An update was sent at noon to make up for yesterday’s——

Rao Ying knew better than anyone the entanglement between Zhou Mixang and Ye Meiru. Therefore, although her younger sister liked Zhou Mixang, she did not agree with it at first. She never thought that Zhou Mikang was a suitable husband. He was too tough, too stinky, and too inconsiderate. It was very tiring to marry such a man.

However, after she explained everything clearly and clearly, the younger sister was still determined to marry Zhou Mikang, so she no longer stopped her.

She has a very good relationship with her sister, and she loves her sister very much, but she knows very well that when a girl falls in love with a man unconditionally and blindly, if you don't go along with her will, even if you marry her and love her again, there are no conditions. No matter how good a man is, she will never be happy.

However, if Gui doesn't stop her, she will never help her. Anyway, she had never been optimistic about Zhou Mikang and didn't think he was a suitable choice for her sister-in-law.

A few years have passed, but there has been no progress between her sister and Zhou Mikang. Privately, she is secretly happy and hopes that her sister will fall in love soon and meet a boy who is truly suitable for her.

Unfortunately, things went against expectations. Before the buds of a romantic relationship emerged, my sister found an opportunity to get close to Zhou Mikang - the Jiazi Women's Hospital team and went to work for Zhou Mikang.

In this matter, the attitude of parents has always been to let nature take its course. If my sister marries the Zhou family, it will be an excellent opportunity for the Rao family. Therefore, after my sister asked her for help but was rejected. Mom and dad came forward, hoping that she could help her sister.

No one understood her worries. Including my sister, in desperation. She could only let Qiao Gang help.

In fact, the relationship between her and Qiao Gang was very good on the surface, but they knew their difficulties.

The Qiao family may have a slightly lower foundation than the Ye family and the Zhou family, but it is also one of the most wealthy families in City A. Compared with their family, it is definitely more than a star and a half higher.

Between her and Qiao Gang, she had always given in to him in everything. And it's the kind of unconditional accommodation.

However, he was very good at making things happen and never looked down on her in front of her family and friends. Therefore, after getting along for more than two years, her family and friends felt more and more that she had found the most satisfying home.

My sister expressed her envy more than once. She didn't have the courage to tell what she had suffered, and... Her vanity didn't allow her to say it out loud, so she just kept getting along with Qiao Gang in a seemingly beautiful way.

Everyone doesn't know that the price she paid for letting Qiao Gang help her sister join the medical team. Three days a week, Qiao Gang is sent to his door to serve him. That kind of service is definitely beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Fortunately, the injuries were all in invisible parts. No one discovered it.

But that kind of shame often kept her awake all night long. She even felt that he was treating her like this. He may not have the intention to marry her. Would a man really treat his wife like this?

She was thinking this in her heart, but she didn't dare to ask it out loud. She was afraid that if she really asked it, the relationship between them might come to an end.

In fact, she had always known that the real reason why Qiao Gang was with her was not because he loved her so much, but because Mr. Qiao's favorite grandson, Qiao Jingjun, once liked her.

Maybe people are just so weird. When Qiao Jingjun chased her, she looked down upon the tall, strong, and dark Qiao Jingjun. She thought he was too rough and it was too embarrassing to be with him.

But after she and Qiao Gang fell in love, she gradually realized what a good man she had missed.

Qiao Gang treated her in such a perverted way because he couldn't compare to Qiao Jingjun in other places, so he looked for balance from her. When having sex, he would ask her over and over again whether he or Qiao Jingjun was better. .

She has never been like Qiao Jingjun, so how can she know who is better?

When she didn't answer, he beat her to death.

Then, she could only answer him according to his wishes against her will.

Under his design, Qiao Jingjun became an impotent weakling who shot instantly.

If she had recognized this earlier, she probably wouldn't have been with Qiao Gang, but she had already followed him, and her vanity left her with no way out.

The sound of running water in the bathroom stopped, and Rao Ying shuddered unconsciously. She had suffered from Zhou Mixang's pain during the day, and I wonder what tricks he would do again tonight.

Her fingers touched the hard scabs on her body, and she felt cold from the bottom of her heart.


She didn't dare. She was the one who dragged him to help. Although she didn't help, if she didn't drag him there, how could he have been humiliated by Zhou Mixang?

Zhou Mikang is Qiao Jingjun's best friend.

With this relationship, she would probably shed her skin if she didn't die tonight.

Thinking of her pitiful little sister huddled in the guard room, staring at her like a little rabbit, she gritted her teeth and tried hard to suppress the thought of running away. Now, the only one who could save her little sister was Qiao Gang.

When she came home today, her parents' eyes were all red. She had always disliked their cowardice, but she had to admit that her parents had always tried their best to take care of their sisters. It has never been like the uncle and uncle's family who forced their daughters to exchange benefits for the family and hoped that they would marry men with good conditions. They wanted them to be happy more than they wanted to get much out of them.

At this time, Qiao Gang walked out of the bathroom naked. There was no smile on his face. He walked to the bed without saying a word, opened the quilt and grabbed Rao Ying.

At five o'clock in the morning, Rao Ying staggered on her way home. After tossing her all night, Qiao Gang only gave her one word: "Gun!"

She no longer had the energy to argue with him, but now, she didn't dare to go home. Judging from his attitude this time, she had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. In the past, he had never allowed her to bring such an image home.

Where could she go?

After hesitating for a while, she walked up to where the Zhou family was. At this time, she couldn't lose her sister again. No one was helping her, so she had to help herself.

It can be seen from Zhou Mikang's performance yesterday that he attaches great importance to his little wife, so let her find her

Halfway there, she suddenly paused. If she went to Zhou's house, would Zhou Mikang allow her to find her?

So, she changed direction and walked towards 401.

Chu Xia made up her mind in the evening, but she didn't wait until the group leader Zongzi, and she didn't know what time she fell asleep. Anyway, when she woke up, the book was still in her hand, and it was still empty next to her. She sat there in a daze for a while. , I felt a little uncomfortable. Was he avoiding her on purpose, or was something really wrong?

If something happens, you should let her know, right?

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