After returning to the Academy, Ou Shaotian handed a Turtle Spirit Fruit to Yun Duo'er and said: "This is Turtle Spirit Fruit, you take it!"

"This is too precious, you should keep it for your own use!"

Although Yun Duo'er was very eager, he refused without the slightest hesitation.

"Take it, based on our relationship, isn't it precious to care about it?"

Ou Shaotian directly stuffed the turtle Spirit Fruit into Yun Duo'er's hands. Don't let her refuse.


Yun Duo'er had to accept it.

Then the two did not rush back to the dormitory, but went to the dining hall. After eating and drinking, they went back to the dormitory for cultivation and absorbed the turtle Spirit Fruit.

There is no class on 2nd day, and the two continue to set off.

I took the flying boat to the fishing ground early, and it was yesterday’s place, and I started fishing again.

"The turtle king is still staring!"

Ou Shaotian scanned the seabed turtle Spirit Fruit, but found that the iron turtle king was still very vigilant. Next to Spirit Tree.

Not sleeping anymore.

"You still want to catch the tortoise Spirit Fruit. I used the one last night. The effect is really good. The progress of flesh refinement has improved a lot!"

Yun Duo'er Can't help but say aloud.

"I want to fish, but unfortunately the guardian iron turtle king is wary. I can only wait for it to relax his vigilance before speaking!"

Ou Shaotian said with some regret.

I stopped thinking about it and started fishing for spirit fish.

He doesn't look down on ordinary spirit fish. Those who specialize in fishing are all relatively high level spirit fish, all of which are above level three or five.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

He caught one after another spirit fish.

The two soon started connecting rods again, hooking up the rods continuously, and the spirit fish were caught one by one.

Many of them are high level goods.

Most of the bodies are more than one meter long, but the meat is not old at all.


Suddenly, Ou Shaotian found a rare spirit fish.

[Name]: Speed ​​Swordfish

[Rank]: Rank 0 Level 5

[Quality]: Rare

[Spiritual Qi]: 5326 points

[Remarks]: Swordfish with variable speed has a faster attack speed, you must concentrate on it

"Duo'er, found rare Spirit fish!"

Ou Shaotian called to Yun Duo'er.

Yun Duo'er suddenly realized that he immediately took the hook back.

Then Ou Shaotian thoughts move and let the Fishing Boat Avatar chase the rare swordfish that was swimming fast.

After approaching, Ou Shaotian directly took the bait.

Starting Myriad Souls Fishing Technique, Ou Shaotian controlled the fishing rod, threw the hook out, and landed exactly in front of the swordfish.

Under the lure of the high level bait, the swordfish quickly took the bait.

But at this moment, a fishing boat approached oncoming, and it happened to see the rare spirit fish that Ou Shaotian pulled out of the water.

"It is a rare spirit fish, but also a swordfish!"

On the fishing boat, the high grade Great Angler Long Xiaoxia said solemnly headed.

What he meant is self-evident, that is, he told his companions that he was ready to take a snatch.


A few others said aloud.

These people are the cultivation base of Great Angler. In this Level 2 fishery, battle strength is one of the very best, so naturally I don't want to give up such an opportunity.

At this time, Ou Shaotian had caught the rare swordfish and threw it into the fish tank.

After taking the bait, trifling a five-level swordfish, it is basically impossible to be Ou Shaotian's opponent, there is no resistance at all, and it was cleaned up in a few strokes.

"This Junior Brother, we saw the swordfish just now. I offered 10,000 contribution points. How about that swordfish let us?"

The fishing boat approaches After that, Long Xiaoxia smiled, and the threat in her tone was self-evident!

"Yes, Junior Brother junior sister, in the vast sea, it is quite dangerous. If you don't want any accidents, let the swordfish come out!"

Xu Cong also said aloud.

He is the cultivation base of the middle grade Great Angler, the second person in the team, and the others are all low grade Great Angler.

Their squad is from Class 3 of Great Angler!

In the Level 2 fishery, their team is quite powerful.

"Sorry, we are going to grill this swordfish and eat it. If you want, you can catch it slowly by yourself!"

Ou Shaotian is also holding a fishing rod when he speaks. He put it away, took out the newly bought Profound Level Tiger Soul Knife, and expressed his attitude, it depends on the other party's choice.

If the opponent dares to make a move, he will definitely fight back.

"Junior Brother, since you are so ignorant, then Senior has to teach you how to behave!"

Long Xiaoxia said with an ugly face.

Ou Shaotian's don't give face made him very upset.

I saw that he thoughts move, he also took out a long sword, and then jumped up and killed Ou Shaotian.

"Good come!"

Ou Shaotian looked at Long Xiaoxia, who was leaping forward, and disappeared in place.

The skill is activated with explosive steps, and the whole person is like a supersonic cannonball, shooting at Long Xiaoxia with an incomparable imposing manner, and the long sword slashes away.

At the same time, the Soul Slayer Blade was activated, and a demon dao shadow appeared. Long Xiaoxia was shocked, and her whole body was in a trance.

When he came back to his senses, he felt an overwhelming force strikes on his sword, which directly blasted him with the sword.

The long sword in his hand directly let go, and flew back in embarrassment.


Xu Cong and the others exclaimed.

Hurrying to catch Long Xiaoxia who flew back.

"cough cough cough..."

After Long Xiaoxia fell on the deck, he coughed and vomited blood without money.

"Captain, are you okay, hurry up and take healing medicine!"

Xu Cong hurriedly took out the Healing Medicine Pill and fed it to Long Xiaoxia, finally stabilizing the injury.

"Let go of me, I'm okay!"

Long Xiaoxia pushed away other people's supporting hands, and looked towards Ou Shaotian again, her eyes full of jealousy, and said: "What are you Who?"

"Hehe, we are new students. Senior is not going to teach us how to be human. Keep going!"

Ou Shaotian smiled.

He was thinking about how to deal with this group of people.

Since the grievance has already been settled, then you can't let it go easily. Even if you can't kill, you have to let the other party bleed heavily.

"Impossible, how could the new student be so powerful!"

Long Xiaoxia blurted out subconsciously, and didn't believe that Ou Shaotian was a new student at all.

Ou Shaotian shook the head and said: "Nothing is impossible. Now it is the Junior Brother's turn to teach seniors how to behave. Let's hand over the space and equipment on the body!"

Ou Shaotian jumped up while speaking and landed on their flying boat, directly scaring them back again and again.

"Do you dare to rob us?"

Long Xiaoxia and the others stunned.

"What kind of robbery, it's so ugly, this is teaching seniors how to behave, hurry up, otherwise I will be out of the sword, just like the Senior's out of the sword just now!"

Ou Shaotian said with a smile.

However, the smile in the eyes of Long Xiaoxia and the others is the smile of the devil.

In the end, Long Xiaoxia and the others, who knew they were not opponents, had no choice but to pay for their lives.

The harvest of the entire squad day is gone.

It's all in the hands of Ou Shaotian.

Not only the space equipment on hand, including the spirit fish in the flying boat fish cabin, were evacuated by Ou Shaotian, leaving none of them, making them cry without tears.

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