In the next few days, Morey and the others successively went out of the customs, one by one, the strength increased greatly, and the power of the artistic conception surrounding him became stronger.

In the past few days, the Pill Master Association has also refined a large number of new medicine pill products, all with high grade and perfect quality.

After storing a large amount of medicine pill, the Pill Master Association released the news and held a new medicine pill conference on November 25th.

After the news was released, the stock price of the Pill Master Association began to rise.

Human Race Pill Master Association is also listed on the Wanzu League Exchange. The previous share price was 36 yuan high grade Spirit Stone.

After the news was released, it began to rise slowly, and now it has risen to 41 yuan per share.

"Shaotian, thanks to you, the stock price of the Pill Master Association might double!"

Looking at the rising stock price, Xiao Changshan said excitedly.

After they left the customs, Ou Shaotian asked them to buy the shares of the Pill Master Association, and Ou Shaotian himself smashed more than three million high grade Spirit Stones.

"Don’t worry, the ones that were sold before were low grade medicine pill. Now there are four high grade medicine pill, even perfect quality medicine pill. The stock price is more than one hundred and it’s no problem."

Ou Shaotian said with a smile on his face.

When he first started, he didn't know that the Pill Master Association was also listed on the alliance exchange, so he almost missed it.

"Yes, this time we wait for its daily limit, and we will sell again, and we will definitely make a lot of money!"

Morey and the others are also excited.

This time they all invested money one by one, and the least invested hundreds of thousands in it. If nothing happens, they will definitely make a lot of money.

"It has been spread on the Internet, I'm just waiting for the product launch on the 25th!"

Li Heng was also excited.

"Now it is only the news that the perfect quality medicine pill has been developed. Many people thought that only one type was developed. When it is confirmed that there are four, it will definitely increase!"

Ou Shaotian is also a little excited, this time he will definitely make a lot of money.

This magical Sea Territory is connected to All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and vortex connected to the void appears from time to time, among which there are countless treasures.

Attracting powerhouses from the heavens and tens of thousands of races, it’s just that it’s shrouded in mist all year round, it’s not easy to discern the direction, and it’s inconvenient to communicate with reality. It’s hard to go back when it comes.

However, there is no problem with online communication, and there are many stockholders.

Now the news in Human Race has spread to a small area, but people of other races still don’t believe it. Wait for the press conference.

There are bound to be people from the heavens and tens of thousands of people rushing to buy it, how many times will it be when the time comes, it’s really hard to say.

"So, this time it is really going to be posted!"

Jin Haoyu and Chen Da are also excited.

"Yes, it's definitely going to be posted. You see it on the Internet, it's already blown up, but other races don't believe it for the time being!"

Ou Shaotian faintly smiled and said .

After the news was released, various news media on Siwon Island made reports. Naturally, Human Race and the races close to Human Race were exaggerated.

As for the strong clan who ranks high, they either ignore it or just jump out for a while.

Obviously, I don’t believe it.

Human Race Daily: A very happy event. My Human Race Pill Master Association has developed a new fourth rank Pill Recipe. The quality can reach perfection!

Divine Race Daily: Human Race has come out boasting again!

Beastman Race Daily: Human Race medicine pill has a new movie, clansman, be ready to buy it, don’t miss the cheap medicine pill!


After the news was released, news media of all races released the news, and online forums directly exploded.

The topic is directly on the hot search.

"Divine Race scum, come out, don’t you say every day that Human Race can’t research the perfect quality medicine pill? Now it’s been researched, still refuse to accept?"

"My Divine Race will take you to a bird. Who will not let you talk about it? It is also perfect quality. Who believes it?"

"I don’t believe in the Harpy, either. The level of Human Race is very good. It’s stealing teachers from our races, and at most I will play some low grade medicine pill!"

"You fart, my Human Race never lied. If you say that you have researched it, you will definitely have it!"


Ou Shaotian and the others laughed while watching the quarrel on the forum. The hotter the topic, the better. Once the press conference opens, they will become more prosperous.

The perfect quality medicine pill has almost no erysipelas, and each one can bring huge benefits.

Now four medicine pills are released all at once. Then the stock price doesn’t fly up, and they just have to wait to collect the money.

"No matter what's going on online, let's go out and celebrate. Today I have a treat!"

Morey said aloud.


Everyone waved their hands and killed them directly towards the dining hall.

This time Morey is also generous. The dishes ordered are all of the fifth-order quality, and all of them are full of oily mouth.

After eating almost, Ou Shaotian said: "You know a lot of people, you can let me know if you are familiar!"

"Yes, alone Lele is not as good as everyone's fun, everyone who has money makes it together!"

Morley and the others also notified their relatives and friends one after another, letting them buy the shares of the Pill Master Association immediately if they have money.


time quietly pass, unconsciously it’s November 25th.

On this day, focal point of ten thousands!

The product launch conference was held in Siyuan Plaza. The people of the Pill Master Association set up the stage early, and the media from all walks of life have already gathered.

Many people who like to watch the fun are also here.

Nine o'clock in the morning!

The senior leaders of the Pill Master Association finally appeared. The press conference this time was hosted by the branch chief Old Zhang himself. Seeing his silhouette, many people believed it!

It's a real hammer!

The message should be true!

"Hello President Zhang, I am a reporter from the Soul Clan Daily, is it true that the Pill Master Association has developed the perfect quality Grade 4 Medicine Pill?"

"President Zhang, I’m a reporter from Divine Race Daily. Many people say that your press conference is a farce. What do you think?"

"President Zhang, please answer!"


Seeing the appearance of Old Zhang and the others, those media professionals immediately rushed in, but they were blocked by the bodyguards and could not get close.

"Everyone don't be impatient, the press conference will begin immediately, and all questions will be answered together!"

After Old Zhang finished speaking, he took Liu Yi Pill Master directly onto it Those media professionals also rushed to the temporary stage.

"Now everyone is most concerned about whether we have actually developed a perfect quality medicine pill. I can answer you for sure, yes."

"No What a fluke is that a medicine pill is perfect, but a medicine pill is all perfect, and the number has reached an astonishing nine!"

"You heard it right, it is the perfect limit number, nine!"

Old Zhang said that, the next thing was exploded. No one would suspect him of lying in this kind of press conference in full view.

"My God, the news is true, Human Race is really amazing!"

"Yes, I thought it was a secret exchange of concepts at first, but good luck , There are a few perfect quality ones, which are actually true."

"My Human Race, perfect quality Pill Recipe, the value is amazing!"

"Strong my Human Race!"


Below discusses spiritedly, countless people exclaimed, countless Human Race looks excited!

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