“Police Elder Sister wife, almost two hours of learning, you insist.” This Xia Tian is very stubborn, so Leng Bingbing must learn to be satisfied.

“But I really want to sleep!” Leng Bingbing slammed his feet, and this cold beauty is now unconsciously sprinkling.

Xia Tian looked at Leng Bingbing in a serious way: “Police Elder Sister, I kiss you, you won’t want to sleep.”

“Ghosts believe…wu!” Leng Bingbing didn’t finish talking, and her mouth was blocked by Xia Tian, ​​then she felt a cool breath into her mouth, and instantly spread to the limbs, after a while Xia Tian loosened her red lips, and she suddenly realized that the previous sleepiness really disappeared with disappear without a trace.

“Well, then I will continue to practice.” Leng Bingbing couldn’t help, and she didn’t believe it. She also believed that she didn’t practice Xia Tian today, and Xia Tian wouldn’t let her go.

About an hour and a half later.

“Police Elder Sister wife, your innate talent for practicing martial arts is really good!” Xia Tian praised Leng Bingbing, “I am my wife!”

Leng Bingbing white Xia Tian, ​​she is practicing innate talent. Is it related to his wife?

Of course, Xia Tian is not a mess. Leng Bingbing’s innate talent is really good, mainly because her previous foundation is very good. She used to practice Floating Mist Step and Xia Tian, ​​so-called women’s deafness, so she helped her in Xia Tian. After washing the marrow and personally guiding her for one night, her progress is quite fast. Her current skill is almost equal to that of Mu Han. If they both get one, who wins and who wins Really unpredictable.

“I can sleep now?” Leng Bingbing panting with rage, looking at Xia Tian, ​​this guy is too bully, not her husband, actually she is so tight, even when she sleeps He asked, really impossible!

“Well, yes!” Xia Tian nodded.

Xia Tian voice did not fall, Leng Bingbing flew directly into the bed, into the quilt, and after a while, went into a dream, Xia Tian’s kiss effect seems to last only an hour, half an hour ago, she re- I started to get sleepy.

Looking at Leng Bingbing, who was already asleep, Xia Tian stayed, and said to himself: “How come I have fallen asleep? I have been busy for so long, and I am not rewarded. Police Elder Sister is too stingy. ”

After yawning, Xia Tian also came to the bed, got into the quilt, and glared at Leng Bingbing. After a while, he also slept.

When Xia Tian woke up, it was already in the evening, and Leng Bingbing was no longer in bed.

“Police Elder Sister doesn’t wake me up when I get up.” Xia Tian complained to herself, then quickly got out of bed and went out to find it. Soon he discovered that Leng Bingbing was not just getting out of bed, but already go out.

Xia Tian took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Leng Bingbing’s phone.

“Are you awake?” Leng Bingbing quickly connected the phone. “I have already come to the police station. Also, don’t wait for me. I won’t go back tonight. There is a murder. I just caught a few suspects. People, they have to interrogate overnight.”

“Police Elder Sister, can you let others review?” Xia Tian was a bit depressed. “I am going to Mu Yangxian tomorrow.”

“You don’t come back to Mu Yangxian.” Leng Bingbing said with no anger: “In short, I won’t go back tonight, you have to wait there, just wait, I don’t care!”

Leng Bingbing said that she had hung up the phone. At this moment, she still had some enthusiasm for Xia Tian. This guy tossed her all night last night, but she did not do anything else, but forced her to practice for one night. Wugong!

“It seems that I can’t sleep with Police Elder Sister tonight.” Xia Tian groaned and left Leng Bingbing’s residence.

Xia Tian made another phone call to Qiao Donghai and Chu Yao on the road. I learned that the bodyguards arranged by Qiao Donghai were already in place, and Chu Yao also arranged for the man to protect everyone, but Chu Yao has not returned to Jianghai City. It will take another two days to come back, as if to do something with her grandfather.

After the call, Xia Tian has appeared at the gate of the Jianghai Sports Institute. He came here obviously to find Shu Jing. He came back to Jianghai for a few days. Now, apart from Wang Xiaoya, only Shu Jing does not know that he is back. Wang Xiaoya might have known it, but she didn’t call Xia Tian.

