Fleet Commander

Chapter 87: Gui Feifei family incident

Fatty Gao and Brother Niu asked about Gui Feifei’s news. What happened, but Gui Feifei is not very clear now. The communication between her father and her was in a hurry, and when she went back, he would never go back. I couldn’t get in touch anymore. Some panicked Miss Gui Feifei contacted several family members who were commanders. As a result, most of the commanders were playing officialdom. Gui Feifei, who realized that the situation was a bit serious, quickly notified Gao Fatty and Niu. With the three commanders Yao Fei, Gao Fatzi, and Niu Ge hurried to the family, it was obvious that a major incident had happened to the family, and this major incident was not good for her.

Just as Gui Feifei led the reinforcements and rushed back in a hurry, Gui Feifei’s father, Gui You, was already suffering from hypertension, and now all members of the Gui You line in the Gui Feifei family are under house arrest. There are many children in Gui Feifei’s family, and many have become commanders. Among the direct children of commanders, the highest rank is Gui Youyuan Fang's uncle Gui Gefen, a first-level captain, but the three ships of Captain Gui Gefen. The battleships were all destroyers. There had been no commander in the direct children of the Gui Feifei family for many years before Gui Gefen. Finally, a commander appeared. Almost all family resources were given to him. For Gui Gefen It was the most beautiful period of time, the whole family served him, coupled with the care of the old purple aircraft carrier ship mother who had a relationship, it was very moist.

However, what he never expected was that just ten years ago, Gui Feifei became the commander, and the initial battleship was a blue heavy cruiser, while Yao Fei, the maid of Gui Feifei, became the second year As the commander, the initial battleship was the same as Gui Feifei. In this way, almost all family resources were spent on Gui Feifei and her maid, making the two warships quickly reach the purple qualification, especially when they were built by the two. When his second battleship was also a heavy cruiser, this situation developed to the extreme. This made Kui Kufen extremely dissatisfied, but there was nothing to do. After all, the qualification was born. Two of his three battleships One destroyer is purple qualified, and the remaining one is green qualified.

Such days have made Gui Gefen more and more dissatisfied, especially Gui Feifei brought two commanders of historical battleships to the family, namely Gao Fatty and Niu Brother. In order to keep Gao Fatty and Niu Brother, the Gui Feifei family spent a lot of money. A lot of strength has given him a lot of resources. Among them, the golden core that was originally used for him to cheat on a Kent-class heavy cruiser commander was taken away to Brother Niu. He said it was for the benefit of the family, but he was very unwilling. Why should I sacrifice my interests for the benefit of the family? He wanted to resist, but he couldn’t resist. There were so many historical battleships in the Elizabethan Society. Every historical battleship could directly talk to the Queen, and he could not **** it. The golden core in the hands of Brother Niu, and with the development of time, Gui Gufen slowly discovered that the aluminum resources that originally belonged to him were declining. The reason was that the aircraft carrier Dignity of the tall fat man usually consumes too much aluminum resources, Gui Feifei The family couldn't afford it, and cut his expenses, which made the dissatisfaction of Gui Gefen reached the extreme, and he vowed to retaliate.

  The opportunity came soon, in the years of becoming a commander and doing missions. Gui Gefen also understood a lot of things that ordinary commanders did not know. After making up his mind to retaliate, he obtained equipment from secret channels that could interfere with the commander’s network. The opportunity came as soon as he got the equipment. The cause was the last king squid. During the mission, Gui Feifei bought three purple destroyers for the family. The family obtained resources through various channels and bought these three purple destroyers, because these three purple destroyers were won by Gui Feifei, who happened to be Gui Feifei’s cousin. Not long after Li Bo became a commander, he had just graduated from the Justice Academy. At Gui You’s insistence, two of the three purple destroyers were assigned to Li Bo. Originally, Li Bo was very happy. In an accident, they were attacked by a large archer. Li Bo's team commander was killed. Li Bo's destroyer was hit hard and fled. Li Bo returned to the family with the heavily damaged warship.

After receiving the news, Gui Gefen thought that the time had come, and he first contracted the three purple battleships. Even if it was Fatty Gui Feifei and they came back, his contracted battleship had already created the established facts, and no one could do anything to him, so he tricked him. Li Bo said that he would take his wounded battleship to Major Shangzhi where he would repair it. He controlled Li Bo and interfered with his network. He immediately put Gui Feifei’s father Guiyou under house arrest and all family members who had good friends with Guiyou, but he didn’t. What I thought was that Guiyou was suspected when he coaxed Li Bo, and after Li Bo was cheated away, he used the device left by Gui Feifei to talk to Gui Feifei. Gui Feifei still had some understanding of family matters. In order to prevent accidents, the device she specially left to her father played a big role at this time, but later Gui Gefen interfered with the commander network, so Gui Feifei only contacted his father once.

Gui Feifei and their four commanders returned to the Gui Feifei family at this time~www.ltnovel.com~ Gui Feifei didn’t know what was going on in the family, so she went back to the family in a hurry, Fatty Gao, Brother Niu The three commanders of Yao Fei and Yao Fei went to visit Major Shangzhi, because the island where the Gui Feifei family is located is under the jurisdiction of Major Gui Shangzhi, it would be rude not to visit. Gui Feifei was worried about the family situation and did not go. Yao Fei will explain this situation to Major Shangzhi.

Major Shangzhi attaches great importance to the three of them. In fact, they attach great importance to Fatty Gao and Brother Niu. Yao Fei, Fatty Gao, Brother Niu and Major Shangzhi chatted in the reception room of Major Shangzhi. Fatty Gao clearly felt that Major Shangzhi was left behind. Miss Prince Eugen and Miss Dignity, who have been sitting behind the tall fat man and Brother Niu, are full of envy in their eyes. There is no doubt that Major Hisashi has no historical battleships. He is full of longing for historical battleships. From his battleship Taihe The name can be seen, and after a long chat without nutrition, the three of Gao Fatty left under the pretext that the Gui Feifei family was still in trouble. Major Shang Zhi's gaze made Gao Fatty a little unbearable.

After coming out of Major Shangzhi, the three Gao Fatty felt very wrong. Seeing Gui Feifei’s appearance was obviously a big problem at home, but when the three of them were chatting with Major Shangzhi, they didn’t get any news from Gui Feifei. It's abnormal, Yao Fei was very anxious, urging the two of Gao Fatty Niu to go to the Gui Feifei family residence to see what happened, Gao Fatty and Niu brother looked at each other, and their eyes were on their historical battleship. Now their historical battleships are becoming more and more autonomous. It’s best to ask about anything they encounter to show their respect. In fact, this matter has been said before departure. This is just a routine inquiry. It's impossible for a ship mother to have any opinions. If there are opinions, they won't come back. Fatty Gao and Brother Niu unified their opinions, and rushed to the station of the Wanggui Feifei family at the urging of Yao Fei.

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