Fleet Commander

Vol 2 Chapter 2331: Sad Gneisenau

In fact, everyone now realizes what happened to Scharnhorst. The problem with Scharnhorst is the change in mentality caused by the sinking. This change is particularly huge, but Tirpitz The first thing that Bismarck thought about was not to get Scharnhorst but to persuade Gneisenau, because this time Scharnhorst caused Gneisenau to hurt Gneisenau the most.

Gneisenau looks normal now. Gneisenau, who likes to gossip and very out of touch, looks nothing unusual on her commander’s island, but Bismarck Tirpitz and other German naval ships can feel it. The current situation of Gneisenau is actually not good. Gneisenau is especially concerned about the unhappiness with Scharnhorst before. This is also particularly difficult to solve.

In fact, there have been many contradictions between the two sisters Scharnhorst Gneisenau over the years, but this time is special. In the past, the contradictions between the two sisters basically remained in language. Scharnhorst knows that Gneisenau disagrees or dislikes things he will do it himself and will not go to Gneisenau specifically, and Gneisenau will avoid it, but this is not the case now. Now, this time Scharnhorst said a lot of quite excessive things to Gneisenau, and they were particularly hurtful.

Scharnhorst seems to be trying to unite the German ship maidens of the iron-blooded forces, but what he said is really aimed at Gneisenau. The two sisters have been together for too long and they know each other too well. , And it is this kind of understanding that makes the abnormal state of Scharnhorst’s words particularly hurtful. Gneisenau was deeply hurt by Scharnhorst this time, and Gneisenau did not intend to Forgive Scharnhorst, she didn't expect Scharnhorst to be such a small belly.

Because what Scharnhorst said were things that happened a long time ago, many small things Gneisenau couldn’t remember at all, but what she never expected was that Scharnhorst remembered these things so clearly. Gneisenau never expected that Scharnhorst had such a clear distinction. Gneisenau always thought that their two sisters were models of sister ships, but this time she didn’t think so. Gneisenau now except Talking about gossip, she was also reminiscing about the past. She wanted to have a showdown with Scharnhorst, clarify everything between the two sisters, and then go their own way and stay away from each other.

Gneisenau is now notifying his commander to obtain as many resources as possible while it seems that there is no change. For this reason, Gneisenau has not been fighting at sea recently. Gneisenau has used these battles to obtain resources. It is to give Scharnhorst resources when they clarify the matters of the two sisters. As for the resources he saved over the years, he will never give Scharnhorst.

It can be said that Bismarck and Tirpitz found Gneisenau in the wrong state before going to Gneisenau first, but it can be seen that Gneisenau is really heartbroken this time. It’s not clear that Gneisenau has recovered the abnormal mental state. He also encountered such a ship mother in the previous sea monster era, but Gneisenau felt that she was the one who said Scharnhorst in such an abnormal state. So no matter how the two sisters Bismarck Tirpitz persuade them, it is useless.

Gneisenau also intends to borrow resources in her own name, but now the world knows the problems of the two sisters, so no one borrows her resources, but Gneisenau has a way to solve this problem, she brought it personally back then. The resources are incredible. In addition to the precious SSS-level golden cores and SS-level golden cores, there are also many other cores with special functions in Gneisenau. This time Gneisenau has traded many such cores. It was a little late when the Iron-Blood King found out.

Gneisenau, who looks normal in appearance, found Scharnhorst. Scharnhorst did not expect that Gneisenau would have such a showdown with her. Although subconsciously think this is a very big problem, it is currently abnormal. Scharnhorst’s mind is all on the entire iron-blooded German ship mother, because Gneisenau did not cooperate with her before. Scharnhorst had opinions on Gneisenau. This time he faced Gneisenau. The showdown Scharnhorst tried to stop at first, but because Gneisenau didn’t speak very well, Scharnhorst didn’t continue to insist. The commander of Scharnhorst didn’t do much to stop the commander who realized that the situation was wrong. The officer quickly notified him of another powerful battleship Bismarck from a distance. At this time, Bismarck was studying this issue with Tirpitz and Ms. Chengxin, the king of iron. No one thought that Gneisenau would arrive at Scharnhorst quietly. Here.

The actions of Bismarck Tirpitz and the Iron-Blood King were still slower. No one thought that the two sisters could talk so fast. You must know that they are all on the island of the Iron-Blood Force headquarters. Although the island is large, the distance between them It’s not very far, but when Tirpitz, the fastest, arrived at Scharnhorst, he found Gneisenau walking out with a frosty face. This time Gneisenau didn’t take it with him. The commander came out ~www.ltnovel.com~Gneisenau did not gossip and didn't take care of Tirpitz, who had rushed to the port, and the hull quickly left.

Realizing that the situation was not right, Tirpitz had no time to inform and immediately followed Gneisenau and realized that the hull was going to follow up. However, due to the problem of transformation, Tirpitz was not as fast as Gneisenau, despite using his own capabilities. He wanted to influence Gneisenau, but Gneisenau was extremely fast. Tirpitz also used his own sense and ability to reluctantly follow Gneisenau. Eventually, Tirpitz followed Gneisenau to the nearest headquarters. Gneisenau was lost near the hub island.

This is also a normal situation, because Gneisenau is an iron-blooded leader. The three major powers were constantly fighting. If Gneisenau, as an iron-blooded leader, is so easy to follow, it would really be a problem, Tirpitz It's normal to be lost.

At this time, the four Iowa sisters also arrived here with their special abilities. What these four sisters have to do now is to find Gneisenau as soon as possible. Gneisenau did not bring out the commander this time, and her own commander still On the island, she did not bring other commanders, and now the commander of Gneisenau has contacted Gneisenau and there is no response. This time it is really incredible. The four Iowa sisters think their four sisters are also choking. To solve this problem, it is recommended that the King of Iron and Blood bring in Lexington of the Glory Force for support.

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