Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1149: Food without borders

This Gourmet Association's general meeting has carried out large-scale publicity, the most important of which is to prepare a guide to the cooking fire control skills.

The president of the Food Association stood in front of the venue and said into the microphone: "Some time ago, you may have seen an interview video on our official website. At that time, some netizens posted the post on the forum, which caused a lot of controversy. focus on.

“Our association has been paying attention to this matter.”

“There were a lot of doubts on the Internet at that time, but now, what I want to tell you is that everything said in the video is true!”

“We have gradually improved our skills in basic cooking operations, and have compiled a guide on cooking fire control skills. Now six chefs in the industry have understood and studied the guide in detail!”

“Next, we will help set up an activity group dedicated to gradually and thoroughly improving this guidance technology, and assist in promotion and publicity!”

“Next, Chef Fu Yu, the person in charge of the guide on cooking fire control skills, will personally cook dishes that can demonstrate this cooking skill. Please watch on the big screen!”

This time the Food Association’s general meeting will be held at the Science and Technology Expo.

 The event center attaches great importance to this cooperation. All the equipment used in the venue are the most advanced high-tech products.

 The waiters, including distributing information and delivering drinks to everyone present, are all robots.

 The large screen used for cooking observation is in 3D mode. As the words of the president of the Food Association fell, Fu Yu's personal introduction appeared in front of the screen.

Including an AI-generated personal image, all resume content is directly attached with exciting video footage of when you received the honor.

“Fu Yu: 24 years old, former chef of Chollima Hotel, champion of the 2023 National Chef Competition, member of the Gourmet Association, producer of cooking fire control skills guide!”

 When everyone saw the image on the screen, they were a little shocked!

 After all, Fu Yu looks too young.

 When everyone saw the age on the profile, they were stunned!

 Originally I thought it was because he looked young, but I never thought he was only 24 years old!

You must know that in the food circle, anyone who has not been around for seven or eight years will not even be able to cook a spoon!

 However, some people who were familiar with last year’s competition suddenly realized it!

 “It turns out to be the dark horse champion!”

“The winner of the highest score in the past years has even surpassed Chef He from Laoweige!”

“That’s no wonder. Look at how many people are able to reincarnate. This is definitely a gift.”

At this time, there were many acquaintances in the audience. Guo Rui pointed at the big screen, smiled and said to the people around him: "He is Liu Yunong's apprentice! During the competition, I was one point higher than his master in the first game. As a result, he was eliminated later."

 For a time, other people who participated in the chef competition and were eliminated were also filled with emotion!

Thinking about it this way, they can be regarded as watching this young man reach today step by step with their own eyes.

I originally thought that winning the chef competition would be my limit in the near future. After all, my age is here, and if I want to make any progress, I will definitely rely on the accumulation of time and hard work to improve.

 Unexpectedly, just a few months have passed and it has already grown to such an extent.

 It’s really amazing and touching!

 Compared to them, Liu Yongping is all smiles!

Even if Fu Yu finishes his studies now, he will definitely stay in the capital. Even if he goes back, he can't stay in a small city.

 After today's cooking demonstration, there are still no telling how many restaurants across the country are waiting to rob him!

Liu Yongping had never considered keeping Fu Yu before. He only wanted to use Fu Yu's arrival to improve the work enthusiasm of everyone in his kitchen.

 The two parties can exchange cooking experience and skills and learn from each other through their daily work.

Now it seems that if Fu Yu is willing to stay after further training, that would be the best.


Liu Yongping turned his head and looked at his colleagues who were looking attentively and expectantly. For the first time, he felt that his temple might be a bit too small.

 There is really no guarantee that this giant Buddha can be left behind.

 As the cooking begins, the lamb and scorpion pot has become a hot-selling dish at Fucheng Chun stall, and many customers who come here will specially order to taste it.

Fu Yu doesn’t push orders. As long as a customer orders, he will take over the cooking.

