Seeing Chu Xia coming in, Director Huang frowned: "Let me tell you, can you explain clearly? Where is Wang Jing? Why doesn't she come over?"

It was hard to tell the real reason why Wang Jing couldn't come over, so Chu Xia could only say: "Senior sister has something important to do, so she can't come over."

"Is it an important thing?" Director Huang frowned even more tightly, "How many important things can be more important than the patient's safety? This Song Xiaoyu is getting more and more outrageous!"

Sure enough, men with fair faces and no beards are particularly difficult to deal with! The handover of two apprentices is also very common. Is it so up to date?

With this thought in her heart, Chu Xia showed nothing on her face, and there was even a hint of apology in her smile: "Director Huang, it's really inconvenient for Senior Sister, please forgive me."

"What happened to her?" Director Huang asked inquiringly.

Thinking that Wang Jing could not hide in the house without seeing anyone, and the swollen eye blisters would not disappear in a short while, Chu Xia said truthfully: "Senior sister's eyes are too swollen, and she is too embarrassed to see people. "

"Why is it swollen?"

Are you concerned too much? Chu Xia could only continue to answer: "I didn't ask, I don't know."

"She is your senior sister. Her eyes are swollen. Why don't you ask?" Director Huang said and sighed, "You, you don't care about your colleagues so much. It's a shame she is so nice to you. Forget it, I'll go there by myself. , I can’t explain it to you, it will be bad if it affects the patient’s health.”

"..." Chu Xia looked at Dr. Huang who quickly disappeared with his mouth agape. What does this mean? Isn't it that Director Huang is particularly at odds with his teacher? Why does it feel like that? Are you particularly concerned about your senior sister?

"Idiot!" Jiao Meiqin, who was sitting silently, finally spoke up and glanced sideways at Chu Xia, who was standing there blankly. "Why are you still standing here?"

Who wants to stand here? Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, turned around and walked out. Jiao Meiqin grabbed her and said, "What do you want to do? If you have the ability, just roll your eyes and try again!"

Li Qing hurried forward to pull Jiao Meiqin away: "Aren't you tired after working the night shift all night? Stop making trouble."

"Li Qing, what do you mean?" Jiao Meiqin snorted at him, "Could it be that your heart is also blinded by lard? Who are you with?"

"Stop making trouble!" Li Qing glared at her, "Where do you get so many lies?" He whispered a few words in her ear, and Jiao Meiqin reluctantly let go of her hand, not forgetting to speak. ruthless,

"Lin Chuxia. Just because I spared you today doesn't mean that I am easy to bully. If you dare to disrespect me again, see how I deal with you!"

"It seems you have forgotten what happened that day?" Chu Xia said, pointing in the direction where she and Wang Jing blocked Jiao Meiqin last time, "Do you think I will be polite?"

"You!" It was okay not to mention what happened that day. When Chu Xia said this, Jiao Meiqin's face immediately turned red and she tried hard to break away from Li Qing's grasp. "Let me go and see if I don't beat her to death. She If you don’t tell me, I really forgot that the more are bullying the less. Humph, who is more and who is less now? If you have the guts, stop for me and don’t leave!"

Chu Xia, who had walked out of the door, turned back and made a face at her: "You're a fool who won't leave!"

"Li Qing!" Seeing Chu Xia disappear, Jiao Meiqin glared at Li Qing bitterly. "She is going to ride on my neck and shit, and you still let me endure it. I don't believe that the dean can expel me because of her!"

"Why is she the only one who became Mr. Liang's student? Can you be smarter? If I didn't stop you, it would be too late for you to regret it." Li Qing sighed as he spoke, "The dean will not fire you for her. But, where is Mr. Liang? I heard that he is a very protective old man. Once she files a complaint, can you still stay here? "

"You mean, Mr. Liang will protect her in the future?" Jiao Meiqin felt that the roots of her teeth were hurting. How could a young girl who had only studied medicine for a few months be able to be Mr. Liang's assistant and be protected by Mr. Liang? With?

"You don't know whether you protect me or not. Anyway, you can be careful." Li Qing saw that her mood had calmed down and he let her go with confidence, "Don't be so impulsive in the future. If you lose this job, your parents will forgive you." You?"

Jiao Meiqin's face immediately fell. Yes, it was hard to find such a good job for her. If she was thrown away, her parents would have thought of skinning her, right?

When Chu Xia returned to the office, Director Huang was handing over to Song Xiaoyu. Wang Jing was sitting at her desk with her head drooped, writing furiously. When she got closer, Chu Xia almost squirted.

There were a few hairs on the big bald head covered with paper, and the bottom line read, "Huang Baoquan is so disgusting. Huang Baoquan is so disgusting..." Director Huang's name is Huang Baoquan.

Controlling his smile, he sat back down, found paper and pen, put a stack of medical records in front of him, opened one, and started to record the medical records. Of course, it was just a pretense. Chu Xia kept shaking his ears, and the wind in the corner of his eyes was directed towards Director Huang. Aiming.

