Looking at the expectant look on Chu Xia's face, Yu Tao couldn't help but laugh: "Brother and sister, look at you like this, do you seem to be expecting your third brother to be tone deaf?"

Chu Xia nodded seriously: "Yes, except for his bad temper, I haven't found any other shortcomings, so I have to find something that is not as good as me, lest he always bully me."

"The third brother is not bullying you. If he were willing to say such things to anyone else in our family, that person would be so happy that he couldn't sleep half the night.

However, I have never heard my third brother sing, but I have heard him play the erhu, and his skills are pretty good. When he comes back, my siblings can let him play for a while. "

"Erhu?" Wearing a military uniform, he sat upright on a stool, holding an erhu... Chu Xia thought for a moment, and he felt aversion to cold, so he shivered, "Forget it, it's Chinese New Year, I like it Hurry up."

"Third brother, you can use the erhu to play happy songs." Yu Tao said seriously, "It's not that you can only play sad songs. Sister, it seems you still have some misunderstandings about the erhu."

"It seems that my sister-in-law is good at playing the erhu." Chu Xia smiled, "I know I can play upbeat music, but for someone like Zhou Mikang, I can't imagine what it would be like for him to play upbeat music on the erhu."

"That's right." Yu Tao laughed, "In the past, when my younger siblings didn't come, I would be scared when I saw my third younger brother. I'm not even that scared of our dad." She was talking about Zhou Jingping.

"Our dad has a much better temper than Zhou Mikang." Chu Xia raised her eyebrows proudly, "Sister-in-law, according to you, my arrival can be regarded as saving everyone?"

"Of course."

"In early summer, how can you talk about the Chinese New Year?" Zhao Yulan gave her daughter a tug. He warned her in a low voice, "Don't forget your appearance when you are happy. This is your husband's house."

When Chu Xia said what she just said, she also realized that what she said was a bit full. After all, she was celebrating the New Year. She said this as if she wanted everyone in the Zhou family to have feelings for her. It was a bit too shallow. Fortunately, Mr. Zhou had arranged everything at home and was about to perform a show, so no one paid attention to her. He quietly stuck out his tongue and said, "As you command!"

When Zhou Mikang came back, Mr. Zhou was singing to the fullest, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously. Seeing his expression, Mr. Zhou became even more excited...

"What's wrong with grandpa today?" Zhou Mikang asked in a low voice as he sat next to Chu Xia, "Usually asking him to sing a play is more difficult than reaching the sky."

"Grandpa said something wrong, and he punished himself..." Chu Xia whispered the previous events to Zhou Mikang, and then nudged him.

"Are you really good at playing Erhu?"

"It's okay, who told you that I can play the erhu?"

"Does the whole family know?" Chu Xia looked at him. "Isn't that hard to hear? Are you still treating me as an outsider and deliberately not telling me?"

"I'm afraid you'll laugh at me if I tell you..." He snorted coldly. Zhou Mikang glanced at her sideways, "Based on what I know about you, if you knew that I can play the erhu, you would immediately picture in your mind how I would play the erhu while wearing a long coat and sunglasses while sitting on a chair."

"Look, you still don't know me well enough. When I knew you could play the erhu, I was just thinking about it. However, I was thinking about how you would play the erhu in a military uniform. I don't want to wear sunglasses for you when you are celebrating the New Year. No matter what, you said the wrong thing, and you will be forced to perform a show later. You are not allowed to play the erhu, nor are you allowed to chant. You can only choose between singing and dancing."

"You feel uncomfortable because you can't see me making a fool of myself, don't you?" Zhou Mikang looked at her helplessly, "Are you really my wife?"

"Hey, who did you learn it from, and you still kiss your wife?" Chu Xia looked at him funny, "You learned it from Zhou Hanliang again, right?"

Zhou Mikang kept his mouth shut and said nothing. Chu Xia guessed correctly. He really learned from Zhou Hanliang. That boy had already obtained the approval of Jun Guoguo's parents, and he was very jealous recently. He was very happy every day.

Mr. Zhou's scene of outsmarting Weihu Mountain received warm applause, which actually aroused the old man's drama addiction, and another episode of cheating happened.

After the song "The Case of Guillotine Beauty" was finished, before everyone could say anything, the old man pointed his finger at Zhou Mikang: "You came back late, so I will punish you with a Peking Opera segment, hurry up!"

"Grandpa, please spare me. I don't know how to perform Peking Opera. Why don't you do another one by yourself?"

"Okay, then I'll do it again..."

Everyone was confused. They thought the old man wanted to sing an embarrassing song again and deliberately used this method.

In the end, Zhou Mikang did not hide away. He was more talented and sang the national anthem directly...

At nearly nine o'clock, Zhang's mother and Xiaojing prepared the New Year's Eve dinner, and the whole family sat at the table to eat and drink, waiting for the midnight bell to ring to welcome the New Year and eat dumplings.

According to the custom here, after eating dumplings, you can go to the homes of relatives and friends to pay New Year greetings.

Knowing that Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe must be thinking about Fat Aunt and her family, Zhou Mikang had already greeted them and took them to pay New Year greetings to Fat Aunt and her family after eating dumplings.

During the dinner, Mr. Wan had been silent. Chu Xia used excuses to move to his side and tease him from time to time. Seeing her intention, the old man smiled and touched her head: "Girl, I feel very happy. I just feel that people are... Much, it’s good to listen to everyone talk.”

"Grandpa, you didn't lie to me, did you?" Chu Xia looked at him with some uncertainty, "We have agreed that we can't hide our worries in our hearts."

"This is the most lively Spring Festival that grandpa has ever had in his life. I'm so happy. When your grandma Wan was alive, the house was still lively, but we could only eat the New Year's Eve dinner and talk before falling asleep.

Since your grandma Wan passed away, I have never celebrated the Spring Festival again. Over time, I have adapted to it. During the New Year, as soon as the door is closed, I don’t feel that it is the New Year.

I originally thought that I would have no chance to live with Xin again in this life, but I didn't expect that I met you, girl..." Shaking his head with a smile, the old man said, "I really didn't expect this, I am really happy. "

"Grandpa is so happy. From now on, I will spend every Spring Festival with him." Chu Xia looked at him with a smile, "Although my dad has found the root, after all, he only found it at this young age, so he is still more willing to put it aside." You regard him as his father. If grandpa is willing, they are happy to live with grandpa all the time. This is what they asked me to ask. Grandpa does not need to rush to answer, but what is the answer we want? Grandpa should know of."

"I know their feelings for me..." Mr. Wan smiled and nodded, "Grandpa, I promise you, think about it carefully. After all, some issues are still a bit complicated."

"Grandpa, they just want to be your children and nothing else. If my aunt has something to say, you can tell her directly."

"Okay." Mr. Wan promised her, "Don't worry, Chu Xia, grandpa won't let Wan Yuqiong cause trouble for your parents, and she doesn't have the qualifications."

Mr. Zhou came over with a wine glass in hand: "Brother Wan, let me toast you. From now on, we are brothers. As long as Brother Wan doesn't dislike it, we can celebrate the New Year together every year!"

Mr. Wan quickly stood up, picked up his wine glass and clinked it with Mr. Zhou: "Okay, as long as Baohe and Yulan are here, I will be there!"

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