Li Dongxu once took the initiative to tell Fu Yu that after the science and technology exhibition ended, the restaurant would no longer sell this dish.

  After all, Fu Yu originally made this dish just to do the stall a favor, and the dish itself was not planned to be launched as a new dish.

  He usually does a lot, but Fu Yu's operations during cooking have not become casual and relaxed. On the contrary, he handles the details of every step of the operation more accurately and carefully, very rigorously!

 Handle ingredients accurately!

 Carefully place the scalded sheep and scorpions in the pot.

Add water and simmer over high heat.

Prepare the marinade package before the water boils, and put it into the pot with fresh **** slices, green onions and other seasonings.

When Fu Yu started to prepare the fire, everyone paid close attention to the details of the operation on the video. After all, this was one of the best observation scenes to show the results of the summary guide.


 After Fu Yu finished preparing the fire.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that Fu Yu's control over the fire had reached the point of perfection!

He can very accurately judge the cooking time based on the state of the ingredients. His movements are crisp and neat, and all the details are handled just right!

At this moment, everyone shut up!

 Because the theme of this meeting is the change of term of the Food Association, the entire meeting was broadcast live online. The URL to watch is on the homepage of the official website of the Food Association.

When this cooking live broadcast was simultaneously broadcast on the official website, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens from all walks of life.

 “Let me go, it turns out that the chef who makes lamb and scorpion pot is so young!”

 “It’s amazing. At the age of 24, he is the champion of the National Chef Competition.”

“President Shen, he was the judge in the previous competition!”

“Hey! There are so many foreigners in the audience, today’s food association’s general meeting will be held in an international format?”

“Look at the expressions of those foreigners, they must be shocked!”

 “No matter what, you’ve gained face for our country, Fu Yu is awesome!”

Indeed, Ronald's expression was extremely shocked at this time. He stared at the three-dimensional operation screen on the big screen, his mouth wide open, but he did not close it for a long time.

 Others present were in a similar state.

At this moment, both the aggressive netizens on the Internet and the people at the meeting who originally looked down upon the chef because of his age fell silent.

 After all, the facts are in front of you, and speaking with strength is more convincing than anything else.


This is a guest performer at the new meeting of the Food Association, and the official authority in the food circle recognizes its strength. Who dares to question it casually?

 After the cooking is completed, the prepared lamb and scorpion pot is displayed from all angles.

Fu Yu also took off his cooking mask at this time and said to the camera: "Food has no borders, and the same goes for cooking. We will set up a research group on cooking fire control skills guide. At that time, interested friends can come to exchange and learn. .    Whether they are colleagues in the food circle from our country or partners from international food institutions, we will treat them sincerely and welcome everyone to join.”

After Fu Yu finished speaking, he smiled slightly at the camera.

He has experienced situations like this several times, and he is quite familiar with it.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause at the meeting.

On Fu Yu's side, the tablet playing the scene of the meeting came with the translator's voice retelling it.

 Repeated what he just said in a foreign language.

 Fu Yu cannot speak foreign languages. He has not graduated from high school and is weak in culture.

 Fortunately, there are several language and writing skills that are rewarded by the system. Otherwise, with his real level, it would be impossible to express himself so well.

 What Fu Yu said just now was very sincere.

He actually understands very clearly that cooking exchanges are the only way to quickly improve your cooking skills, and food really has no borders!

 As Fu Yu finished his last words, the live video also closed.

 The big screen at the venue showed Fu Yu smiling.

 At this time, the entire venue burst into applause.

 Even until the applause slowly stopped, everyone present still did not calm down.

 Food has no borders!

 This sentence is really good!

  It not only expresses the responsibility of our country’s food circle, but also demonstrates the style of our country as a great country!

When Fu Yu faced the camera and said that he welcomed foreign colleagues in the food circle to come to the study group to communicate, including He Jie, Shen Jintai and others, everyone was excited at this time!

 Because, our country’s food scene is really starting to get stronger!

