Time quietly pass, unconsciously, and on the last day of the apprenticeship meeting, Ou Shaotian finally got his wish and found the remaining two students.

They are both seemingly innate talents, and they have little potential.

At least on the surface it is.

The fourth place is Zhou Xiaojie, Soul Spirit is a rare bighead fish.

Although it is a rare Soul Spirit, but the big head fish is too low in price, except for the big head, it is useless, other teachers look down on it.

Similar to Yu Feifei, no one wants to be a teacher everywhere.

Finally received by Ou Shaotian.

The reason is simple. Ou Shaotian was identified by radar and found that his Soul Spirit had an awakening ability to swallow.

There is only one effect of this skill, which strengthens itself by eating.

Almost everything can be eaten, good or bad, as long as it contains energy, it can be swallowed and digested, and it has unlimited potential.

The fifth name is Shi Xiaofeng, Soul Spirit is precious quality spiritual sense shrimp.

Spiritual sense Shrimp, Soul Spirit, is not bad. It is a very common type of Soul Spirit detection. The problem is that the precious quality is a little too poor.

Therefore, Shi Xiaofeng is also no one cares about.

However, Ou Shaotian passed the radar identification, but found that Shi Xiaofeng was born with an extremely powerful Sixth Sense.

That is a natural perception of danger.

It's amazing.

Soul Spirit spiritual sense Although the shrimp has only precious qualities, with his Sixth Sense, the detection ability is quite outstanding.

So Ou Shaotian also accepted him.

"teacher, we toast you a glass, please take care of you in the future!"

In the dining room, Luo Qing and the others held wine glasses and said respectfully.

The apprenticeship meeting was over, and five students had enough. Ou Shaotian brought a few people to the gourmet restaurant to have a meal and celebrate.

"Everyone is about the same age, you don't need to be so polite, just learn from each other and make progress together!"

Ou Shaotian faintly smiled and said.

Although he is a teacher, he does not intend to be a teacher. These students will be his best teammates in the near future.

It is also a trustworthy existence.

"Brother Shaotian, I am coming!"

At this moment, Yun Duo'er also arrived.

"Hello Madam!"

Luo Qing and the others suddenly said when they saw Yun Duo'er coming.

"Oh, what are you babbling, just call my name!"

Two clouds flew up on Yun Duo'er's cheeks in an instant.

"Hey, Madam, you and the teacher are living together, why are you so shy? You have to admit it openly, otherwise the teacher will be so good, you will be robbed!"

Yu Feifei said with a smile on her face.

After the successful apprenticeship, she has also become a lot more cheerful.

"She's right. If you don't recognize your identity and don't look at me, maybe I swish, and you are all of a sudden."

Ou Shaotian laughed at him. Tao.

"You dare!"

Yun Duo'er's beautiful eyes glared, and said violently.

"Sister, please sit down!"

Long Xiaoyu, who is close to Ou Shaotian, pulled out the chair and let Yun Duo'er sit down, and Yun Duoduo also sat down silently, no Refute the name Shiniang again.

"Come, come, let's eat, everyone is welcome, eat together!"

Ou Shaotian also said hello, and everyone started eating together.


The classroom dormitory area, in the small courtyard of Niu Wanjin’s dormitory.

Niu Wanjin was walking back and forth, his expression was a bit tangled, as if he was making a major decision that made him hesitant.

He then dialed a call.

"Hey, hello, is this classmate Long... There is no major event... The main event is to tell you that your younger sister has worshipped a fifteen-year-old boy as a teacher... Maybe you have been cheated …Okay, that's it!"

After hanging up the phone, Niu Wanjin smiled triumphantly.

On the other end of the phone is Long Xiaoyu’s big brother, Long Yin, who only graduated from the Twelve Star Academy two years ago, so it is not difficult for him to find Long Yin’s contact information.

He believes that as long as Long Yin rushes over, he will definitely find Ou Shaotian to have a fight.


After the apprenticeship meeting ended, each teacher shifted their focus to bringing their own students, reducing the time for classes.

Ou Shaotian originally held several classes a week, each time from 8 am to 11:3 hours, teaching Baiyun Body Refinement Art.

Only one hundred students are accepted each time to come to class.

But now, like other teachers, he has made changes, and the start time of the class is uncertain.

But everyone can still sign up.

When will he start the class, he will notify the registered students to come to the class. If something cannot come, he will choose a hundred people in order.

Move back temporarily if you can't come.

"wu wu wu, I'm so angry, I was almost queued to me, but after doing this, I don't know when I will learn Baiyun Body Refinement Art!"

"Yes, if we are working outside when the class just starts, wouldn't it be very sad!"

"There is no way to be sad. This time of the year is almost the same. In a short period of time, every teacher will It’s mainly about teaching our own students."

"If it doesn’t work, we will join the Baiyun Catering Association. Go inside and you can learn, and it’s the kind of learning."


"Yes, I can only learn six styles at the beginning of the class. I directly join the Baiyun Catering Association and learn all together. The body refinement of the holy stage, isn't it fragrant!"

"That said, Just join the Baiyun Catering Association!"


Needless to say, many students have joined the Baiyun Catering Association. The entire association’s student members are almost two There are thousands.

Of course, there are tens of thousands of students in the entire Twelve-Star Academy, and 2,000 trifling is not too much.

But as a new force, two thousand people are no less.

Ou Shaotian didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the association. Now the affairs of the association are basically handled by Yun Duo'er and the others.

This morning, after Ou Shaotian called Luo Qing and the others to the cultivation room, he began to teach the cultivation technique.

"teacher, are you going to teach us Baiyun Body Refinement Art?"

Long Xiaoyu said with a look of expectation.

She admired Ou Shaotian as her teacher, because of the holy step Baiyun Body Refinement Art, ordinary cultivation technique she can't see.

"Don't teach this!"

Ou Shaotian shook the head.

Long Xiaoyu was suddenly disappointed. After listening to Luo Qing's boasting, she had been looking forward to this Baiyun Body Refinement Art for a long time.

"Why don't you teach me, people want to learn!"

Long Xiaoyu pouted with a small mouth, and looked insecure.

"I have a better one, don't you want to learn, want to learn this much worse Baiyun Body Refinement Art?"

Ou Shaotian asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh my God, you have something better, it's great, I want to learn, I want to learn!"

Long Xiaoyu took Ou Shaotian's hand, excited Cried.

"Okay, okay, there are differences between men and women, don't move your hands, or I won't teach you!"

Ou Shaotian shook his head.

"gē gē gē, you are afraid of your wife being jealous, don't worry, you are the beloved Master of others, don’t say that many, hurry up and teach us!"

Long Xiao Yu giggled.

Ou Shaotian also stopped talking nonsense, and began to teach them the Extreme Path Body Refinement Art of the gods.

For his students, he naturally has no reservations, and he tries his best to help them become stronger.

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