Firepower is king

Chapter 251 Medical Clinic

Fang Zhenwu's road has become wider.

Two hundred thousand dollars is too little for a fighting star, but for a civilian master who is nothing, it is really a lot.

But there is a problem, that is, when Smith came, he brought two masters with him. Although these two so-called masters were defeated by Iceman with one move, they were hired for half a million dollars.

But Fang Zhenwu defeated two people and did a million dollars' worth of work, so why did Smith only give him two hundred thousand.

Because of the highlights.

Smith can thank Fang Zhenwu, and he should also thank Fang Zhenwu, but he can't raise Fang Zhenwu's worth too high, otherwise what will Gao Guang do in the future? How much salary should Gao Guang give Fang Zhenwu? Also, he gives too much here. , how much should I give to Fang Zhenwu in the future?

Therefore, Mr. Smith can give up to 200,000 yuan. It’s too little to get rid of, and too much. What if Fang Zhenwu thinks the money is enough and retires? Wouldn’t this not only fail to recruit people, but also give Gao Guang’s prestige to him? broken.

Smith doesn't want to do anything that is unpleasant inside or out. If he wants to take action, he must cut both sides of the problem and make everyone happy.

Just like now, Smith gave money, but Gao Guang asked Smith to solve the identity problem for Fang Zhenwu, and then Smith gained the favor of Gao Guang and Fang Zhenwu.

As for Gao Guang, he helped Fang Zhenwu solve a big problem and let Fang Zhenwu get the money. The most important thing was that he made Fang Zhenwu feel respected.

As for Fang Zhenwu, he took the money, solved the identity problem, earned enough face for Gao Guang, and gave enough face to Smith, so that Smith could spend a small amount of money to do big things, settle the favor he owed this time without any expense, and still leave behind reason to ask him for help in the future.

All three people are happy and all three people benefit. This is called a win-win-win situation.

There is a reason why some people can get ahead, but some people are obviously very capable, but they can't get ahead, as if the whole world is against them, and the whole world is preventing them from succeeding.

If Frank and John were to do the same thing, they might not do it badly, but they would never do it beautifully.

Therefore, Gao Guang has only been holding onto Smith's thigh for a short time, but he has been able to take advantage of Smith's influence and become prosperous. This is not only because of his good shooting skills, but also because he has good eyesight, knows how to advance and retreat, and is getting better and better. Great utilization value, unlike John and Frank, who will end up as thugs in the end, and will only end up bankrupt if they work alone.

"Armored Group is a large company with a long history and wide connections. Although it is headquartered in the UK, it has also received many contracts from the Pentagon. We and Armored Group have direct competition in many aspects, but we are both large companies and we cannot be at odds with each other. "

Mr. Smith was very talkative, and he was really happy today, so he wanted to share his excitement with Gao Guang and Fang Zhenwu.

"As a regular large company, we can't fight like a mercenary group if we don't agree. So our way of competition is for the top management to see who can win more contracts. As for the brothers below, they can only see who can do it better. beated."

Smith exhaled and said: "Private friction is inevitable, but you can't use the gun. It depends on who has the harder fist. Why did Dawson want to fight the British to the end? Why did he want to fight with the person in charge of the Armored Group in Iraq? Let’s fight, because this is related to the dignity of the two companies. Our two companies have similar salary packages and similar levels of logistical support. So when someone wants to join a certain company, of course they will choose the winner instead of the loser.”

Gao Guang immediately nodded and said, "Yes, that's true."

Smith waved his fist and said with a smile: "We all rely on our fists to speak. Even if there is no benefit, we still have to win. Who likes to lose? No one likes to fail!"

After speaking energetically, Smith was finally satisfied. He looked at his watch and said to Gao Guang: "I will not attend your celebration banquet, because I came in secret and just wanted to see the Armored Group being taught a lesson. But it’s too much for me to attend the celebration party, so I have to leave, Dawson will entertain you well, bye, you two don’t move, I will go out the back door and go directly to the airport.”

Smith came in secret and had to leave in secret. He stopped Gao Guang and Fang Zhenwu from seeing them off and left with satisfaction.

As soon as Smith went out, Fang Zhenwu's expression changed. Then he quickly held Gao Guang's shoulders and whispered: "Quickly, take me to the doctor."

Gao Guang was shocked and said, "What's wrong with you? Don't hold on. Sit down and I'll call a car to take you to the hospital."

"Not to the hospital."

Fang Zhenwu coughed twice, and then he said with a painful look on his face: "What can I do if I go to the hospital? I can't open it for surgery. My injury is something that ordinary hospitals can't treat. It's best to seek treatment from a traditional Chinese medicine doctor."

"Do you want to see a Chinese medicine doctor?"

Fang Zhenwu nodded and said: "Yes, my injury is almost healed, but it is not completely healed after all. That ice man has a good vision. He knows that I am actually empty-handed, so he let a fat man fight me. , that fat guy named Baixiong is very durable, I can only attack with all my strength, but it is a bit injured. Now I can only treat the injury slowly, it is better to see a Chinese medicine doctor, uh, you are not a Chinese medicine expert, are you?"

