Second update arrived.


"Do you want me to go for a walk with you?"

During this period, Mei Xiaofeng was very friendly to Chu Xia, and she was also trying to repair the relationship between the two, reciprocating her kindness. Seeing her boredom, Chu Xia took the initiative to come over to accompany her.

"Okay." Mei Xiaofeng responded with a smile, got up and went out with her.

"Put on more clothes." Chu Xia carefully picked up a coat and put it on for her. "Although it's quite warm outside, your body hasn't fully recovered yet, so be careful."

If calculated based on the time of miscarriage, Mei Xiaofeng is considered to be in confinement. It is okay to go out, but she must pay special attention. Chu Xia's carefulness finally made Zeng Meili have a heartfelt smile on her face: "Thank you. !”

"You're welcome, we're a family." Chu Xia helped her out of the door. After sitting in the room for too long, Mei Xiaofeng unconsciously narrowed her eyes under the bright sunshine near noon. After a long while, she breathed a long sigh of relief. "The weather is great."

Chu Xia couldn't help laughing and said: "Xiao Feng, do you have nothing to say to me?"

"Ah?" After a moment of confusion, Mei Xiaofeng understood Chu Xia's meaning and smiled: "The weather is really nice for me. I feel like I'm going to get moldy after being locked up in the house these days."

"It's getting warmer in the future. You can go out for a walk more. Exposure to the sun is good for your health. I was in bad health before, but look at me now, I'm very lively, right?"

"You're the only one who's so energetic?" Mei Xiaofeng looked at Chu Xia amusedly, "You're so much thinner than me, and yet you dare to say that you're so energetic, aren't you too funny?"

"Who says you can't be lively and vigorous if you lose weight?" Chu Xia looked at her with disdain. "According to your statement, doesn't it mean that only pigs can be considered vigorous?"

"You're just being arrogant..." Mei Xiaofeng looked at her dumbfounded. "Besides, I am temporarily weak. Once I recover, I will be fine."

"Well, what I said was a bit off the mark."

Chu Xia admitted her mistake sincerely, which made Mei Xiaofeng feel embarrassed: "Actually, you are right. There is no essential relationship between fatness and health. I am too serious."

"Looking at your attitude now, I can't believe you were the one who provoked me before." Chu Xia held her arm affectionately, "That's right, we are close in age.

Or it’s more comfortable to be a good friend than an enemy, what do you think? "

"Can I still say no?" Mei Xiaofeng smiled and shook her head, "Actually, it's not that I'm too lazy to go out and do some activities, I just feel worried and have no mood.

You also know that my family does not agree with my marriage to Zhongkang. Until now, my eldest brother has not come to see me. This shows that this matter has not been eased.

But now it’s the third year of junior high school. Do you think I should go home or not? Go back, I'm afraid of being ignored. It makes Zhongkang sad, so he doesn't come back, and he feels unfilial. Oh, I'm so sad. "

"It's the first day of the Lunar New Year. You can't say you're sad." Chu Xia patted her arm comfortingly, "You have to think like this. Everything has a development process. Maybe the elders of the Mei family have already agreed in their hearts, just with their mouths. Are you unwilling to speak out?

Your current body can't worry too much. If you have sequelae, you will suffer for a lifetime. But many years later, when you look back and think about what you are worried about today, you may find it very ridiculous. "

"Dear Third Sister-in-law, you are five years younger than me, and what you say is so clear-cut..." Mei Xiaofeng looked at her for a while, then laughed and said, "You do have the demeanor of Third Sister-in-law."

"What I said is true." Chu Xia glared at her dissatisfied, "I won't chat with you anymore if you make fun of people. This has nothing to do with age. Don't you think about the life I lived before? What day is it, so it’s not strange that I see some things more openly than you do.”

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Mei Xiaofeng looked at her curiously, "Can you tell me what the third sister-in-law once worried about, but then she thought it was not a big deal?"

Why did you worry about things?

There is a lot of this to do.

But the most worrying thing was that it was impossible for her to tell Mei Xiaofeng.

She remembers that when she first came to this era, she felt that everything was terrible. She looked forward to opening her eyes every day and finding that everything she had experienced was a dream, and her parents, grandparents, and grandparents who loved her were still in front of her.

Unfortunately, this kind of hope is destined to be nothing more than a hope. God knows how disappointed she is when she wakes up every morning, but life still has to go on as usual. In this constant disappointment, she gradually accepts everything. Including Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe.