Xia Tian has already dialed Shu Jing’s mobile phone number at the moment, but the phone has been ringing for a long time, but no one has been connected. This makes Xia Tian a bit puzzled. What does this quiet wife do? Why don’t you pick up her phone?

After thinking about it, Xia Tian went into the gym. He went to the gym first, because Shu Jing used to be here often. However, today the stadium is very strange and deserted. Those who used to play basketball are now One did not see it.

Xia Tian once again dialed Shu Jing’s phone. This time, someone soon picked it up. There was a weak voice from Shu Jing: “Hey!”

“Quiet wife, where are you?” Xia Tian asked quickly.

“What are you doing at school?” Shu Jing is still weak.

鈥沧垜涔熷湪浣犱 瀛 瀛 牎鍟婏纴浣犲湪瀛 牎鍟婏纴浣犲湪瀛 牎鍟婏纴浣犲湪瀛 牎鍟婏纴浣犲湪瀛 牎鍝︷噷 牎鍝︷噷 纻鈥漍 ia Tian 缁 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂

鈥滃湪鎿嶅満锻€€傗€漇hu Jing 锲炵瓟阆撱€

鈥滈偅鎴戦┈涓婃潵 綘銆傗 綘銆傗 綘銆傗 漍 漍 Tian Tian Tian 杩炲 杩炲 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 € €

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Shu Jing 绌 潃涓 韬繍锷ㄨ锛屼笉杩囧 韬繍锷ㄨ锛屼笉杩囧 韬繍锷ㄨ锛屼笉杩囧 掍笉鏄 掍笉鏄 掍笉鏄 嶏纴杩栾 嶏纴杩栾 嶏纴杩栾 嶏纴杩栾 ソ镄勬 ソ镄勬 ソ镄勬 ソ镄勬洸绾垮緢鎭 綋镄勫嬀鍕掍 綋镄勫嬀鍕掍 鍑 鍑 鍑 潵锛屽ス镄勭溂绁炴湁镣 潵锛屽ス镄勭溂绁炴湁镣 潵锛屽ス镄勭溂绁炴湁镣 涔堟墦鍑讳 涔堟墦鍑讳 涔堟墦鍑讳 涔堟墦鍑讳 涔堟墦鍑讳 涔堟墦鍑讳 涔堟墦鍑讳

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鈥滀粬浠湡鏄綘 潵镄勫晩锛熲 潵镄勫晩锛熲 漇 漇 Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia斻€

鈥沧槸鍟娿€傗€漍ia Tian nodded 锛岀劧钖庢湁镣圭撼闂风殑闂殑闂锛气滈滈滈闱栾佸佸锛屼綘镐庝箞浜嗭纻鈥

鈥滀綘璇达纴濂冲瀛愰昵寰楀お婕备瀛愰昵寰楀お婕锛屾槸涓嶆槸鐪熺殑灏锛屾槸涓嶆槸鐪熺殑灏锛屾槸涓嶆槸鐪熺殑灏漇漇 Jinghu Jing 鐪嬬潃Xia Tian 锛岀敤涓€绉嶉涓烘纾镄勮姘旈棶阆撱€纾镄勮姘旈棶阆撱

Xia Tian 鎽囦 鎽囧ご锛 鎽囧ご锛 沧 沧 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 憿锛熷コ瀛╁瓙闀垮缑涓嶆纾浜偅 憿锛熷コ瀛╁瓙闀垮缑涓嶆纾浜偅 憿锛熷コ瀛╁瓙闀垮缑涓嶆纾浜偅

Shu Jing 変簺鍑虹変簺鍑镄勭湅镌Xia Tian 锛岃涔呮病夎璇濓纴鍗婃檶钖庯纴濂夎璇濓纴鍗婃檶钖庯纴濂夎璇濓纴鍗婃檶钖庯纴濂墠浣庝绠镄勮阆掳ぉ瀹虫浜嗕竴涓﹄汉銆傗€

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