Sure enough, although Director Huang was talking to Song Xiaoyu, his eyes were glanced in their direction from time to time. She could feel that the other person's eyes were focused on Wang Jing without looking.

When Director Huang left, Wang Jing immediately rolled her eyes and stopped what she was doing.

Chu Xia looked at her curiously, but before she could speak, Wang Jing took the initiative and said, "Are you curious? He obviously doesn't have a good relationship with the teacher, so why did he come over to take over?"

Chu Xia said: "It's definitely not because you can't trust me."

"That's right, it's definitely not that I can't trust you. Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore. Let's work."

Early summer: "..."

Song Xiaoyu: "..."

Is there anyone who plays tricks on people like this? Isn’t it too damaging to just mention it and stop it?

"Finish!" Song Xiaoyu said commandingly.

"Don't tell me." Wang Jing protested, "The teacher should be able to tell, why do you have to tell me?"

Song Xiaoyu frowned: "I remember he didn't treat you like this before. What happened?"

"Teacher, you finally grasped the point..." Wang Jing sighed, "A few days ago, my sister-in-law and I went out for dinner and met him and his son. Out of politeness, I said hello to him.

I don’t know what kind of evil possessed him, but he has been very enthusiastic when he saw me since that day, and the look he looked at me was also very disgusting. It’s hard for me to say anything without him saying anything, but now I really see He just wanted to vomit! "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Teacher, how do you ask me to talk about this kind of thing?" Wang Jing raised her eyebrows, "Am I saying that Director Huang seems to be attracted to me? What if it's not the case?"

"Did anything special happen on the day you ate?"

Wang Jing thought for a while and shook her head: "No."

Chu Xia had an idea and asked, "Are you dressed beautifully?"

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Jing nodded: "Yes, the day before yesterday, I wore a grass green sweater that my aunt wore when she was young, and turned the collar of the white shirt out. At that time, my aunt praised me for looking very good in it. .”

"How dare a man in his early forties, whose wife died, have such thoughts?" Song Xiaoyu gritted her teeth bitterly, "Let me tell you, why is your attitude so good today? It turns out that you have evil intentions. Xiaojing, don't be afraid. If he looks at you like that again in the future, you will scold him, and if something goes wrong, I will take care of it for you!"

After thinking about it, Wang Jing shook her head: "Teacher, forget it, I won't lose a piece of meat anyway if he looks at me. If he really shows that kind of intention, I will definitely not be nice to him."

I'm afraid that the reason why Director Huang dared to have this idea was because he knew Wang Jing's life experience... An idea flashed in his mind. Chu Xia looked at Wang Jing and asked, "Did he talk to your sister-in-law?"

"The tables we eat at are the front and back tables. His son doesn't eat well and keeps wandering around my sister-in-law. He said a few words to my sister-in-law..." After saying this, Wang Jing also slapped her forehead fiercely. "Could it be..."

"No way?" Song Xiaoyu shook her head amusedly, "If that's the case, I can only say that this is really the year for your aunt Hongluan to move. She should get married this year."

Wang Jing sighed: "Forget it, let's stop guessing. If we guess like this, he will always mention it to me. If it is like what we guessed before, I won't be able to make him feel comfortable even if I don't do anything!"

In the afternoon, Director Huang brought anti-swelling medicine to Wang Jing and asked her to apply it every half an hour. He said that within three hours at most, the swelling would be gone.

"Director Huang, I can't stand your sudden enthusiasm. Can you tell me the truth? What are you planning to do?"


Unexpectedly, Wang Jing would ask so boldly. Chu Xia squirted all over Director Huang, who happened to be standing next to the table and squirted from her angle... Those who didn't know thought that Director Huang had peed...

"Pfft!" This time it was Wang Jing who squirted. After she finished speaking, she picked up the cup and drank water to cover up her nervousness, so...

" guys..." Director Huang stared at the large area in front of his crotch and was about to cry. If he had known it, he would have put on a white coat and come here again. The light gray pants were could he explain it? Make people believe it?

While he was in a daze, Song Xiaoyu walked out with the clip, "Wang Jing, Chu Xia, it's time for ward rounds."



In a blink of an eye, Director Huang himself was the only one left in the office. He glanced left and right, walked to Song Xiaoyu's desk, grabbed her white coat hanging on the wall and put it on.

"Why are you stealing my clothes?" Song Xiaoyu came in with a look of disgust and snatched the clothes from his hand, "Go out, don't you know that non-staff members are not allowed to stay in the office for a long time?"

"You..." Director Huang was so angry that he was just not working during working hours, so why did he become a non-staff member? This woman is avenging her private vendetta, absolutely avenging her private vendetta!

"What are you doing?" Song Xiaoyu glared at him, "You have never dealt with me, and now you have nothing to do to get close to my apprentice? Huang Baoquan, I really didn't expect you to be such a disgusting person!"

One update arrived.

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