A primary shadow creature is a wriggling cloud of shadows.

Intermediate shadow creatures are aggregates of various shapes, such as cylindrical, oval, trapezoidal...

Advanced shadow creatures, which are animals, trees or human forms, except for a dark black appearance, are a "shadow".

The piper is the human form holding the flute, it floats one meter above the ground, surrounded by the wind, usually it does not blow the flute, it is the wind that allows the flute to play yin music by itself.

Yes, "yin" music.

After the music from the netherworld stops, all extraordinary beings below the eighth level will be deranged, their souls will be polluted, their shadows will be activated, killing their masters and turning into shadow creatures.

This is just one of them, if the piper plays by himself, there will be various effects, most of them are negative states, a small part is a control effect, therefore, no matter where and no matter what level, as long as you encounter the piper man, you must kill it first, otherwise you will be charged to death.

However, the piper is also very popular, as long as he is killed, sealed in his flute, and then the flute becomes a magic weapon, but it costs a little to use.

This eighth-level + king-level piper can make king-level magic weapons, if the strength is enough, many people will come to kill him, but he can still exist for so long, it is necessary to mention the special of the curtain forest.

It is one of the five forbidden places, forbidden land, refers to the place with royal-level evil things, and is located in the blue star, not its own realm, in which monsters can run out at any time, so it is very dangerous.

On the surface, this place looks no different from other forbidden places, but the royal-level evil things here have been subdued...

"Destiny Joker", a strange shadow creature, its face has appeared white cheeks and red nose, not a pure shadow, the strength is extremely terrifying, but it actively chooses to submit to some extraordinary person in the wind, and since then, the forbidden land has become the back garden of the wind.

There is a rule here: as long as humans are not actively attacking, high-level evil creatures cannot actively attack.

Low-level evil creatures cannot be so restrained, they have no wisdom, only the instinct to kill, at most restrict them from leaving the forest.

When the piper saw the group of four, he already felt the danger, but it did not attack, but took the initiative to float towards the four, and the veteran Gu Shanhe and the novice Li Nan did not do anything.

Finally, the Piper came to them and voiced from the shadows: "The strong man of mankind, according to the agreement, I can not participate in the battle.

Li Nan frowned, looking at the consumed white mist, he had long known that the existence of high-level evil things was itself dangerous, but now he saw it intuitively.

The piper did not attack at all, and its flute did not sound, but its hoarse voice still brought a negative state and was resisted by the white mist.

Gu Shanhe looked at the piper and said indifferently: "But Lingzun also has other agreements, and you must cooperate with us once a month to discuss or experiment."

"We need to have a talk."

Li Nan wanted to transmit the sound, but he didn't interrupt now.

After the piper agreed and stepped back some distance, he asked, "If you can let him cooperate with the experiment, you should be able to intuitively get the data, right?"

Chen Shuang opened his mouth and said: "I trace the source, the ability I get is insight, how much it decreases, how much it increases, you can see it, so I hit it directly, and I will tell you the changes when I hit." Li

Nan was relieved now, and also chose to trust his teammates later, they were obviously more experienced, and all aspects were considered.

The piper was familiar enough with this formation and was already waiting in the distance, and after hearing Gu Shanhe say the beginning, Li Nan used the combination of rain and hail to instantly change the venue.

Of course, the power of purification also joins it.

Chen Shuang gave feedback at the first time: "The overall strength of the piper is reduced by 3%, and it takes effect, and it is not because of the grade decay!"

"Good news, it seems that the Thousand Buddha Grottoes can be relaxed." Li Ruge sighed.

However, this did not prevent them from attacking, especially Gu Shanhe, his starting gesture this time made Li Nan open his eyes, and within five hundred meters centered on them, an ice wall instantly rose, binding the piper inside.

And the piper has already moved when he sees the celestial phenomenon, and the black flute is put to his mouth by him, and the sound with a frosted sense sweeps everywhere, especially after the ice wall blocks the space, the flute sound is even more terrifying.

Li Nan noticed the speed at which the white mist dissipated, and quickly made up for it, and at the same time his hand had already brushed over the strings, and the beautiful and pleasant sound of the piano began to echo, blocking the sound of the flute.

This surprised Li Nan, he was just a whim, and it was really useful.

The piper soundwave obviously looks stronger, but when it touches Li Nan's piano sound ripples, it is still restrained and dead, and it melts when touched, it seems that at the level of strength, he is not comparable to the sound of purification.

The ground is ice, and it is surrounded by ice walls, the sky is pouring rain, and the venue is completely developing in the direction of everyone's fit, especially the magic sound of the piper was restrained by Li Nan, at this moment, the piper was nervous.

