Firepower is king

Chapter 18 Don’t be nervous

The car drove past the TACO restaurant, and the people in the car were all paying attention to what was going on around the hotel.

The traffic conditions in Tijuana are two different concepts during the day and at night. There are many cars during the day and very few at night. Therefore, there are many cars on the road and the driving speed is not fast. Even if you drive slower, it will not appear to be abnormal. .

There were too many suspicious people. There was a car parked in front of the hotel. There were three or four people who looked at it and it seemed that it was not a good route. At this moment, they were scanning the area. A short walk further, there was a repair shop next to the hotel. There were two cars parked at the door, and people were standing beside the cars chatting.

This is what people can see, and there are only more people who can't see it.

"There are a lot of people, but they probably don't have long guns. There are people in the car. Look over there, which two are standing on guard."

Frank, who was in the passenger seat, could observe the most easily. He pointed out the most suspicious people one by one. After the car passed the door of the repair shop, Frank immediately said: "Park the car in front of the hotel, let's go The hotel won’t look too suspicious.”

Frank and the others looked like foreigners at first glance, but there were a lot of tourists coming to Tijuana to have fun during the day, so it was normal for such groups of foreigners to appear in the hotel.

The hotel is about 200 meters away from the repair shop. From this distance, the situation at the hotel and the repair shop can be observed, but if you want to provide support, it will take some time.

So it is very dangerous for people who go to restaurants alone to check the situation.

If this was a trap, anyone who went to check out the situation would basically be dead.

John suddenly reached out and handed Gao Guang a pistol, and then he whispered: "Hide it."

A Glock 19, Gao Guang took the pistol, lifted up his clothes, inserted the gun into his waistband, and whispered: "Give me some spare magazines."

"If you need to shoot, you basically have no chance to change the magazine."

"No, having two more magazines will make me feel more at ease."

John shrugged, took out two more magazines from his pocket, and whispered: "Don't put it in your coat pocket, it will be easy to see."

Gao Guang could only stuff two magazines into his belt. The belt was already very tight, and with the addition of a pistol and two magazines, his belly felt quite uncomfortable.

At this time, John whispered: "I'll go with him. It's normal for two people to go to eat TACO. You should be careful and provide support as soon as possible if there is any situation."

If you go to get close to investigate, you will definitely not be able to wear a bulletproof vest. The most you can hide is a pistol. Once discovered, it will be a melee at close range. There are so many drug dealers, and it will basically be a dead end. .

At this time, Gao Guang was still very grateful to John. In any case, it was safer for two people to go together than for him to go alone.

Frank didn't say much, he just whispered: "Be careful. If it doesn't work, just go back and think of a solution."

The car stopped, and the hotel doorman had already opened the car door. Gao Guang tightened his coat and was the first to get out of the car. John was the second to get out of the car. Then he said to John, "Would you like to go get TACO?"

"Okay, hey, do you want to go to dinner?"

Frank and the others refused, so Gao Guang and John turned around and walked towards the hotel.

No matter how arrogant the drug dealers were, they would not dare to use guns to surround a large area in broad daylight, which gave Gao Guang and the others a chance.

"Don't be nervous. It's okay. The drug dealers are doing their thing. As long as we don't get in the way, they won't go too far. This is not five years ago. At that time, drug dealers could block the streets even if they were fighting."

Gao Guang looked up, and then he whispered: "Those people are observing us. They must have seen the captain and the three entering the hotel. This will be helpful to our investigation."

"You call this reconnaissance? It doesn't count. It's just...well, actually we rarely do this kind of work. We mostly copy the work of rushing guys, and someone else is responsible for the reconnaissance."

Gao Guang felt that he should be afraid, but when things came to an end, he walked towards the drug dealer, but he didn't feel nervous at all.

Even slightly excited.

At this time, John said again: "Don't be nervous, look more natural."

Gao Guang turned to look at John, and then he said with a smile: "You are the one who is nervous, right? Hey, don't keep a straight face, it looks like you are going to fight with someone."

