First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 1,127: Running around (Happy 51st, dear friends~)

Seeing that Chu Xia was looking at him silently, Zhao Bingbing smiled uncomfortably: "As I said just now, I am telling you this out of selfish motives, but I think it won't do you any harm, so take precautions in advance. It's better than having to make amends if something goes wrong.

You must not think that I am being alarmist. I grew up with my cousin. Everyone likes her but not me because she is not only beautiful but gentle, she also likes to help others and she rarely loses her temper.

It was her appearance that deceived me, otherwise, I would not have been fooled by her so easily. I have lived for more than twenty years, and I only discovered her true face when she really took action, let alone not knowing her well. person?

People like her are the hardest to guard against. She looks harmless and indifferent to the world, which makes it easy for people to relax their vigilance. When something really happens, it will be too late to regret.

Of course, for men, they don't believe that she is that kind of person. After Lang Yi got together with her, he always felt that she was the purest and kindest girl. He didn't feel that Zhao Weiwei had been plotting against him for a long time. .

In other words, even if he knew about her, he wouldn't care. Men are just like this. They feel that it is an honor to attract the attention of beautiful girls.

To be honest, I wish she would dump Lang Yi quickly and let Lang Yi see her true face, but I don't want you to suffer this kind of betrayal again like me.

Of course, I believe that your husband must have higher and further vision than Lang Yi, but the problem is that Zhao Weiwei usually shows no ambition at all. into a man’s heart. When the other person couldn't help himself, she gave him a push.

I've always wanted to get to know you, remind you, I'm not making trouble for nothing. It's not because she has harmed me before that I retaliate for no reason. It's because she often mentions your husband when she calls home.

In the past, she always liked to say good things about Lang Yi to me and my family. At that time, I was very grateful to her, but I didn't expect that she had another thought. Although she stole my boyfriend, no one in my family blamed her.

I even feel that there is nothing wrong with making the wrong choice in emotional matters and correcting it in time. This is her ability..." Zhao Bingbing spread her hands and said, "If she makes a mistake, she will be able to do so with confidence. "

"I understand, what you mean is that your cousin has set his sights on my husband. This is something you can be sure of, so you are trying every means to get to know me and remind me, right?"

"Yes." Zhao Bingbing nodded seriously, "I mean it sincerely, because I am already a victim myself, and I don't want others to follow in my footsteps. Moreover, you are still married and have a baby. Not to mention Got hurt like this.

Don't get me wrong,

I’m not saying that your husband is unfaithful, it’s just that Zhao Weiwei’s methods are too clever. My former brother-in-law-to-be still doesn’t think Zhao Weiwei is wrong. He just thinks that Lang Yi seduced the simple Zhao Weiwei. He dreams that one day To snatch Zhao Weiwei back again.

So..." She spread her hands, "Do you think ordinary people can do this? Anyway, I ask myself that I can't do it. As for whether you can do it, I'm also skeptical. "

"Of course I can't do it..." Chu Xia smiled, "What I'm curious about is, if I hadn't happened to meet my auntie making trouble today, how would you have known me and reminded me?"

"Perhaps I won't look for you after procrastinating..." Zhao Bingbing smiled sheepishly, "Asking me to look for you rashly, I really can't do this.

Now, after experiencing what happened before, I have a feeling that we are comrades in the same trench. It feels much more natural to talk about this, and because of this, I feel even more compelled to remind you. "

"Thank you, I will ask my husband about this."

"How do you ask?" Zhao Bingbing looked at Chu Xia with some worry, "When she doesn't achieve the results she wants, she won't reveal any secrets. If you reveal your suspicions for no reason, your husband Maybe he thinks you are joking, especially since what they are doing now is so dangerous, wouldn't you be more annoying to him if you are like this?"

"Then what should I do according to your wishes?" Chu Xia asked with a smile. She believed that Zhou Mikang would not be fooled, but since the other party was kind enough to remind her, she couldn't really take it seriously.

"How to do it..." Zhao Bingbing's eyes widened, "I heard that the women's medical team is recruiting people to go on missions. I want to go. How about you sign up too.

Your son is already one year old and does not need to be fed anymore. There are so many elders in the family taking care of them, so there is nothing to worry about. At this time, it is more important to keep your husband, right? "

"In other words, you are telling me this to persuade me to leave the children behind and go to the front line?"

"Yes." Zhao Bingbing nodded, "This is the best way to not only supervise Zhao Weiwei but also keep your husband. Your husband won't take it seriously if you just write letters and make phone calls.

