After returning home, Ou Shaotian started cooking immediately. He only ate some dry food during the day. He was already panicked because of hunger, and his stomach screamed.

It took an hour to make it, and after eating and drinking, I took a rest in the yard.

I'm fine, he also remembered "spiritual power segment body refinement"!

Before the spiritual power was insufficient, now he has no shortage of spiritual power, so when thoughts move, he let the radar optimize the deduction.

Soon, a reminder appeared in his mind.

The optimization of "spiritual power segment body refinement" was successful, and the current optimization progress (10000/10000)

Then he scanned his own attributes.

The attribute interface that only he can see soon appeared in front of him.

Character: Ou Shaotian

realm: Level 5 angler

innate talent Soul Spirit: Purple Gold Black Tortoise

spiritual power: Two Six thousand six thousand (three thousand five thousand)

Major in cultivation technique: Soul Spirit Transformation Art, Spirit Power Body Refinement Art (10000/10000), current realm 5 flesh refinement

Battle skill: Shaolin Staff, Thousand Thrower Hand


The realm behind "Spirit Power Body Refinement Art" has also been deduced and optimized. From now on, you only need to cultivation step by step.

However, Ou Shaotian was not satisfied, but continued to optimize "Shaolin Staff" and "Thousand Thrower Hand".

A few minutes later, another prompt appeared in his mind.

Consumption of 12,000 spiritual power, success in deduction and optimization of "Shaolin Staff", advanced to "Thousand Chances Staff"!

Consuming 10,000 spiritual power, deducing and optimizing "Thousand Thrower Hand" successfully, and advanced to "Thousand Chances Angling Technique"!

"Try Thousand Chances Staff first!"

Ou Shaotian felt the new stick method in his mind, and took the bamboo stick to the small courtyard and started A walkthrough.

The wind rises with the stick, and the imposing manner is shocking!

"What an amazing formidable power!"

Ou Shaotian felt the formidable power of Shaolin Thousand Chances Staff and couldn't help but smile.

As for "Thousand Chances Angling Technique", it is not convenient to experience for the time being. It can only be used when fishing, but it shouldn't be bad if you think about it.

It is not enough to continue performing "Soul Spirit Transformation Art".

Five thousand spiritual power is needed.

This cultivation technique is not like Body Refinement Art, which can be deduced in sections. It must be a one-off, and can only be discussed after the cultivation base is higher.


Time passed quietly in Ou Shaotian cultivation, and his cultivation did not rest until late.

2nd day originally planned to continue to go to the fishery, but Yun Duo'er said that her father was going to Azure Wood Town.

So Ou Shaotian decided to take a look at Azure Wood Town and set off with the team with Yun Duo'er.

This time Yun Duo'er her father, the village head Yun Hai, personally led the team. He was worried about being targeted by Flower Village again, so he went out in person.

Ou Shaotian was also a little worried, so he chose to follow.

"The village chief!"

After meeting Yun Hai, Ou Shaotian also said hello.

"Well, come up, let's go right away!"

Yun Hai nodded.

While speaking, he gave Yun Duo'er a deep look. Yun Duo'er looked a little sorry.

At this time everyone is here, just waiting for Ou Shaotian and Yun Duo'er.

So as soon as the two got on the boat, the big boat set off.

White Cloud Village is far away from Azure Wood Town. It leaves in the morning and can only arrive at around 3 in the afternoon.

It is not safe to return at night, so I can only wait for 2nd day to return.

When the big ship was moving, Ou Shaotian and Yun Duo'er followed Yun Hai into the cabin, Yun Hai said nothing, and Ou Shaotian didn't know what to say.

The scene was a little dull.

"I heard you went to dig the Spirit Stone!"

After a while, Yun Hai took the lead in breaking the calm.

He only knew from Yun Duo'er that Ou Shaotian went to the sea to dig Spirit Stone, but he didn’t know how many Spirit Stones Ou Shaotian dug.

Yun Duo'er didn't tell him.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be so calm, but he personally called Ou Shaotian to dig.

"Well, I went, I have a little gain!"

Ou Shaotian nodded, did not elaborate.

"Pay attention to safety. You are too weak now. You have just been promoted to angler. What you have to do is to cultivation hard, not take risks, understand?"

Yun Hai Can't help but start his indoctrination.

It's just that he doesn't know the strength of Ou Shaotian. Yun Duo'er next to him saw Ou Shaotian being trained and laughed.

"Well, I know, I will pay attention in the future!"

Ou Shaotian made a very obedient look.

Regarding the elder's advice, whether it is right or not, he will not refute it, because he knows that the other party is good for him.

"Well, it’s good to know, you youngster, I can’t talk more about it, but it’s always right to protect yourself and work hard in cultivation."

Yun When Hai saw Ou Shaotian being so obedient, he couldn't help being nodded and said with satisfaction.

Then he talked about some things about Azure Wood Town, mainly talking about the areas that need to be paid attention to when going to Azure Wood Town, don't offend which forces, etc.!

At around three in the afternoon, their entire group finally came to Azure Wood Town.

"Let's go, take a good look, it's rare to come here, if you want to buy, just buy it yourself."

Yun Hai said aloud.

A lot of people came this time, except for Yun Hai, Ou Shaotian and Yun Duo'er, Uncle Li and other people from the original patrol team all came.

"Got it!"

Ou Shaotian and the others are nodded Tao.

While there was still time, everyone went straight into the lively commercial street of Azure Wood Town.

Start big shopping.

Yun Hai took everyone directly to a large trading company.

His goal this time is to buy Spirit Stone, and he brought over one million sea coins, but he may not be able to buy it. It depends on luck.

Because Spirit Stone is priceless.

But luck was good. It happened to be sold. For 10,000 sea coins, he directly bought more than one hundred of them and spent almost all the money he had on him.

This one million yuan is not his, but the village's. The purchase of Spirit Stone is to prepare for the village's fishing ground.

"I have already bought my things, and then you see what you need to buy."

Yun Hai said aloud.

After buying the Spirit Stone, all that's left is to buy some daily necessities used in the village by the way.

"I need to buy some medicine pills and the like!"

Uncle Li took the lead in speaking.

"I want to buy some materials to build fishing boats!"

Ou Shaotian also said aloud.

Although other people are a little curious about what he did with this material, they didn't ask much.

Soon everyone took action and started their own purchases.

Uncle Li and the others mainly buy common supplies such as diving suits, fishing rods and daggers.

Ou Shaotian purchased a batch of materials to upgrade the Fishing Boat Avatar.

He bought five tons of paulownia sticks, ten tons of white walnut, two tons of birch, five tons of iron wood, and one ton of iron essence.

I bought all the materials needed for the upgrade at one time.

It also spent a lot of his sea coin, and the money on his body is almost spent.

More than two hours have passed, and the evening has arrived unconsciously, and it will soon be dark.

"I bought everything, and it's going well. Next, I will find a place to live, and then go back tomorrow morning!"

Yun Hai took everyone to look for it directly Stayed in a small hotel.

The operation was unexpectedly smooth, and no one from Flower Village was encountered, so no one bothered them.

Perhaps in the eyes of Ge Family, they are not to worry about.

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