One update.


Chu Xia is a doctor herself, so of course she knows what Dr. Qiao said about not being able to live a normal life. What else does a woman whose intelligence has degraded to the state of an infant have to worry about?

However, even if Dr. Qiao made such a diagnosis, she couldn't just believe it. She had to wait for the other person to recover and send someone to follow him for a period of time. In this regard, Zhou Mikang's people were very experienced. She doesn't have to worry about it.

Knowing the truth, Dr. Qiao was not as anxious to rescue her as before. He checked the instruments slowly and then stood in front of the operating table again, asking Qi Xiang to be his assistant.

When the operation was over, all the troops returned.

Chu Xia was changing the dressing for a wounded person. Zhou Mixang came over and saw her smiling so happily. Then his face darkened, he took a step forward and stared at her neck: "What's wrong?"

When did the wounded man who was being dressed come into such close contact with Zhou Mixang? His body stiffened and he couldn't breathe smoothly. Chu Xia could only reach out and push the teacher's tube: "You go out first and finish the work at hand. I will go to you right away and tell you the specific situation."

"Okay." Knowing that now was not the time to get angry, Zhou Mikang withdrew.

"Xiao Lin, go ahead." Qi Xiang came over and said, "Leave this to me. The teacher was under so much pressure and finally relaxed, but he saw that you were injured like this. Tell him properly. Say, don’t let him worry, he’s been so tired these days, and it won’t be good if he gets so angry that he hurts his body.”

"Team Leader Qi, how can it be as serious as you said?" Chu Xia looked at Qi Xiang who was smiling ambiguously with a speechless face, "No matter how angry he is, he won't hurt himself like this."

"Okay, I'm just making a metaphor, don't waste time here, go quickly."

"That's right, go ahead."

"Yes, we finally won. The division commander will definitely want to see you first. How can you leave someone out like this?"

"That's right, it's so confusing!"


Being teased by everyone, Chu Xia knew that the situation would only get worse if she stayed, so she reluctantly withdrew.

After Zhou Mikang arrived at the tent, Chu Xia recounted the previous encounter in detail. Seeing the teacher's face turn black, someone quickly used the magic of coquettishness: "Don't be angry, you believed her too, didn't you? And in that situation, I really couldn't stay here anymore.

Just because I am your wife, I cannot be so selfish. Otherwise, how will others see you in the future? I don't care, the main thing is that I don't want to embarrass you. Anyway, it was a near miss, which shows that God still loves me very much, right? "

"How did you promise me?"

"I..." Chu Xia smiled guiltily, "Of course I remember, but the situation was special. I... I really had no choice. At that time, I, Team Leader Qi, and Dr. Qiao were the only ones left. Who do you think I don't want to go to?" go?

How many people have been lost during this period..." Biting her lip, Chu Xia's voice became hoarse. She felt panicked when she thought that those vivid faces would never appear again.

Each of them is the treasure of their parents, and if they are lost like this, how many families will fall into hell from now on?

Yes, she almost became one of them, but it was precisely because of this that she felt even more that what she did was right!

"I'm not saying you shouldn't go, I'm saying didn't I tell you before that one of Zhao Zhu and Li Meifeng must be with you..." At this point, Zhou Mikang shook his head again, "Forget it, it's okay to say this What's the point? How can you keep them by your side when you're so short of people? If you could do that, you wouldn't be able to run to the front line with Ye Meiru.

Chu Xia, I’m actually not really angry with you, I’m angry with myself. All of this,

It's all because of me. You were not immune to this. But I, who pride myself on being extraordinary, didn't see through her, let alone you?

Especially this time, Grandpa Ye expressed his forgiveness for her. Looking at her relationship with Zuo Hai, how could he doubt her again? It can only be said that she has completely gone crazy.

Why didn't you shoot such a person in the head? Even if my intelligence is that of a toddler, I still can't trust her. Don't worry, you don't have to worry about her affairs in the future. I will negotiate with the Ye family. "

"Okay." Chu Xia didn't stop her. This was exactly what she was worried about. Since the teacher, Tongzi, was going to come forward, she couldn't wait to do it. Thinking about her previous disguise, who was sure that she wouldn't pretend like this in the future?

If you spend your whole life worrying about when the other person will reveal his true colors, that would be too tiring!

"Next, can we go home?" Not wanting to continue this topic, Chu Xia asked, "Has the specific date of our return been decided?"