A very simple truth, whether Chinese medicine or Western medicine is better, ultimately depends on the efficacy.

Fang Zhenwu was shot in the lungs and needed a thoracotomy. No one could go to see a traditional Chinese medicine doctor at this time. Everyone knew that western medicine would definitely be more effective at this time. But now that Fang Zhenwu needed treatment, he would definitely see a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. .

"Brother, I understand the truth, but this is Baghdad. Is there any Chinese medicine?"

Fang Zhenwu forced a smile and said: "There is indeed a Chinese medicine doctor here, and the level is very good. The acupuncture is excellent, but the medicine is incomplete. However, I haven't been there in several years. I don't know if it is still there."

"That's fine, let's go find him first and then talk."

Gao Guang helped Fang Zhenwu sit down, and at this time Dawson sent Smith away, and he happened to bump into Gao Guang.

Dawson grabbed Gao Guang and said, "What are you doing? Let's go celebrate!"

Gao Guang quickly broke away from Dawson's hand and said, "I want to send Fang to the doctor."

Dawson was shocked and said: "He is injured? Shet, why didn't you go earlier? I will go with you."

"You go celebrate. What can we do without you at this time? Mr. Fang and I can just go. Don't worry."

Dawson said anxiously: "Then I have to go and take a look. Stop talking and let's set off quickly."

Gao Guang called Mike and the others, Dawson called the driver, and a group of seven people drove two cars and went straight to the Chinese medicine clinic that Fang Zhenwu said.

It was already dark, and Gao Guang was afraid that the clinic would be closed, and that the Chinese medicine clinic that Fang Zhenwu mentioned had moved to another location, but fortunately, after Fang Zhenwu found the place based on his impression, a medical clinic with a black plaque was still on.

"Rejuvenation Hall."

After reading the three words on the plaque, Gao Guang looked at the sign written in Arabic on the side and said, "What is written on it?"

"Chinese Acupuncture Massage."

"Just acupuncture massage?"

As he spoke, Gao Guang helped Fang Zhenwu out of the car, but after Dawson got out of the car behind him, he said with a confused look on his face: "This is not a hospital! What are you going to do?"

Fang Zhenwu said feebly: "Just open the door and go in."

Mike ran over and lifted the door curtain. Gao Guang and Dawson helped Fang Zhenwu enter the door of the hospital.

A Chinese man wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, who looked to be in his fifties, and a white coat looked at Gao Guang and the others.

"Hello, Ni, are you swollen? Are you injured?"

The person who spoke was either a foreigner or a Chinese man in a white coat.

Gao Guang always felt that if this person was a doctor, it wouldn't give people a sense of security.

Most of the top of his head is bald, but he still stubbornly tries to cover his scalp with side hair. He has a round face and a big belly. He is about less than 1.7 meters tall. He speaks half-baked Mandarin. The appearance of this doctor is exactly what Gao Guang imagined. The image of a worldly master does not fit.

Gao Guang looked at Fang Zhenwu, but Fang Zhenwu said with excitement: "Doctor Lin, it's me, I'm Xiao Chen, no, I'm Xiao Wang, uh, it's me, I'm Xiao Liu!"

There were too many pseudonyms used. Fang Zhenwu thought carefully about what his name was when he came here, and then he finally gave the correct pseudonym.

Dr. Lin was stunned at first, and after looking at Fang Zhenwu for a moment, he finally said with excitement: "Ah, isn't this Xiao Liu? My eyes are blind, my eyes are blind, you go under the table first, are you injured?"

Gao Guang felt that the relationship between doctor and patient was very subtle, and then he became more and more suspicious of Dr. Lin's level.

Fang Zhenwu sat down, and then Dr. Lin directly pressed on his wrist. After a while, Dr. Lin immediately said: "Xiao Liuya, your lung meridian is very weak. If the lung is injured, how can it be repaired? "

Fang Zhenwu said softly: "I was shot in the lung."

Dr. Lin nodded and continued to check his pulse, but Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Where is Dr. Lin from?"

"I'm Hu Jianren, come on, let's show off, inhale, be convinced, inhale, be convinced, hurry up, inhale, be convinced..."

As Fang Zhenwu's breathing became faster and faster, Gao Guang suddenly realized that it was right to inhale, but to be convinced meant to exhale.

Doesn’t it seem that Hu Fu and Fu are not used in this way?

Dr. Lin listened to Fang Zhenwu's breathing and checked his pulse. Gao Guang couldn't talk anymore, so he raised his head and looked at the medical center. Then he found that there was no familiar Chinese medicine smell in the medical center, and the furnishings inside looked old. Very good.

However, Dr. Lin's ability to check the pulse is quite good. Logically speaking, there should be a lot of patients, but the appearance of the medical clinic, although it is clean, does not look like there are many patients.

In other words, Dr. Lin seems to be quite poor and not doing well.

The third update is here. It has been the third update in the past few days, but it’s not that there are no more updates.

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