Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 95 Father Fan has a stroke (please subscribe, please vote!!!)

In Ode to Joy 2202, Lei Lei, this naughty kid, started looking through the refrigerator for something to eat as soon as he entered the door.

Fan Shengmei quickly stopped: "This refrigerator is full of my roommate's things, you can't just take them."

"Your roommate is not here now. Just give her some money to buy it later." Mother Fan looked confident.

Fan Shengmei was speechless: "Mom, is this how you teach your children? No wonder Lei Lei is so naughty now."

Fan's mother stared at her eyes and said, "Hey, what do you mean? You dislike me? I don't think you're an ugly bitch, you don't think your family is poor. Don't forget, I taught you too!"

Fan Shengmei whispered: "Fortunately, I'm not like you."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, you have been tired for a day, so you should rest quickly." Fan Shengmei said.

Mother Fan took a look and said, "Then how are we going to sleep? Your two roommates won't be back today, so why don't you go sleep in their room, and your father Lei Lei and I will sleep with you."

Fan Shengmei rolled her eyes: "Mom, how can I be like you? I can't go to their room until they come back. This is the most basic principle."

Mother Fan curled her lips: "What principles? This is the case, so how do you think we can sleep?"

"Let my dad make the floor, and we'll take Lei Lei to sleep on the bed."

As soon as Fan Shengmei finished speaking, Fan's mother was unhappy: "Oh, it's so cold on the ground this season. Your dad is not in good health, so it's better for you to sleep on the ground!"

Fan Shengmei didn't know what to say anymore, so she began to make the floor in a muffled voice. She had made up her mind not to compromise anymore, and she agreed to sleep on the floor to see who could outlast the other!

However, at one o'clock in the morning, Fan Shengmei couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning. After Fan's father fell asleep, he started snoring, and it was the same kind of non-stop snoring. Fan's mother and Lei Lei seemed to be used to it, but it didn't affect them at all. No, she was tortured to death.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Fan Shengmei fell asleep. However, she was woken up again before six o'clock in the morning.

Fan's mother had already gotten up and pulled Fan Shengmei up.

"Give me the money and I'll buy some breakfast for Lei Lei. We all spent the money on train tickets when we came back from our hometown, and we don't have a penny left."

Fan Shengmei was angry and scoundrel. She took out her wallet and was about to give some change to Fan's mother, but she snatched the entire wallet away.

Not only did Fan's mother plunder the money, she also focused on those bank cards: "What can you do with these few hundred yuan? How much money is left in this card? Take it out."

"This card is empty. I pay back your living expenses every month. I still have to rent a house and eat, so how can I save any money?" Fan Shengmei said angrily and snatched the wallet back.

Fan's mother glared and said: "What? Are you mean to me? They're not big or small, so what's the matter with these few hundred yuan now? We don't need to eat? Lei Lei is growing and needs to supplement his nutrition. He can't eat too poorly!" "

Fan Shengmei said angrily: "I don't know what to do. With these few hundred yuan, I have to pay my salary at the end of the month. If Lei Lei is healthy, why don't you ask his father Fan Shengying for money."

Fan Mu curled her lips: "If you can count on your brother, do we still need to come to you? No one knows where he is now, and we don't dare to go back because we have a home."

"Oh, you always come to me when something goes wrong. Why don't you guys take care of Fan Shengying? Every time he gets into trouble, he calls me to ask for money. I paid for his wedding gift and the down payment for the house. Yes, I pay the monthly mortgage, and I even helped him find his job through connections!" Fan Shengmei cried.

Father Fan came out to sing the praises: "Oh, Xiaomei, we know that we have wronged you over the years, but what can we do? Who made us a family? The most important thing now is to find a way to solve the problem."

Fan Shengmei wiped her tears and said resolutely: "Okay, you ask Fan Shengying to solve it. Anyway, I have no choice. You have all seen the conditions I have here. I am just a low-level wage earner in Shanghai. I’m not that capable of wiping Fan Shengying’s butt again and again!”

Mother Fan immediately burst into tears: "How can we live like this? Our sons are not living up to expectations, and our daughters don't care about us."

Seeing her mother being so unreasonable and acting like a rogue strengthened Fan Shengmei's determination.