"We can't go back yet..." Zhou Mikang sighed, "The entire country Y has been captured by us, but if we just leave like this, what's the difference between not capturing it?

Therefore, the next time is to wait for the results of the negotiations. If those people show enough sincerity and provide enough compensation, we will withdraw.

If we can't reach an agreement, or..." He sighed again and smiled bitterly, "This is simply a hot yam, and it's not safe to hold it in your hands. Of course, if you really have to hold it in your hands, we still have a way. Make them safe.

After all, the former leaders did not regard the common people as human beings. As long as we give proper guidance and kill the extremists once as a warning, it is not impossible to take over this territory. "

"It's so different from before."

"Yes, I am also thinking about this issue, but since a deviation has occurred, we can only go on like this..." Zhou Mikang patted his wife comfortingly and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"Of course I believe this, but I don't know how long I will stay here. The soldiers have been out for so long, and they are all homesick. Oh, it's so contradictory. Before, I was looking forward to defeating them quickly, but they were defeated. But it’s so entangled, or maybe people like me just don’t have much potential, and I really don’t understand things like this.”

"It's not that you are hopeless, it's that the era you lived in was different from now. Some concepts have been deeply engraved in your bones, and the way you look at things is naturally different from people today.

So, you should be lucky to have met me, because I have been different from everyone since I was a child. They always say that I am not gregarious, but in fact it is just that everyone has different ideas. "

"It's so awesome!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at Zhou Mikang and couldn't help but laugh, "It sounds like it's really the case. If I hadn't met you, if you hadn't understood me, I wouldn't have known it now. What kind of day is it.

Therefore, I decided to treat you well in the future. Okay, I won’t worry about it anymore. I will stay with you here with peace of mind during this period. When we can go home, we will go home together. "

Two days after the operation, Ye Meiru woke up with a look of confusion in her eyes, looking timid to everyone. Zuo Hai, who was silently guarding her bedside, sighed: "Meiru, how do you feel?"

He stared at Zuo Hai's face, then turned his head away and continued to be in a daze.

Zuo Hai picked up the cotton swab and gently wiped Ye Meiru's lips.

Ye Meiru stuck out her tongue and licked the stretched out cotton swab. Ye Meiru chuckled and signaled Zuo Hai with her eyes to continue playing with her.

Zuo Hai kept adding water to her mouth...

Standing at the door, Chu Xia looked at this scene with inexplicably complicated emotions. Why would such a good man fall in love with such a woman?

As far as Ye Meiru is concerned, she is really not worthy of pity at all. Even if she died immediately, she would not feel any pity at all. Ye Meiru is probably the only one who can make her have such thoughts. Son.

"Who are you?" Turning around to see Chu Xia, Ye Meiru stopped laughing and began to look at her curiously, then raised her wet arms, "Hug, hug..."

Chu Xia turned around and left, hugging, haha, no one would hug her, even if she is now a one-year-old toddler, she doesn't care!

"Don't hate her." Zuo Hai walked out and stared at Chu Xia, "I apologize to you on her behalf. She has become like this, so don't hate her, okay?"

Chu Xia fixedly looked at him: "That's your opinion. I gave her a chance, but she wasted it. Therefore, she will never have any chance in this life."

"Yes, what she did is absolutely unforgivable, but she has become like this and is no longer the same person as she used to be. If you continue like this, you are basically punishing yourself.

From now on, I will take good care of her and prevent her from getting lost, from appearing in front of you again, and from having another chance to have contact with you. Please forgive her, okay? "

"My forgiveness is irrelevant." Chu Xia waved her hand in disgust, "Zuo Hai, I treat you as a friend, please don't challenge my bottom line with this issue, okay?

Please imagine, if someone hadn't arrived in time to save me, now my two sons would have become children without a mother, and my parents would have become lonely old men without a daughter.

Since I dared to rush out, I was naturally prepared to lose my life in case of death. However, my plan was not to lose it in her hands. Do you understand how I feel?

Put yourself in her shoes, if you still can't understand it and still think that I am not generous if I don't forgive her, then just pretend that I didn't say anything! "

"I'm sorry!" Zuo Hai bowed solemnly to Chu Xia, "She was indeed so wrong. My request was unreasonable. Please forgive me for being unreasonable!"

Waving her hands, Chu Xia didn't say another word to him. She turned around and left, but her clothes were grabbed by Zuo Hai. Chu Xia was a little annoyed: "What on earth do you want? Do you think other people have to treat her like you?" Satisfied?" R1152

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