Today, looking back, she doesn't feel that her life is any worse, and if she is asked to leave Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan now, she will definitely not be able to bear it.

And Zhou Mikang, she married him and knew his temper. If she left him, he would probably be single for the rest of his life. If so, would she be happy?

the answer is negative.

Therefore, what she once thought she had no chance of surviving and what happened when the sky fell was no longer a big deal today. Her biological parents already had another daughter, and she became the daughter of Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan. Everyone is living happily, and they even get along more harmoniously than before. Think about it, what's wrong with this?

She couldn't talk about this matter, so she talked about her marriage: "When I didn't meet Zhou Mikang before, my parents were extremely worried about what kind of husband I would find in the future.

If you have never been in a rural area, you may not know the criteria for choosing a spouse in rural areas, which are: first, you must be capable, second, you must be competent, and third, you must be capable. But as for me, the words "competent" and "competent" don't go together at all, and they have to be similar to thick eyebrows. I can't match the mainstream aesthetics of my eyes, so my parents always thought that I might not be able to get married.

Their nervousness gradually affected me. Coupled with other people's gossip, I became more and more stressed. I worried every day. What should I do if I live an unhappy life in the future?

I even made the worst plan, which was to commit suicide if I couldn't live any longer. But what would happen to my parents after committing suicide? Therefore, I saw the tangle and tangle of rooftops.

Unexpectedly, I met Zhou Mikang and married him. He treated me well, my parents-in-law, grandparents, and other elders and peers treated me well. So, when I think back, I feel that Worrying is really ridiculous. As the saying goes, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, right? "

"You were simply belittling yourself at that time. In fact, from my point of view, your appearance is very popular with men, and you are also a very thoughtful and correct person. I will definitely not end up with you in marriage." Worried about the outcome.

The matter between you and me is different. Originally, my family wanted me to marry Qiao Jingjun, but I just didn’t have feelings for him. Then, I secretly obtained the certificate with Zhou Zhongkang behind the family’s back. This made the elders They feel that I have embarrassed them, so they will not forgive me.

Now the whole family is looking forward to my happiness, probably my eldest brother, including my parents. They are probably eager to see Zhou Zhongkang and I live in trouble, to prove their wisdom. "

"I haven't met your parents, so I won't comment, but I think parents want their children to live a happy life, and don't expect their children to have a bad life.

Also, what you just said illustrates another problem, that is, everyone thinks that their own affairs are the big deal, and other people's affairs are not that serious.

This illustrates from the side that the problem of authorities being obsessed with others is not that other people's affairs are really not important, but that you can see it more clearly from the perspective of a bystander.

So, if you listen to me and relax, even if I don’t forgive you this year, I will definitely forgive you next year. If I don’t forgive you next year, there will be the year after that. I don’t believe it. If you live well, your elders will be able to live forever. I have never accepted you. "

"How many years have it been?" Mei Xiaofeng looked at Chu Xia with a troubled face, "If you tell me this, why do I feel like I will never see the light of day again?"

"Well, I won't persuade people. Anyway, what I mean is, live every day happily. One day, everything will become happy. Listen to me, that's right."

Saying this, Chu Xia felt like her teeth were about to get sore. Why hadn't she discovered before that her ability to deceive was so powerful? Hahaha...

After chatting with her for a long time, most of the gloom in Mei Xiaofeng's heart had gone away, so she nodded in agreement: "Okay, I listen to you, don't worry anymore, take good care of your body and live a good life. Seeing my happiness, my parents will one day accept me. In fact, they should be angry because I secretly did everything on my own without asking for their opinions. But this can’t be entirely my fault. If it’s true, After listening to their opinions, Zhou Zhongkang and I probably wouldn’t be where we are today.”

"Fifth brother is really lucky to meet you. He did something that hurt you so much, and you can still protect him in every way. If it were me, I couldn't do it."

"Because I love him." Mei Xiaofeng sighed, "So feelings are really a strange thing. Between the two of us, I have always been the one taking the initiative.

People say that women chase men, but I really don’t think so. Although he quickly agreed to be with me, his heart was never completely tied to me.

It wasn't until my miscarriage this time that he truly regarded me as one of his family members. So, can I tell you, I am very happy about this? "

Chu Xia really didn't know what to say. She loved him so much. If she said something bad, she would be ignorant. But if she was asked to say something nice, she really couldn't say it. Anyway, she couldn't accept this kind of man.

However, to be honest, Zhou Zhongkang is definitely not a bit better than before. (To be continued...)

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