Finally, the three Great Captain hunting battallion were all locked up and sent to the family within the realm. They couldn't do anything except secluded cultivation.

The location of Great Captain is temporarily replaced by Vice Captain!

In the Conference Hall.

"Everyone is here, let's discuss now, how to retaliate and go back!"

Ou Shaotian sat in the first seat, looking at the people below, and said aloud.

"Shaotian, we are not afraid of meet force with force, but in small jungle combat, we may not be able to fight the soul race and shadow race!" Jun ruthlessly shook his head first.

"If you can't fight, you must fight. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Human Race teams have been coming to our camp one after another. I am worried that the enemy will focus on them."

Ou Shaotian was a little worried.

If the enemy takes action against the ordinary Human Race teams, I am afraid that the number of Human Races will not be enough to die. If they don't want a solution, it will be a serious crime.

"I have a way..."


Among the jungle, a team of about ten soul races focused on Kill a bear with Human Race squad.

The headed Human Race Small Captain is called Zhang Xiaohu.

I saw him fighting while shouting: "Pay attention to dodge, don't meet force with force, this bear is too powerful."

"Captain dodges !"

At this moment, there was a shout from behind, Zhang Xiaohu immediately dodged to the side, and an arrow passed by him.

Just in the eyes of the opposite bear!


Everyone screamed happily.

"Go back, it's going crazy!"

While Zhang Xiaohu was happy, he also hurriedly greeted his teammates to leave to avoid being attacked by the crazy bear.


Sure enough, the wild bear who was blinded one eye roared, jumped up, and fell towards the nearest Human Race.

The Human Race flashed quickly.


Although the Human Race got out of the way, the bear landing is not simple.

Along with a loud noise, a terrifying shock wave spreads towards all around, and the Human Race that had just escaped suddenly fell to the ground.

Then the bear slapped and moved towards him and slapped him.


At this moment, those soul races hiding in the dark came out.

I have to say that they seized the opportunity very well.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohu and their attention were all attracted by the wild bear's outburst, and they didn't even think that the enemy was lurking in secret.

After the hidden soul clan appeared, the long sword in his hand pierced towards the target.

When Zhang Xiaohu and the others were about to be recruited, a splitting the air sound rang out, and only a sharp arrow shot.

"There is an ambush!"

The soul race that just took the sneak attack suddenly turned pale with fright, but it was too late!

"hahaha, I've been waiting for you!"

Zhang Xiaohu laughed, and saw that they changed their tricks one after another, taking the opportunity to kill while avoiding the opponent's sneak attack.

They lead out the enemy on the surface.

There is also a team of Human Race archers lurking secretly, the archer squad specially trained by Ou Shaotian.

What I learned is the improved method of shooting stars and arrows!

Besides them, Ou Shaotian and Jun are ruthless watching.

It's just that Ou Shaotian and Jun ruthlessly didn't make a move.

"peng peng peng!"

The collision sounded constantly, the battle between the two sides was fierce, but Human Race was gained the upper hand.

"Die, rubbish alien!"

I saw Zhang Xiaohu loudly shouting, urging the battle body, erupting with terrifying force, and blasting a soul race with one sword.


The soul race flying in the air was directly hit by an arrow shot from the lasing, and it was perfectly killed!

Such cooperation is just one of the scenes.

As the decoy Zhang Xiaohu squad, each one is an old member of the cultivated battle body, and the strength is a first-class existence.

Cooperating with the ambush archer, he quickly completed the killing of the soul race squad.

As for the injured wild bear, it was also slaughtered.

Before playing vigorously, it just hides most of the strength.

"Not bad!"

Ou Shaotian nodded, satisfied.

If it wasn't for training them, he could do it himself, and the radar would sweep them. These aliens hiding in the vicinity would have nowhere to hide.

Only using the radar to cheat, it is impossible to improve the survivability of these men, so this kind of action was taken.

The purpose is to train the people.

"Let's go, we shouldn't be used anymore!"

Jun Ruqing also smiled.

soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, it’s better not to intervene in the battle below at will for their sixth rank, which is not conducive to the growth of their subordinates.

The flowers in the greenhouse cannot survive in places like the endless Sea Territory.

Sure for a while, but not for a lifetime!


A dozen kilometers away, in a hidden cave, Hong Lang and other races such as Gong Dazhi and Zhang Tie are lurking there.

After their three people came over, they did not immediately make a move.

Because of the repeated victories of his men, they are not needed at all, but the situation has changed that night.

I went out with ten squads, but only four came back. Six squads fell and lost 60 hands.

"My lord, the others may not be able to come back!"

A Divine Race youth said aloud.

Every night, after their ten teams come back, they will gather, but now it is much longer than the gathering time.

Only four squads came back.

"Go and rest first!"

Hong Lang shook his head and said aloud.

After disbanding the team, he discussed with Gong Dazhi and Zhang Tie.

"If there is no accident, Human Race should be an expert. It is estimated that the sixth rank will be dispatched. Otherwise, it is impossible to leave us that many people."

Others disbanded After that, Hong Lang said aloud.

"Don't worry, we will take care of tomorrow's ambush!"

Gong Dazhi said aloud.


At this moment, Hong Lang suddenly looked towards the outside vigilantly.

There was a rustle in the dark jungle, as if a beast that could eat people was hidden, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Gong Dazhi and Zhang Tie also immediately took out their weapons.

Ou Shaotian walked out of the jungle with Jun Ruqing and Li Zhenwei, and soon came to Hong Lang and other alien races.

"Ou Shaotian?"

Hong Lang gnashing one's teeth said.

"Yes, it's me!"

Ou Shaotian, holding a skylark knife, said faintly.

"Are you here to die, the cultivation base of the trifling sixth rank, do you still want to fight with my seventh rank, or did you bring that spirit plant?"

Hong Lang speaks probed.

He is not afraid of Ou Shaotian and the others, he is afraid of the seventh rank spirit plant.

"Don’t worry, you don’t need the spirit plant of the seventh rank to deal with you. The three of us are enough. Let’s take it!"

Ou Shaotian's voice fell off, and his skills were activated. The figure disappeared in place!

Batian drew his sword!

I saw his figure instantly appear in front of Hong Lang, a bright light appeared in the dim sky, and the overbearing sword intent swept out.

"Good coming!"

Hong Lang loudly shouted, the long sword came out, and a sword greeted him.

dang dang dang!

The sound of golden and iron mingling sounded, and the two immediately collided with dozens of strokes, and they hit the sky from the ground, and their domain was also agitated.

After Ou Shaotian shot, Jun Ruqing and Li Zhenwei also shot. Jun Ruthless went to Gong Dazhi, and Li Zhenwei went to Zhang Tie!

There are fierce battles.

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