Fleet Commander

Chapter 68: Unexpectedly

Miss Dignity’s carrier-based aircraft found a huge destroyer formation, and saw what the huge destroyer formation was searching for. From the top view, you can clearly see a pale red figure in the middle of the huge destroyer formation. It should be that in size. The big squid, but as the search range of the carrier-based aircraft expanded, Fatty Gao found a figure that made him stand upright. Not far from the right side of the destroyer formation, there was another figure similar to the one searched by the destroyer formation. While Gao Fatty was wondering if it was the middle cuttlefish, Miss Dignity said to Gao Fatty seriously, "Your Excellency Commander, you must tell the formation in front that there is more than one big squid."

Although those battleships provoked Miss Dignity, in Miss Dignity's view, it must have been done by those commanders. In Miss Dignity's view, the ship maidens of the same force are sisters, and it is the commander that she wants to avenge, not these. Battleship, the battleship ahead is dangerous, so she told Fatty Gao.

After listening to Miss Dignity’s report, Gao Fatty was shocked. After considering it, he removed the captain with the highest rank from the blacklist and said to him, "Your Excellency, my skills feel that you are looking for the wrong position. The squid should be there. Right." He did not say that the newly discovered squid, even if he said that they would not believe it, he said this to remind them, because it is impossible for the squid to act in a group. There is only one situation where they will act in a group. , That was driven by a monster much stronger than them, but he found it on the top view, and no one would believe him when he said it.

Facts proved that his reminder was unnecessary. Although the captain answered that he would pay attention, Gao Fatty did not see any movement of the entire formation in the top view. Obviously he did not take his reminder to heart. Gao Fatty saw himself. The reminder didn’t work and didn’t continue to block herself, let Miss Dignity continue to track the big squid outside the destroyer formation. At the same time, He Niu, Feifei Gui, and Yao Fei said, “The destroyer formation is in front. There may be more than one squid, everyone. be careful."

Gui Feifei was confused when he heard Gao Fatty's reminder. If there is more than one big squid, it will be troublesome. If they meet the big squid, it is a problem whether they can retreat all over the body. He hurriedly asked, "Are you sure there are more than one squid." One, if yes, we will retreat as soon as possible.” Just kidding, the King Squid is not something they can deal with now. With the concealment ability of the King Squid, it is impossible for them to find the King Squid with the two low-qualified destroyers and the chicken rib ability of the tall fat man. Yes, apart from being hanged, Gui Feifei could not think of a second result.

"There may be a second big squid. It's not yet certain. We will become deserters when we retreat." Gao Fatty replied. If we retreat, we must retreat with the commander who took over the task. If only the four of them retreat, the first Before they died, the commanders passed the video to the commander who had evacuated from the battlefield. The four of them became deserters. As deserters, they would be cast aside by all commanders. They would be driven out of the Elizabethan Society and even force them to terminate their contract with the historical battleship. The consequences are too serious, Gao Fatty can't afford it, and the most powerful hiding ability of the King Squid is completely useless under Gao Fatty's top view ability. He thinks that even if the King Squid appears to escape, there is no problem.

When Gui Feifei said this, she regretted it. Even if the commander in front is looking for the king squid, they can't retreat. They can only retreat when the battle is irreversible or there is no chance of winning at all. What's more, we don't know the specifics. A few big squids, she began to regret introducing this task to Fatty Gao. She was never afraid of monsters facing him. It was just that the monsters facing her now made her feel like she was unable to start. This feeling was very bad.

Gao Fatty is now paying close attention to the movement of the destroyer formation. Although his previous reminder was not accepted by the captain commander, he still tolerated when he saw the big squid on the right side of the formation circled behind all the destroyers. I can’t help but remind you that although there has been unpleasantness before, Gao Fatty has clearly spotted two big squids in the top view. This shows that this time things are unusual. It is very likely that they are big squids, so all forces must be united. Otherwise, they might be annihilated here, but this time the captain did not reply at all. It seems that the captain did not pay attention to Gao Fatty's warning at all.

Just when the tall fat man became more and more worried, the sudden change occurred. First, the big squid in the destroyer formation suddenly broke out, spraying a large amount of ink into the sky, and then quickly sank into the sea. At this time, all the destroyers accelerated towards The ink covered area ran outside, and while running, the enemy who wanted to disappear by throwing depth bombs, torpedoes and other weapon types attacked. Just when all the destroyers were about to run outside, the squid appeared. , This time it appeared in the middle of the ink coverage area where there was no warship, and all the ink was sucked back by it.

Fatty Gao was taken aback when he saw this place. The ink was sucked back. It was clearly driving the destroyer because the ink was sprayed strangely. It was not together but scattered over the entire destroyer formation. Positional relationship The destroyers are now almost squeezed together in order to avoid the ink, and the big squid they didn't find appeared perfectly in front of these destroyers at this time, and all the destroyers were running away and attacking the inkjet squid, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com "Be careful behind!" Fatty Gao removed the list from the blacklist very quickly, and then shouted in the group built for this mission. It was actually in front of them, but they had been paying attention to the rear. , Because the time is urgent, the tall fat man subconsciously shouted.

Suddenly, he reminded that all the commanders and ship maidens subconsciously turned their eyes to the front, and saw a big squid suddenly appear in front, a large group of ink sprayed towards the destroyer that was crowded together, and the big squid in the back sucked it back. After the ink was sprayed on these destroyers, the ink of the two big squids perfectly attacked more than half of the destroyers. At this time, Miss Dignity’s twelve swordfish torpedo bombers arrived on the battlefield. In fact, the dignity of the destroyer formation was discovered. The young lady took off all the twelve swordfish torpedo bombers, but the time was too short and the speed of the swordfish torpedo bomber as a biplane was too slow, and then rushed to the battlefield. The twelve swordfish were divided into two parts and attacked separately. The two big squids, and the destroyer that escaped by chance is also attacking the big squids. All squids have good defensive abilities. They have a hard shell that can effectively defend against attacks from the water, but the speed of the squids is not fast. It is very slow, and although the speed of the twelve swordfish is relatively slow, it is relative to the plane. It is much faster than the squid. Twelve swordfish are carried by two squids to avoid depth bombs. The mine was perfectly dropped. After a muffled sound, the corpse of a big squid appeared. One escaped. Because the mine had no power, the squid had some ink, which was brought by inkjet juice. Speed ​​escaped a death.

   Although he killed a big squid, Gao Fatty didn't feel any ease in his heart. The sneak attack by two big squids could be said to have almost abolished all the destroyers, and the situation that originally felt okay suddenly eroded.

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