"Whatever you say, I have to go to work now. You just stay here. It's just a few hundred yuan. You can count it in as many days as you want. When you finish spending it, you can ask Fan Shengying for the money. Anyway, I'm being paid by you." empty."

After saying that, Fan Shengmei washed up and went to work.

However, before getting off work at noon, Fan Shengmei received a call from Fan's mother.

"what happened again?"

Fan's mother said in a mournful tone: "Xiao Mei, please come back quickly. The property manager downstairs refused to open the door to us, saying that we are neither the owners nor the tenants here. She was afraid of taking responsibility and did not dare to open the door." , I want you to come back."

Fan Shengmei couldn't help but feel angry when she heard this. Xiao Zheng had always been snobbish in this property. When she was a tenant before, she was treated differently by the other party. Now that she is the owner, she is still treating her like this?

"Okay, I'm going to call the real estate agent right now. Didn't I tell you not to run around?"

Fan's mother argued aggrievedly: "How did we know that this door can only go out but not in? Then Lei Lei wants to drink milk, so we can only buy it."

Fan Shengmei was completely speechless. She had already fallen into this situation and asked for anything she wanted. No wonder Lei Lei was so lawless at such a young age.

After hanging up the phone, Fan Shengmei directly dialed property manager Xiao Zheng's number.

"Hey, Xiao Zheng, I'm Fan Shengmei. My parents don't have access control. Can you please open the door for them?"

The property manager Zheng said with a smile: "Hey, it's Miss Fan. I'm sorry, your parents don't have information on file. According to the regulations, we are not allowed to open the door. Why don't you take them to the property management first?" Register here?"

Fan Shengmei immediately became angry: "Don't do this with me! Don't you usually let people in for the landlord? What? You think I am just a tenant and not qualified? Let me tell you, I am now the owner of 2203, no? Tenant of 2202!”

Xiao Zheng, the property manager, was shocked by Fan Shengmei's momentum. He was stunned for a moment. After half a minute, he smiled and said: "Miss Fan, don't be angry. I'll open the door right now."

After hanging up the phone, the property manager Zheng cursed angrily: "Bah, what's the big deal."

However, in order to prevent Fan Shengmei from complaining about herself, property manager Xiao Zheng opened the door and let the three members of the Fan family in.

Fan's mother muttered: "What? Didn't it say that only the owner can let people in? Dogs look down on people."

Property manager Xiao Zheng also got angry: "Auntie, this is our rule. We let you in because Miss Fan is the owner of our place."

The old couple of the Fan family looked at each other and looked at property manager Xiao Zheng in shock.

"You mean, my daughter is the owner here, not a tenant?"

Property manager Zheng said sourly: "Yes, Miss Fan was indeed the tenant of 2202 before, but she is now the owner of 2203."

Mother Fan swallowed and said, "Girl, let me ask, how much does a house here cost?"

"If it's the full amount, it's probably five to six million."

Five or six million? The old couple of the Fan family were instantly stunned. They had never seen such a large amount of money.

Fan's mother was afraid that there was a mistake in the property management, so she confirmed again: "Is Fan Shengmei really the owner of 2203? When did she buy the house?"

"The information shows that it was just last month."

Back in 2202, Mother Fan angrily scolded: "Okay, she just wants to ignore us when she gets rich. She secretly bought a house in Shanghai and lied to us about sharing it with others!"

Father Fan also said angrily: "I thought she had a good family. She cried about poverty all day long, drank hot food with the popular people here, and bought a house with millions of dollars on offer, but refused to help her with money." My dear brother, your conscience is greatly damaged!"

Fan's mother gritted her teeth and said, "She can't even think of leaving us alone. No matter what she says this time, she has to get money to settle Shengying's matter!"

"Then what if she says she has no money and is unwilling?" Father Fan asked with a frown.

Mother Fan snorted coldly: "Then let her sell the house! For a multi-million house, even just the down payment is still one or two million, which is enough to get rid of those people."

Fan Shengmei didn't know that she had been plotted. She went to 2203 to stay for a while after get off work. She didn't want to face her parents or Lei Lei for a moment.

