementary terms.”

Zhang Mei smiled and said, “Then both sides have to agree.” ”

Lei Yu was very upset with this old woman’s self-righteous face at the moment!

He pushed the document in his hand forward and pushed it in front of Zhang Mei.

“I suggest, you take a look first, this is the supplementary agreement I have prepared.”

Zhang Mei squinted and glanced at the documents on the table…

said coldly: “Our boss won’t sign it…” ”

Lei Yu didn’t wait for her to finish!

Directly interrupted: “Don’t worry, he will sign.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Mei felt a little inexplicable.

And Qiao Weidong was a little confused…

He can’t understand at all now, what kind of road Lei Yu is!

And from the moment Zhang Mei walked into this conference room…

Lei Yu was already using mind reading on her.

At this moment, Zhang Mei froze, and Lei Yu continued…

“Your boss will definitely sign it, if he doesn’t sign it, I will tell his wife about the matter between you and him, and as far as I know, he and his wife have not signed any prenuptial agreement.”

Hearing Lei Yu say this, Zhang Mei was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

Her previous self-righteousness was instantly shattered.

Now she has no other choice…

She could only obediently go back and persuade her boss to sign.

And her boss, there is no better choice but to sign.

He didn’t want to divorce the yellow-faced woman at home…

Then she divided half of her property!

After Zhang Mei left the law firm…

Qiao Weidong was so excited that he grabbed Lei Yu’s hand and kept saying thanks.

“Lawyer Lei, you are really amazing, three or two times helped me solve such a big trouble, President Bai really didn’t recommend it wrong, this time I really thank you so much.”

“Mr. Qiao, your choice to make me your legal counsel is a trust in me, I will naturally do my best, these are all things I should do.”

“No, no, no, my previous legal counsel did not fulfill their obligations, and the reason why Lawyer Lei is trusted is because you are good enough and responsible enough, I must treat you to a meal another day and thank you well.”

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