It was extremely happy at this time, because the first version of the contract was that humans did not take the initiative to attack, and it could not attack, considering the decision of the Destiny Clown Emperor, the Piper changed his contract.

Now it is the "instructor" of humans, fighting or cooperating with humans once a month, and must not kill humans, and humans are not allowed to kill it.

It was precisely because of the contract that the piper sensed the danger and still made a move, and its flute sound surrounded him, turning into black notes, ignoring the ice and floating towards several people.

At first, Li Nan could also use the sound of the piano to dissolve the notes, but there were too many notes, and he couldn't do anything.

However, the effect of this note is still a curse, and after touching the white mist, it dissipates with the white mist.

Li Nan hurriedly made up for the white mist.

This made Li Nan feel that he was in a hurry, and he really couldn't just watch, he watched the game yesterday and felt that I could do it.

Now that I really go on it, I have found a lot of deficiencies, and I can't talk about it on paper.

Because of the difference in rank, Li Nan needed all his strength to resist, and he was thinking at the moment, the piper had been using this spell, what if he used the body fixing method?

Li Nan instantly increased his energy output, filled the area with white mist, and fought for a period of free time, while holding the magic staff and pointing towards the piper man: "Body-fixing method!" "


The flute stopped abruptly, and the piper was shocked and quickly continued, but its use failed, but the power that hindered it from playing the flute also dissipated.

Li Nan blinked, he seemed to have discovered the true function of the body fixing method, which was similar to "silence", which could interrupt the casting of spells.

He finds himself relying too much on his impressions of game skills, and now that skills have become his own extraordinary powers, how he wants to use them depends on how he develops them.

Like the white mist being used by him on a large scale, it has become a field skill, and the statement of purification is clearly a purification negative state, and the result can be directly confronted by the magic sound.

At the moment, the white fog still exists, Li Nan simply stares at the piper man, whenever it wants to act, it has a fixed method.

The three teammates are very cooperative, pouring their spell torrent, the combination of water and ice, complementing each other, the power is amazing, and in just a moment, the piper is frozen in ice, this is a skill that contains the power of sealing, otherwise, how can the shadow be frozen by ice?

Li Nan had the spells of observing his teammates, but he didn't know the names of those spells at all, not unpopular, not rare, but the three of them had practiced the spells to the realm of returning to the basics, and every spell they used was handy.

A spell you think is actually a fusion of several spells, or a most basic spell, such as Gu Shanhe, the captain, he just stood in place without moving, and those ice crystals are like his body extension, constantly growing, shaping, turning into ice needles, will be ice wall blocking, turn into ice coffin seal.

It seems to be varied, but it is essentially an ice crystal manipulation spell.

Li Nan couldn't understand the captain, but he could barely see Chen Shuang's ability, the water he manipulated was not water, but ice, that was his special ability, liquid ice, which simply subverted Li Nan's world view.

But Li Nan accepted it easily, because this is a world with extraordinary power, so ah, ice is not solid, he was surprised, but he would not accept it.

Li Ruge is much more low-key than her teammates, and the ice crystals she uses are mixed in, inconspicuous, but deadly.

The power of light contained in those ice crystals happens to be the nemesis of shadow creatures, and as long as they are cut by ice crystals, they are wounds.

This kind of light, Li Nan is not very good to evaluate, because it seems to be light, in fact, it is also light, but the essence is not only light, it seems to be related to darkness.

But none of this mattered, what mattered was that Li Nan knew that his teammates were strong enough, and he also knew that they were specifically selected for the Thousand Buddha Caves.

This battle, which lasted 28 seconds, ended with the Piper being sealed, Li Nan didn't know if their speed was fast or slow, but he was sure of one thing: they hit the eighth-level evil creature without pressure, and the ninth level... Not bragging.

Chen Shuang should be the role of a military master in the team, and after seeing that the piper was really unable to resist, he began to conclude: "It ended too quickly just now, I'll talk about it now."

"Li Nan's increase and weakening are consistent with the above information, and are only related to Li Nan's grade, not related to grade."

"I even think that the tester's guess is correct, even if the emperor level encounters Li Nan, it will still be weakened."

"In addition, Li Nan's bonus is more magical, it should be conceptually strengthened, not fixed ice attributes."

"As long as our skill carries an ice, then whether it is the tearing of the ice storm, the seal of the ice seal, or the shattering of the ice explosion, it will be strengthened."

That is to say, it is not the simple ice attribute that is strengthened, but other aspects of the ability that can be strengthened as long as ice exists.

The things involved in it are too high-end, so Li Nan still can't fully control the skill, he can't control the degree of increase, maybe he has to wait for the future contact with the essence of the skill.

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