Fleet Commander

Vol 2 Chapter 2078: Sacrificed colonel

These big crabs also have their methods. Their method is to gather a group to use waterline defense. It can be said that although the fleet seems to be attacking very hotly, the actual effect is not so good. The real attack is expected to be strong. The four sisters of Iowa are the most special among them. It can be said that the four sisters of Iowa have shown what is called the most powerful sister ship group in the world and the most powerful. The sister ship group is definitely not in vain.

The effect of directional bombs is indeed quite good, you know, this is the improvement of their four sisters main artillery shells, the power is quite good, of course, there is a lot of knowledge about directional bombs. The directional bombs of these four sisters are really excellent. This is history Caused by.

The four sisters of Iowa retired very late in history, which made these four sisters know many technologies that other ship mothers don’t know. Many ship mothers know directional bombs. In fact, most ship women know about it, but there are also directional bombs. , The four sisters of Iowa directional bombs are the most powerful because the height of the detonation of the directional bombs of the four sisters is just right. This is the ability of the four sisters.

In fact, Veneto also used directional bombs. At first, Veneto also used it, but because it was not easy to use Veneto, he quickly gave up. The main reason is that Veneto’s directional bombs can only be fixed in height, and the crab’s legs are all. It's not the same. If the attack is not on the joint, it is meaningless. The weakness on the crab-like monster's leg is the joint. The rest of the joint just looks thin and not a weakness at all.

Veneto couldn’t control the altitude and could only give up the directional bombs and re-use the shells. The effect of the shells was not as good as that of the directional bombs, because the big crabs crowded into a group of the directional bombs of the four sisters of Iowa. Step on it, so these four sisters have the highest attack efficiency, because the directional bomb transfers all the energy toward the junction of the crab's legs to save a lot of energy.

Of course, the shells are also effective. The Four Sisters of Veneto are very typical. The speed of the fusion shells of the Four Sisters of Veneto is extremely fast. The very fast speed has quite strong kinetic energy, and the effect is also quite good when combined with Miss Yamato. it is good.

However, despite the fleet's exhaustion, the shipyard was destroyed in the end. This was the first time that Gao Fatty saw the shipyard destroyed at close range. The super king crab monster was powerful and broke through the trench dug before the Glory forces evacuated. After that, the building of the shipyard was vulnerable to these big crabs. The seemingly sturdy steel structure was torn in half with tongs. The island commander who held on to the end did not withdraw. The island commander commanded the island defense system to fight. At the last moment, he could have retreated. The Glory forces were ready. Not to mention that the helicopters of the four Iowa sisters were all over the target, but the island commander gave up, and he fought his island to the end.

The glory name of the commander of the glory force is not white. Although the so-called glory has disappeared after so many years, the commander of the glory force still has his own bottom line. The island commander will fight to the end of the glory force command. The bottom line of the officials, the island commanders of the glory forces will coexist and die with the islands. The commanders of the two forces of iron, blood and justice cannot understand.

After the big crabs destroyed the shipyard, they went into the sea and destroyed the next island. But what these big crabs did not expect was that the commander of the island was not the commander of the first five islands. This was a commander of the colonel. A pivot island of the Glory Forces, because it is the intersection of two important routes, the resources here are particularly large. The colonel commander used these resources and his own abilities to create a trap, and he detonated the trap before he sacrificed.

A huge explosion appeared, and the shock caused by the explosion could even be felt by the tall fat guy on the Ganggut. Then the mushroom cloud rose and the huge flame rose and surrounded the crabs, and soon molten steel flowed out to be precise. It was spilled out, because a large amount of steel resources were on the dilapidated shipyard, and the high temperature generated by the explosion melted the steel resources and ignited a huge amount of oil resources.

The molten steel resources poured on some big crabs. Although the big crabs have excellent extinguishing ability, these steel resources are not flames. Under the influence of the water line, the temperature of these steel resources is reduced and steel blocks are formed on the big crabs, and these high temperatures These big crabs have been greatly harmed. No one knows how the commander used the explosion of ammunition resources to create such a high temperature. There is no difficulty in melting the steel resource itself, but such a high temperature is quite difficult, so high. The temperature is so high that many of the crab shells that are attacked are hot red. Of course, the part covered by the steel resource is not visible, but the molten steel resource can be seen from the edge of the steel resource coverage. The temperature is extremely high. The temperature of the processed barrel is much higher.

This colonel is quite unusual. The island commander who became the pivotal island of the Glory Forces is no good. This is not the two powers of justice and iron. This is the glory force of many high-rank commanders. If you have enough strength, you can't become an island commander on the hub island. It can be said that this is an extremely good commander. Such a sacrifice of such a good commander is huge for the glory forces, but the facts prove that this commander’s Sacrifice is very valuable.

The glory forces are obviously also prepared accordingly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Lexington continues to add oil resources to the melted steel resources. The oil resources added by Lexington is very special and does not cause any dense smoke. It seems to be just a normal behavior. In fact, Lexington's behavior is to make these Keep steel resources at temperature.

The two major forces of iron-blood justice sighed and did not delay attacking the target. This is an opportunity created by this commander with his life. Seizing this opportunity is the highest respect for this colonel commander. Of course, the current two major forces of iron-blood justice I don't know that the sacrifice here was a large colonel, and only the commander of the colonel has this ability.

These big crabs felt the horror of these melted steel resources and retreated to the other side of the island. This was mainly because of the special topography of this island. This is an island formed by two volcanic eruptions. There is a ditch between the two volcanoes. The ditch was developed by the forces of Glory. All the buildings on this island were built along this ditch. The big crabs were also destroyed along this ditch. Because of their physical structure, these big crabs could not climb the mountain, so they must You have to go back along this ditch to get into the sea.

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