When she came out of 2203 and returned to 2202, she found that the atmosphere in the house was wrong. Father Fan and Mother Fan were sitting in the living room. Their eyes had been locked on her since she entered the door, with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Fan Shengmei said helplessly: "What's wrong with you?"

Fan's mother was about to scold her with a straight face, but Fan's father stopped her, pretended to be kind, and said nice words to Fan Sheng.

"Xiao Mei, dad knows how hard you have worked hard these years. Sit down and let's have a good chat today."

Fan Shengmei looked at her father warily, feeling slightly uneasy.

"Dad, if this is about Fan Shengying, you'd better stop talking. I've said it before, I don't have the money to wipe Fan Shengying's ass any more. He caused the trouble himself, so let him figure out his own solution!"

Fan's mother couldn't sit still when she heard this. She stood up suddenly, pointed at Fan Shengmei's nose and yelled: "You heartless person, you are still pretending to us here. You have no money? How can you buy such a good place here without money?" House? We always thought you were doing your best for the family, but in the end, you are hiding here alone to enjoy the good things and drink hot food, leaving us to suffer in our hometown! "

Fan Shengmei's head exploded with a buzz, and a flash of panic flashed in her eyes: "Don't talk nonsense, I rented this house. Where did I get the money to buy the house here!"

"Humph, are you still pretending? We have already inquired about it. The house you bought next door is 2203, and you lied to us that it was a shared house. You are really good at acting!" Mother Fan interrupted sharply.

Fan Shengmei was completely panicked. She never expected that her parents would know that she was the owner of 2203.

Father Fan also looked disappointed: "Xiao Mei, how could you do this? We are all a family. Shouldn't we all bear the responsibility together if something goes wrong?"

Fan Shengmei laughed mockingly, crying while laughing: "Yes, the whole family should bear it together, but does Fan Shengying bear it? He will only reach out to you for money! If you don't have money, just reach out to me. In the end, the whole family will All the burden is on me!"

Fan's mother curled her lips and said, "If we hadn't supported you in college, would you have come to work in Shanghai? Can you afford such a good house? Aren't you the right ones to do these things for your family?"

Fan Shengmei couldn't bear it any longer and broke out completely. She wanted to vent all the grievances, unwillingness, and anger she had felt over the years.

"That's enough, how much did it cost you to go to college? I've paid it off all these years, right? You've used this excuse again and again to kidnap me. Are you really a college student worth a lot of money? Do you know how many people there are in Magic City every year? Can’t college students find jobs?”

"Do you know that the minimum academic requirements for recruitment by some large companies in Shanghai are from prestigious schools such as 985 and 211? What does it mean if I have only two degrees?"

"Yes, 2203 is mine, but I didn't buy it with money. I earned it by throwing my self-esteem to the ground and letting others crush it. You can't even think about it!"

A house has been Fan Shengmei's lifelong obsession. Now that she finally has a house, she will fight tooth and nail if anyone wants to take it away from her!

Fan's mother was furious: "Look at this girl, she simply doesn't recognize her relatives! Why did we give birth to such a daughter!"

Fan's father also glared at Fan Shengmei: "Xiao Mei, don't be too selfish. If your brother's matter is not resolved, your sister-in-law will divorce your brother, Lei Lei will be taken away, and our Fan family will be extinct! "

"Whatever you say, I won't care about this matter anyway. Let Fan Shengying deal with the trouble he got into by himself!" Fan Shengmei's attitude was extremely determined this time.

"You, you~~~"

Suddenly, Father Fan fell down on the sofa.

Fan's mother thought he was using a trick to embarrass her husband, so she quickly cooperated and lay on her husband's body and began to cry.

"Old man, what evil have we done to give birth to such a ruthless daughter? Other people's daughters always think about the family. She only wants to get rid of our poor parents. The flowers outside Enjoy the world.”

Fan Shengmei also thought her father was faking it, so she was cruel and ignored it at first. But after a while, she realized that Fan's father didn't look like he was faking it. After a closer inspection, she realized that something was really wrong with him.

Qin Hao was originally on a video call with Guan Ju'er, but he heard a rapid knock on the door outside.

Guan Ju'er also joked: "It's so late at night, you're not going behind my back."

In order to prove his innocence, Qin Hao opened the door with his mobile phone, only to find Fan Shengmei appearing at the door with tears streaming down her face.

