Ou Shaotian and a few women soon came to the spirit plant of the Academy, ready to find a suitable spirit farm in the spirit plant to contract.

"We need to grow seasoned Spirit Fruit, as well as a variety of vegetables. There are many spirit farms that need to be contracted. Let's take a look at those spirit farms for rent!"

Ou Shaotian while walking , Said aloud.

"I know the place. There are still many spirit farms over there that are not rented out, but they are all inconspicuous to others, and I don't know if cultivation is not good!"

Li Xueting said aloud.

Good spirit farms generally already have an owner, and only some inferior spirit farms have no owner yet.

"As long as it's not bad and too outrageous, it doesn't matter. As long as the method is right, the spirit farm can also become better. Let's take a look!"

Ou Shaotian nodded.

Afterwards, a few people walked and talked, and soon they came to a large number of deserted spirit farms with lush weeds growing on them.

"Look, it's here. It's a bit remote, but it's okay. High-level spirit plants can't be grown. Low-level spirit plants shouldn't be a problem."

Li Xueting came out Said the voice.

Ou Shaotian did not speak, and walked directly into the spirit farm to check the soil.

Overall, it's pretty good.

"This spirit farm is okay. When you come back to rent, try to sign a long contract as much as possible, but this spirit farm alone is not enough. We will continue to look for it elsewhere."

Ou Shaotian said after checking.

This spirit farm put it plainly, it is the nutrient problem in the soil, as long as the Spirit Rain Technique is used a few more times, the quality will gradually improve.

"It can only be rented for a period of time. After the expiration, the Academy will draw lots, but it will be mixed with a good spirit farm to draw lots. There is no way to rent for a long time."

Li Xueting said aloud.

Because everyone wants a good spirit farm, the Academy has adopted a lottery method, which is held every six months, and the ownership is determined by lottery.

It is already not far before the date of the next draw.

"In this case, let's use it first. It is not a problem to grow vegetables and the like, plus the excellent spirit farm of your two, it should be enough."

Ou Shaotian nodded.

When the hot pot restaurant opens, the consumption of these vegetables is definitely massive and can be digested, so these inferior spirit farms can't be let go.

You have to plant it!

"Understand, we will try our best!"

Li Xueting and Mu Guoguo are both nodded.

After that, Ou Shaotian gave another explanation before leaving, leaving the spirit plant to the two of them.

He still has something to do, which is teaching Ma Daxia and He Daxie to make hot pot.

Teach them to use all kinds of flavoring Spirit Fruit.

When Ou Shaotian and Yun Duo'er returned to the dormitory, Ma Daxia and He Daxie were already waiting there.

"I have seen the chairman!"

When Ou Shaotian arrived, the two said respectfully.

Now Ou Shaotian is the president of the Baiyun Catering Association.

"Well, have you prepared everything you need?"

Ou Shaotian nodded, said aloud.

"Chairman, everything is ready!"

Ma Daxia said aloud.

"Well, let's start!"

Ou Shaotian nodded said.

I will no longer talk nonsense, and start teaching the two to make hot pot, starting with making seasonings.

Yun Duo'er is recording video on the sidelines.

In the future, these videos will also become teaching videos. He does not need to repeat teaching, he will only teach once, and if he doesn’t, just watch the video to learn.

Of course, these videos must also be kept confidential and not disclosed to outsiders.

Without these videos, even if outsiders want to imitate, they will only imitate the four different things. Impossible is comparable to the Baiyun Catering Association.

This teaching took one afternoon.

In the evening, the others also returned to the dormitory and began to taste the hot pot made by Ma Daxia and He Daxie, and comment by the way.

Also report on their respective work progress.

"It is delicious, the taste is not bad, although it is not delicious, but it is not much worse!"

Zhang Pengpeng said after tasting.

It's pretty easy to make hot pot. If you know how to make the seasoning and how to make the soup, it's almost there.

"Well, it's really good!"

Yun Duo'er and several women are also nodded.

Affirmed by everyone, Ma Daxia and He Daxie were also relieved, and said in unison: "Thank you, we will definitely work harder."

They were a little worried, It can be considered completely relieved.

"Master leads the door, and the cultivation is personal. In the future, you have to study by yourself. You have to continue bringing forth the new through the old, and make better cuisine. Only a qualified chef!"

Ou Shaotian is also nodded.

His cooking level is actually very average, but the people here are more cooking.

His level is placed in his previous life, and he can only be regarded as an ordinary person who can cook. It's not a cook at all, and it's not as good as everyone thinks.

So if Ma Daxia and He Daxie want to become real chefs, they have to rely on their own efforts.

"Yes, President, we will definitely study hard and study hard!"

Ma Daxia and He Daxie responded in unison.

"Cooking hot pot is just the 1st Step, and it is the easiest. In addition to hot pot, there are many more delicious foods. I will teach you later."

Ou Shaotian said again.

He knows very well that if it is hot pot alone, it is too easy to be imitated, and if you eat too much, it is easy to get bored.

"Thank you, President!"

The two thanked in unison.

After that, everyone stopped talking, and began to let go of their stomachs and started eating.


In the next few days, everyone is also preparing.

The main thing is team training.

Every day after class at noon, everyone came to the shop. Li Moyu and the others learned restaurant service etiquette according to the video.

Ou Shaotian continues to teach Ma Daxia and He Daxie to cook.

Not only teaching hot pot, but also many home cooking, some home cooking in the past life, in the eyes of everyone, is peerless and delicious.

Steamed Turbot, Spicy Boiled Fish, Stir-fried Small Dragon Shrimp, Steamed Grouper, Garlic Sea Mussel, Garlic Scallop Vermicelli, Steamed King Crab, Steamed Greasy Abalone, Red Braised Large Blue crab, steamed sea bass and more!

Compared with the chef's practices in the previous life, it is naturally incomparable. It can only be regarded as an ordinary housewife level.

However, Yun Duo'er and the others screamed again and again.

So delicious!

"Brother Shaotian, these dishes are so delicious, even better than hot pot!"

Yun Duo'er exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's so delicious, do we also sell this hot pot restaurant?"

Mu Guoguo is also a foodie, I think I can eat these every day in the future It's delicious, I can't help drooling.

The others are not much better.

"It will definitely be sold, but for the time being only hot pot, these dishes can be introduced step by step. If you want to eat, let them make it!"

Ou Shaotian's plan It's very simple. Simple hot pot is too easy to be imitated, so the idea of ​​opening a hot pot restaurant is still too simple.

It happened that the Baiyun Mutual Aid Association was changed to the Baiyun Catering Association.

The name of the hot pot restaurant has also become Baiyun Catering, with a wider scope, and hot pot is just one of the delicacies.

Other delicacies will be brought out one after another to keep them fresh, which can make Baiyun Catering more and more popular!


Everyone was excited.

One by one is full of expectations for the coming days!

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