You must believe me, Zhao Weiwei and I have been cousins ​​for so many years. If she hadn't stabbed her so hard in the end, I would never have recognized her true face.

Moreover, I told this matter to people I know well, and everyone advised me to be more open-minded and talk about emotional matters. I really can’t say who is right and who is wrong. They said that if it weren’t for me and Lang Yi, they wouldn’t be suitable. , Lang Yi will not fall in love with someone else.

Even my ex-brother-in-law Li Ligang told me not to cause trouble for my sister. My sister was just temporarily deceived and was also a victim. He asked me to wait patiently, saying that my sister would definitely see Lang Yi’s true face and do it. Make the right choice.

He also said, even if Lang Yi comes back to me, don't pay attention to him. A man with evil intentions like that is the least worthy of liking. To be honest, I also feel that Lang Yi does such a thing and is not worthy of me anymore. Pay attention to him.

However, it is obviously the fault of two people, but only one person is spurned. This is a bit abnormal, right? I can understand it because I am the most tangible victim. Others cannot understand it because Zhao Weiwei's gentleness, kindness and innocence are so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

I also know that your current situation is actually not suitable for going to the front line. Even your family will not agree. Moreover, even if you tell the reason why you want to go on a mission, no one will believe you.

Because as long as they investigate, everyone's reviews of Zhao Weiwei will definitely be extremely positive. Not only will you not be able to go, but you may also be disliked by your husband's family.

Therefore, you really can’t use this reason to join the expansion team. Among our students, your grades are extremely outstanding. You are married to a soldier. At this time, everyone will make such a choice. Respect yours! "

After being silent for a long time, Chu Xia looked at Zhao Bingbing with a smile: "I must admit that you have made me a little tempted. It's not that I am afraid that Zhao Weiwei will snatch Zhou Mixang away, but I really want to see it with my own eyes. , if you can, if you can help me a little more, please let me think about it again, okay?"

"Okay!" Zhao Bingbing nodded happily, "Lin Chuxia, I like your character. You are not pushy or squeamish. Originally, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to persuade you."

Chu Xia asked her with a smile: "What will you do if you can't persuade me?"

"There's no other way, then I'll go by myself. Actually, I..." Looking outside the door, Zhao Bingbing lowered her voice, "I want to expand the team. On the one hand, I want to do my part. Most importantly, I want to expand the team. Yes, I still don’t want to be left behind by Zhao Weiwei.

Ever since we were young, she and I have been the ones being compared. She is always one step ahead of me in everything. This time, she proposed to join the frontline medical team.

It was also because of her choice that everyone's evaluation of her turned positive. If it hadn't been for her robbing Lang Yi, I might have admired her.

However, it is precisely because I understand her principles of doing things that I understand that she chose to go to the front line, firstly, to climb higher, and secondly, to catch more suitable fish for herself.

When your husband came to see you, she met you once, and she specifically asked your grandfather about it when he went back. I was nearby at the time, so he took it to heart. Later, she called me back and talked about the topic with my uncle. This further confirmed my guess.

Of course, my aunt would not tell me what mother and daughter talked about. It was my mother who told me, because there were several times when my aunt answered the phone, my mother was nearby.

My mother was also very angry about Zhao Weiwei snatching away Lang Yi, but later she told me that it was a blessing in disguise. A man like that would change his mind so easily, even if he was really married. Don't expect the other person to be a good husband either.

He also said that people like Zhao Weiwei, who look at the mountains all day long, will sooner or later be beaten to death by themselves. It is precisely because they hate the other party that they pay special attention to the news about the other party, so, I also understood Zhao Weiwei’s movements very clearly.

Our grandma is actually the shrewdest. When we were little, grandma liked me more than Zhao Weiwei. However, in front of outsiders, she would not allow us to show our differences as sisters.

Therefore, when I threw bait to you before, I directly said that my sister and your husband are in the same place, instead of saying that my cousin and your husband are in the same place. Although there is a difference of the word "tang", the old lady will be upset after hearing this. I'll be happy. "

"Understood..." Chu Xia nodded, "You mean, I must not show that I know about your sisters' incompatibility, so as not to make the old lady feel uncomfortable, right?"

"Yes, yes..." Zhao Bingbing scratched her head in embarrassment, "The main reason is that I'm afraid that my grandma will settle the score with me when I get home. She has said it many times that conflicts can be caused behind closed doors, and you must not embarrass yourself. Go in front of others!”


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