After signing the canteen contract, Ou Shaotian also acted immediately, called a decoration team, and started the renovation.

The first thing is the transformation of the table. If you want to sell hot pot, the original table is definitely not suitable!

The restaurant selling hot pot is also impossible as in the hot pot restaurant.

First of all, the question of the waiter, the quantity is impossible one after another is satisfied.

The meals in the canteen are all fixed. When the time comes, students will come surging in. If there are enough waiters, there will be too many people.

So the best way is to do it yourself and get enough food and clothing!

The layout of the entire dining hall needs to be changed, and the design is more reasonable, so that students can do it themselves. They only need to prepare things and collect the money.

To put it bluntly, it is to engage in self-service hot pot!

"Pengpeng, we can put the soup base on this one, install it with a kettle, set the price, and the students will pick it up!"

Ou Shaotian watched Said aloud on the side of the dish window.

"Well, if this is the case, it is recommended that this window be made larger, and the rest of the windows can be placed with ingredients!"

Zhang Pengpeng nodded said.

In addition to the table, the most important thing in the transformation of the dining hall is the transformation of the dish window.

"The original number of windows is a bit less, but I will add a few more. In addition to the ingredients window for hot pot, we also need to prepare a window for selling ordinary dishes."

Ou Shaotian thought about it. Thinking, made a decision soon.

Impossible in the dining hall only sells hot pot. After a long time, everyone will get tired, so other dishes are also sold.

"Understand, then just decorate according to your requirements!"

Zhang Pengpeng nodded said.

After the discussion, the new decoration plan came out soon.

After the construction team came, the dining hall began to remodel. It took less than two days to complete all the remodeling.

The training started on the 3rd day, and the business started on the fourth day!

"Brother, run quickly, the dining hall reopens, and quickly grab a spot to eat hot pot, there will be no lateness!"

Just after class, someone shouted.

"Fuck, wait for me!"

The shouts were everywhere, and everyone rushed out in a swarm.

The Academy’s dining hall also became lively in an instant.

"Hurry up, Old Zhang will go to the table, I will get the soup base, Lao Liu will get the seasoning, Old Li will get the ingredients, and all of them will act!"

The day before yesterday At that time, the guide map for eating hot pot in the dining hall had been posted to the Academy forum, so the students knew what to do.

To put it bluntly, it's almost like eating a self-service hot pot, except that each dish is set at a good price, and you can just swipe your card to get the pot.

In short, do it yourself!

"Wow, it's so delicious!"

Soon, all of them were full of mouthfuls.

On the first day of the opening, Ou Shaotian and the others were naturally there to check if there were any problems, but they were very satisfied.

"It looks very good and methodical!"

Ou Shaotian is also very satisfied with the orderly flow of people.

"The main reason is that the layout is reasonable, so everyone can easily find what they need!"

Yun Duo'er couldn't help but say aloud.

The self-service hot pot is charged per person, and you can eat all you can eat. It is a semi-self-service, mainly to allow guests to easily complete the self-service process.

If you can't find what you are looking for, there is no way to help yourself!

"Well, it seems that the problem in the dining hall is not big. Just follow the plan. Let's go, let's have a meal!"

Ou Shaotian smiled Tao.

After that, he took Yun Duo'er and the others to the private room reserved in the back kitchen.

During the decoration, Ou Shaohe specially designed the reserved box, so that they will be convenient to eat in the future, so they don't need to grab a spot outside.

"Walk and eat!"

Zhang Pengpeng and the others are also excited.

Then the entire group came to the box and started the hot pot meal.

After eating and drinking, they split up.

Li Moyu and the others are going to the shop outside, while Mu Guoguo and Li Xueting and the others are going to the spirit plant garden where they are busy with the spirit plant.

Ou Shaotian and Yun Duoduo and the others are to explore the enemy.

The Zhang Family Hotel, led by Zhang Haojie and a group of second generations, opened today. He plans to take Yun Duo'er to see the situation.

Although there have been many people following suit before this, those idle little forces, those who make little trouble, are obviously impossible compared with this time.

So Ou Shaotian didn't dare to be careless.

I can’t underestimate the heroes of the world and decided to take a look in person, so when they ate, they only ate half a pack.

"Let's go, go to Zhang Family Hotel!"

Ou Shaotian said aloud.

After that, he set off with Yun Duo'er.

Zhang Pengpeng and the others stayed in the dining hall to look after them. After all, it opened on the first day and everyone was impossible.

After the two left the Academy, they looked towards the central area of ​​Heavenly Authority Island.

The Zhang Family Hotel established by Zhang Haojie and the others is in the central area of ​​Heavenly Authority Island, the best location, I have to say the heritage of Zhang Family.

You can get it in such a good place.

"Brother Shaotian, is it here? It looks very big!"

Yun Duo'er looked at the Zhang Family Hotel in gold and jade in glorious splendor, forbearance Can't help but say aloud.

At this time, Zhang Family Hotel has just opened, people coming, people going, even if they know that the taste is not as good as Baiyun Catering, many people come to join in.

The power of Zhang Family is there, and there are naturally many people who want to curry favor.

"Let's go, let's go in and have a taste!"

After Ou Shaotian finished speaking, he walked in with Yun Duo'er.

After entering, I found a table and sat down, and soon a waiter came to entertain him.

What I learned was the Baiyun Catering set. Even the layout of the hotel is similar, and the waiters work in the same way.

"Brother Shaotian, I seem to learn from us, but I don't know how it tastes!"

Yun Duo'er observed it and said aloud.

"I'll find out in a minute!"

Ou Shaotian smiled slightly.

He knows very well that the opponent's strength is definitely not weaker than them. Even if it is incomparable now, he will catch up sooner or later.

So if they want to keep their position in the catering industry, they also need continuous improvement.

Soon, the dishes are ready.

When I came out, I had eaten almost the same. I came here mainly to taste, so Ou Shaotian didn't order much.

I tasted it soon.

"The taste is okay, although it is not as good as ours, but it is not much worse."

Ou Shaotian said aloud.

Hot pot is still too easy to learn, except for the soup base, everything else is basically imitated.

"The soup base is not as spicy as ours, although it is the same spicy, but it lacks the spicy feeling, it seems to be just pure spicy!"

Yun Duo'er After a taste of the soup, he shook his head and said.

"Their soup base is indeed not equal to me, but you find that they do not. The ingredients they use are better. This is enough to make up for the lack of soup base."

Ou Shaotian discovered the key point.

Only in this way, the operating cost of Zhang Family Hotel will be much higher than them, after all, the ingredients used are even higher.

"It's really insidious, if you don't say it, I haven't paid attention yet!"

Yun Duo'er suddenly realized.

The prices are the same, but the Zhang Family Hotel has better ingredients, which naturally attracts many customers.

It seems that Zhang Haojie is not ordinary!

I actually figured out such a way to make up. In this way, the gap between the two sides is almost the same.

It's just that the cost of Zhang Family Hotel is higher, and the profit is less!

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