John rubbed his face with his hands, turned to look at the highlight, and found that he was really smiling, with a dirty smile, and absolutely no feeling of nervousness.

"Why are you laughing like that?"

"I see people smiling like this after they have just done something bad. Some of them look very vulgar."

"You are really... you are really born to do this!"

John was speechless. He waved his hand. At this time, he was very close to the person guarding the door of the repair shop.

A man wearing a blue turban looked at Gao Guang and John fiercely with undisguised eyes, the kind of eyes a ferocious beast would have when it sees its prey. It was not a sign of hostility, but a look of aloofness as it could take life and death.

Gao Guang didn't look at the drug dealer. He said to John, "I'm so hungry. I have to eat three tacos."

John nodded repeatedly, and under the gaze of several drug dealers, he and Gao Guang turned into the taco shop.

Taco is a Mexican burrito, and it is also a kind of fast food, so this taco shop is a fast food restaurant. A clerk was in front of the cashier at the door with a nervous look on his face. When he saw Gao Guang and the others entering, he said tremblingly: "Sorry, we are now …It’s now…closed.”

There was not a single customer in the store. There were two drug dealers sitting inside drinking drinks, staring at Gao Guang and John. There were two waiters, but they both stood there looking like they were doing nothing.

The clerk spoke Spanish, but Gao Guang and John both pretended not to understand and ignored the waiter's prompts. John looked up at the pictures on the wall, pointed with his hand and said: "I want this, this, give it to me. Two, hello, hello, more hot sauce, do you understand me?"

Gao Guang also pointed to a picture and said: "I want two, two, do you understand?"

Both of them spoke in English. Even if they could see that something was wrong with the waiter, they would pretend not to notice. At this time, the waiter looked at the two drug dealers sitting for help, and one of them waved his hand. He said unabashedly: "If the guests want to eat, then do it. Is this how you serve?"

The waiter gingerly placed the order, collected the money, and then Gao Guang and John sat down directly.

Care should be taken when choosing the position. Gao Guang deliberately sat down with his back to the two drug dealers, and John sat opposite him, so that someone could always see the drug dealers' movements without appearing to be particularly deliberate.

If both of them sit down facing the drug dealer, it will be easier to observe the drug dealer's every move, but they should also be noticed by the drug dealer.

At this time, Gao Guang heard the two drug dealers behind him say unabashedly: "Do you think they are here to find that bastard?"

"Probably not, otherwise they would be too brave. I think they are just two American idiots."

"Would you like to ask and search them by the way so that you know what they do? Idiots can see any situation here, but they still dare to sit down and eat?"

"Have you ever seen any East Asians looking for trouble on our territory?"

"Well, you're right, Asians are mathematicians, and they're timid."

What is a stereotype? This is a typical stereotype, but now highlights welcome this stereotype.

However, John couldn't understand what the two were talking about, but when he saw why Gao Guang's expression was abnormal, he calmly took out his phone and started playing with it.

After a while, TACO and drinks were served together. John put down his phone, picked up TACO and bit into it. He stuffed his mouth full and said vaguely: "It tastes good. I'm starving to death."

Gao Guang was also very hungry, so he ate slowly. Looking at the two people devouring their food, a drug dealer behind him sneered: "Well, you can tell by their looks that they are starving. They will naturally be hungry after they finish eating." Will leave."

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from behind the hotel, and then someone shouted: "We found the tunnel entrance! He is inside!"

The highlighted eyebrows were raised, his head tilted slightly, and he winked at John.

But John just put the TACO into his mouth without even seeing it, so Gao Guang could only put down one hand and take the drink on the plate in front of John.

After attracting John's attention, Gao Guang winked again, and after John was stunned for a moment, he finally nodded with an invisible movement.

Gao Guang said in English: "What are you going to do after eating? Go back to the hotel to rest or go play?"

John said vaguely: "Why rest? Of course we are going to play. We have to play when we are full. The two of us play by ourselves without calling them."

Gao Guang understood that John was going to do something. If Peter was brought out, he would find an opportunity to kill him before talking about anything else.

This style of doing things is very rough.

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