"Sister Fan, what's wrong with you?" Guan Ju'er was startled when he saw this and asked with concern.

Fan Shengmei pointed upstairs, already sobbing, and said intermittently: "My dad, he fainted."

Qin Hao was still calm: "So, you want me to send your dad to the hospital, right?"

Fan Shengmei nodded while sobbing. She thought she was the one who made her father so angry.

Qin Hao didn't bother to video chat with Guan Ju'er, so he just grabbed a coat and went upstairs with Fan Shengmei.

When I arrived at 2202, I saw Fan's mother crying and said impatiently.

"Put some thick clothes on him and take him to the hospital quickly. Can you cry for him?"

Fan's mother woke up and quickly put on her husband's coat and asked Qin Hao to pick him up and enter the elevator.

Fan Shengmei also gradually regained some sense, and handed over the naughty child Lei Lei to Qiu Yingying to take care of her, and followed him.

In the hospital, Fan Shengmei and Fan's mother were anxiously waiting for the test results. Qin Hao came out to get some air, but he met Zhao Qiping and a young beauty having sex.

"I'm talking about Dr. Zhao, can this large audience pay attention to the impact?" Qin Hao joked.

Zhao Qiping couldn't help complaining: "Get out of here, when you are always giving away dog ​​food, I didn't eat less. It's my turn this time."

The young beauty was not shy and asked generously: "Who is this handsome guy?"

Zhao Qiping hugged the beauty's slender waist and said sourly: "What is a handsome guy? Are you as handsome as me?"

Qin Hao couldn't stand it anymore: "Sister, you don't know how to find someone, why did you find a blind man?"

After the three of them laughed, Zhao Qiping formally introduced: "Mu Qingqing, my girlfriend."

After Qin Hao greeted Mu Qingqing, Zhao Qiping asked curiously: "Why did you come to the hospital? Send someone away?"

"Can't I come to see a doctor myself?" Qin Hao said with a smile.

Zhao Qiping curled his lips: "Come on, you are as strong as an ox, and your face doesn't look like you are sick, so you are not here to be circumcised, right?"

"Get lost!" Qin Hao laughed and scolded: "The father of an employee suddenly fainted and was just sent here."

Zhao Qiping's face suddenly became serious: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Okay, you can help communicate with the doctor. Sometimes we can't fully understand what the doctor means."

Many times, in order to protect themselves, doctors will hold back when talking about a patient's condition.

Zhao Qiping did not refuse, and went to the Department of Neurology after saying goodbye to Mu Qingqing.

After a while, Zhao Qiping came out and conveyed the doctor's meaning.

"According to the current diagnosis, Mr. Fan can be sure to have a stroke. Now you have two options. One is to have immediate surgery, which may save his life. However, it is possible that after the operation, Mr. Fan will be paralyzed and will never get out of bed. The other is not to If you perform surgery, the person is basically hopeless.”

Fan's mother immediately panicked: "How could he have a stroke? Our old man is in very good health, how could he have a stroke?"

As she said that, Fan's mother grabbed Fan Shengmei and said, "It's you. It's you who made your father so angry that he had a stroke!"

Fan Shengmei closed her eyes in pain and cried loudly.

Qin Hao really couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Fan's mother away: "The stroke means that he has physical problems. What does it have to do with Fan Shengmei? The person lying inside now is your husband. He may die without delay for a second. It caused his illness to worsen, or even lead to his death. Do you still have the intention to accuse your daughter?"

Fan's mother also came to her senses, and said to Fan Shengmei with an earnest face: "Xiaomei, it was my fault just now. I was dizzy. Please save your father. It was he who raised you since you were a child!"

At this time, Fan's father's attending physician also came out. Fan Shengmei quickly asked: "Doctor, how much does it cost for my dad to have surgery for this disease? What are the chances of recovery?"

"For surgery, more than 100,000 yuan should be enough. As for recovery, no one can guarantee it, but if you don't do surgery, he will definitely not survive a month."

Fan Shengmei was about to agree. She still had hundreds of thousands in savings and could fully afford the surgery fee.

However, Qin Hao raised a question at this time.

"Doctor, what if we add follow-up rehabilitation treatment?"

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