 Even people in the foreign food circle need to come to our country to exchange and learn.

 All the leaders present had excitement and pride on their faces.

Even Liu Yongping, who was sitting among the crowd below, could not calm down for a long time.

I really didn’t expect that the young man who worked part-time in a music restaurant back then would now become such an outstanding and dazzling person.

Someone recognized him and turned around and asked, "Hey? Boss Liu, it seems that Fu Yu studied in your store, right?"

Liu Yongping smiled, nodded and said, "Actually, I specially invited him to the store for cooking exchanges and learning."

When people around him heard this, they immediately praised him: "Boss Liu, you are really discerning. Fu Yu's cooking skills are indeed amazing!"

 The cooking demonstration is over, followed by the final leadership speech.

He Jie, the newly appointed vice president of the Food Association, took the stage to give a speech.

 He announced on the spot that he had formally submitted an application to the Ministry of Culture to establish a cooking fire control skills guide activity group.

The leader of the activity group is Fu Yu, and the team members are composed of him and Donglaishun’s chef Lu Zhanlong, as well as the owner of Fuchengchun Restaurant, Liu Yongping, and chef Li Dongxu.


 Everyone present had no objections to the list of members of the activity group.

 Because they have the ability to conduct research on cooking guidelines.

 Fu Yu was appointed as the leader of the activity group, and everyone sincerely believed that the arrangement was very reasonable.

 After all, this cooking guide was originally compiled by Fu Yu, and it is appropriate that he now leads a team to improve and promote it.

 As He Jie finished reading, the audience burst into warm applause again.

 Everyone agrees with this appointment from the bottom of their hearts.

 Because Fu Yu deserves to be respected!

 He is also capable of leading the activity team to continue to develop more cooking guides!

 The meeting ended and other people took their positions one after another.

Du Mingfeng and Ronald followed Liu Yongping to Fucheng Chun stall.

 After Fu Yu finished his cooking demonstration, the kitchen returned to normal order taking.

 He handed over the work in hand to Yang Zhichao and hurried to the dining area.

Du Mingfeng looked at Fu Yu and said with great excitement: "Fu Chu, today's cooking demonstration was really exciting! When the cooking fire control skills guide is officially promoted, be sure to inform me. I can also help promote it overseas. !”

 It is definitely a good thing to be able to expand our influence.

Fu Yu responded readily: "No problem, I will notify you as soon as we complete the review and approval."

 Du Mingfeng got the promise and was immediately elated.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved. Not only did we observe a very exciting cooking demonstration of sheep and scorpion pot, but we are also expected to get the latest cooking guide.

The harvest from this trip back to China is really great!

Du Mingfeng and Liu Yongping went to the side to talk. The relationship between the two was much closer than that of Ronald.

Although Du Mingfeng was in a hurry when he returned to China this time, after hearing the news, friends from all over the world proposed to get together.

Du Mingfeng took Liu Yongping and agreed on the time and place for dinner. The two chatted about the friends they were about to meet, and the topic suddenly came up.

They were chatting lively on one side, and on the other side, Ronald brought his team members over to say goodbye to Fu Yu.

Ronald said sincerely: "Fu Chu, I believe that the cooking fire control skills you have compiled will be very exciting. I am very happy to observe your cooking operations this time."

After saying the polite words, Ronald turned around and left with his team members.

Fu Yu quickly said: "Mr. Ronald, if you are not in a hurry to leave, I would also like to talk to you about cooking fire control skills!"

Ronald paused, turned around, looked at Fu Yu, and gave a wry smile.

 He really felt that he had nothing to say.

“Fu Chu, your cooking fire control skills are the best I have ever seen in my life, bar none!”

 This sentence, Ronald said very sincerely.

 He ​​himself is an expert in cooking operations. Just looking at Fu Yulu's fire control skills, he knows that this level is indeed very powerful.

“I have now fully realized that with your efforts, the set of information we have compiled is actually somewhat redundant” (End of Chapter)

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