Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 73 Fan Shengmei was hacked

In fact, it all started on the day Qin Hao and Guan Juer returned to Wuxi. That night, Fan Shengmei went to work as usual to do live streaming at the company.

As a result, just ten minutes after the broadcast started, someone in the live broadcast room said that Fan Shengmei was a prostitute or a mistress. The more they said it, the more unpleasant the comments became. The backstage staff could only ban these people.

But this also makes many viewers more certain that what these people say is true. Fan Shengmei is just a conspiracy theory, which has a large audience at any time.

This also directly led to the dismal sales in the live broadcast room that day, with sales plummeting to only 8 million.

Originally, Fan Shengmei's incident ended here, but on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, when Fan Shengmei appeared in the live broadcast room, a large number of trolls once again poured in and began to frantically swipe the screen: fishing for women and mistresses.

The entire team prepared for the Mid-Autumn Festival live broadcast for nearly half a month. Fan Shengmei did not want to drag down the team, so she took the initiative to apply to withdraw from the live broadcast that day. The team found another anchor to replace it to stabilize the situation.

This incident was a huge blow to Fan Shengmei. Originally, she had been looking forward to buying a house and settling in Shanghai with her anchor salary and bonus, thus getting rid of the entanglement of her original family. However, it all seemed to come to an abrupt end at this moment.

After that, Fan Shengmei locked herself in her room and didn't go out. She didn't even answer Wang Baichuan's phone calls. When Qin Hao and Guan Juer came back, they met Wang Baichuan at the gate of the community.

Qin Hao frowned and said to Wang Baichuan: "You don't have to worry too much now. Sister Fan is not so fragile that she will seek short-term advice. Let's go up and see the specific situation first."

Only then did Wang Baichuan calm down.

Qin Hao first took Wang Baichuan to 2102 to wait, while Guan Ju'er went upstairs to see Fan Shengmei's condition.

At 2202, Guan Ju'er took out the key and opened the door. Qiu Yingying rushed to her and hugged her, with a cry in her tone.

"Guan Guan, you are finally back. I don't know what to do now."

Guan Ju'er didn't bother to comfort her and asked hurriedly: "Where is Sister Fan?"

"In her room, she only comes out once a day to order two meals a day. She usually shuts herself in. I even take out the leftover takeout garbage." Qiu Yingying blushed. Eyes said, she was afraid that Fan Shengmei would not be able to think about it for a while.

Guan Ju'er gently knocked on Fan Shengmei's door: "Sister Fan, are you there? I am Guan Guan, I'm back from my hometown."

After a while, the door was opened, and Fan Shengmei appeared in front of Guan Ju'er with her face turned upside down and wearing a wrinkled pajamas, with bloodshot eyes.

Guan Ju'er was also shocked. Fan Shengmei always gave her the impression of a voluptuous and charming beauty. She would put on makeup carefully before going out, and she was very image-conscious even at home.

"Sister Fan." Guan Ju'er shouted in distress.

Fan Shengmei forced a smile: "Guan Guan is back. Did you have fun in your hometown?"

Guan Juer's eyes were red. She was the only daughter in the family. She had no brothers or sisters since she was a child. Fan Shengmei was the first person to take care of her and care about her like a relative after she came out of the society. In her heart, she had already regarded Fan Shengmei as a sister.

"Sister Fan, it will be okay, everything will be fine."

Fan Shengmei couldn't help but hugged Guan Ju'er and cried loudly. Qiu Yingying couldn't help crying too. Her voice was even louder than Fan Shengmei's. Those who didn't know thought she was in more pain than Fan Shengmei. experience.

After a long time, Guan Juer came back to his senses and comforted Fan Shengmei.

"Sister Fan, don't worry, we will definitely investigate this matter and give you justice."

Fan Shengmei said bitterly: "What's fair? It's no use spreading rumors now and running to refute them. In the future, as long as I appear in the live broadcast room, someone will mention it. How can I do a live broadcast to introduce products to customers?"

Having been a product anchor for such a long time, Fan Shengmei knows very well that the reason why viewers in the live broadcast room buy products is largely due to their trust in the anchor. Once this trust collapses, the value of the anchor will disappear.

Guan Ju'er wiped away her tears and firmly held Fan Shengmei's hand: "Let's go downstairs. Qiu Yan will definitely find a way. There is also Wang Baichuan. He has been worried about you. He is also in 2102 now."

Upon hearing this, Qiu Yingying seemed to have a backbone: "My brother is back? That's great. He will definitely help you seek justice, Sister Fan!"

When Fan Shengmei heard that Wang Baichuan was there, she immediately grabbed Guan Ju'er and said, "Well, I'll change my clothes first. You guys wait for me."

On the other side, Qin Hao was also asking Wang Baichuan about the specific situation. After hearing his description, he couldn't help but frown.

"You mean, out of all the anchors in the company, only Fan Shengmei was hacked?"

At first, Qin Hao thought that after the company's business expanded, some of his peers were jealous, but it was obvious that this matter was just for Fan Shengmei alone.

Wang Baichuan hammered the table angrily: "Don't let me know who did it, or I won't be able to get around him!"

While talking, there was a knock on the door. Qin Hao opened the door and found that Guan Ju'er and the other three were here.

Wang Baichuan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Fan Shengmei was fine, but he couldn't help but feel sad when he saw her haggard look.

"Xiaomei, are you okay?"

Fan Shengmei smiled self-deprecatingly: "It's okay, but I can't die."

Seeing that Qiu Yingying was about to cry again, Qin Hao comforted her: "Okay, those who don't know may think you have been wronged a lot. We still have to discuss Sister Fan's matter, so don't cause any trouble."

Qiu Yingying then forced herself to swallow her tears: "Brother, you must seek justice for Sister Fan."

Qin Hao nodded, and then said to Fan Shengmei seriously: "Sister Fan, please carefully recall whether you have offended anyone recently, including colleagues."

Fan Shengmei shook her head firmly: "No, I recently had a holiday at a foreign company, so I didn't go to work. I just stayed at home to catch up on my sleep every day, and went to the company to do live broadcasts in the afternoon. I didn't blame anyone at all. As for my colleagues, several other groups followed We do have competition, but that is a normal competitive relationship, and we wouldn’t do such a dirty trick, right?”

Qin Hao thought about it. Although the company's monthly bonuses are quite large, they are shared equally by the team. If it falls into the hands of an individual, it is not too much. Moreover, even if it were to be done, it would not be possible for Fan Shengmei to do it alone. .

This was obviously aimed at Fan Shengmei, with a clear goal, which was to discredit her and make her lose her job.

Suddenly, Qin Hao thought of a person. If she did it, everything would be explained.

Guan Ju'er had been with Qin Hao for a long time and was keenly aware of his mood swings, so he asked quickly.

"What's wrong? Did you think of something?"

Qin Hao shook his head slightly: "It's not certain yet. It needs to be verified before we can draw a conclusion."

Recommend the new book of Sanjiang Boss: This NPC is too strong, interested friends can move here.

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